Did Trudeau lose his hair after banging his ass in Ukraine?
I prefer that to MEGA CORPORATIONS LIKE WALMART sucking the living life of every district in every city.
100% - I went to a remote village in India and kids speak super fluently and have super sharp answers/wit/confidence… the kids here are FULL of anxiety and can't think clearly or logically.
It's literally night and day.
Childhood vaccines should be suspected too… now we now Big Pharma is ENEMY NO 1 of HUMANITY…
Dick picked by Kluass himself.
I like the idea of them hiding in rat holes… would be great place to capture them all.
You can sell more books that way.
Look at the length WEF go to, to push LGBTQ+-/%*…. the root of all evil.
More than just economics
Let’s leave aside the political and economic questions: One might wonder, why the LGBT issue plays such an important role in the “spirit of Davos”. Supposedly the “Great Reset” is to be about more than just economic reforms. It seems to be that also the LGBT issue belongs to Schwab’s vision of a new start. He himself links the “Great Reset” to this topic:
The target group of most articles is companies, which are told why “LGBT-friendly” cities and companies are more innovative and attract more “global talent”. They should cooperate with local LGBT activists and fund LGBT lobby groups. Companies even should exert LGBT influence on politics and society by themselves. Under the catchphrase “Great Reset” an author claims that cities with high “LGBT inclusion” would recover better from the economic damage of the Covid-19 crisis.
Is that the big nose chick from the youngturds?
From WEF website… they are making up shit as they go.
Budweiser anyone?
If I was a WEF sicko - my goal is communism - which group are the most likely to help me push communism? LGBTQ+ feminist PEDO activists would be top of the list.
Well Mr M&M,, that is what happens when you dress your boy in dresses. Rap that asshole.