Anonymous ID: 222e2d June 11, 2023, 4:56 a.m. No.18987462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7476

There is only one power, one energy field, one infinite and limitless space in which All that Is exists, and it is LOVE! It is Father/Mother/God expressing Himself constantly, endlessly, and eternally, creating more of Himself, of All, and of YOU, in an unceasing expansion of Love. Love is endless, infinite and all-encompassing. Within It is the infinite vastness that is ALL of God’s divine Cosmos, also forever expanding. There is no beginning or end, there is just Love, Source, Mother/Father/God. And any label you choose to use to name the unnameable, the indefinable, the vastness of All that Is, is totally acceptable because Love is unconditional acceptance of All that Is. Each of you are totally and unconditionally acceptable aspects, instances, and expressions of that vast Oneness.




Therefore you have Nothing to fear, Ever!


I am reminding you of this again now, because to many of you it seems that the world of form, in which you are experiencing life as humans, is becoming evermore unstable, uncertain, and unsafe. Understand that enormous changes are occurring in the unreality of the territory in which the state of form is experienced as major aspects of humanity’s collective awakening process, and as space, time, fear, and anger are being released back into the nothingness from which they arose. What is unreal is dissolving back into the void of nothingness from which it was dreamed into a temporary and unreal existence. Its time is over, is past, and you have collectively chosen to awaken. Again, there is only Love!


Love is what you are, each and every one of you, so cease judging, either yourselves or others, because to do so reduces, diminishes, or causes you to doubt your divine nature, and your complete worthiness to be in the Presence of God always, a Presence from which you have never for even a moment been separated. When you judge you invite your egos to encourage you to find fault with yourselves and with others, thus undermining your trust in yourselves. You must be mindful and set the intent to stop allowing your egos, which you know are unreal and conflicted, to influence or even compel your thoughts, words, and actions. You will succeed in this.


You are Love, and Love is unconditional in Its acceptance of All that God creates, of All that is. To awaken is to become fully aware of this divine Truth, and consciously live It and engage with It in every moment. To awaken is to once more, and forever, live your truth, by releasing your fearful grip on any false or egoic identity which you may have become accustomed to presenting to others as “you,” and show people who you truly are, a being of infinite Love. Doing this – Just Being – allows and encourages others with whom you interact to do likewise, thus beautifully assisting them to awaken. And of course, you receive back in abundance what you offer to others, it’s a win-win situation for everyone. And by being You, instead of presenting yourselves as an unreal or temporary egoic identity as you interact and engage with others, you are being completely and utterly true to yourselves. As a result you will experience greater peace and contentment and find it far easier to deal with all the situations to which your daily lives introduce you.


To be awake is to be mindful, to know yourselves as God knows you. When you are mindful you will most naturally and easily love and fully accept yourselves. Your need to compare yourself to others will be gone, because you will know that who you are and where you are is God’s Will and yours for you. Knowing and accepting that allows you to accept whatever may arise in your daily lives and deal with it wisely and lovingly, as no temptation to an egoic reaction – either positive or negative – will disturb your peace because you will be living mindfully in calmness and harmony with your real selves.


Living mindfully in calmness and harmony with yourselves is what you all desire, and you can do this. After all, it is your true nature. However your egos delight in conflict and disagreement, because that is how they enjoy expressing themselves. This is why you must take quiet time out each day with yourselves, allowing the quietness to envelop you as you choose not to pay attention to thoughts advising you that you need to think, speak, or act right now in this very moment. It can be difficult, even very difficult not to be distracted, but if you persist you will succeed and find yourselves enjoying peace instead of experiencing anxiety at any thoughts suggesting that you are wasting time by not immediately fulfilling whatever duties you normally engage with. They can wait. And as you find yourselves more at peace with yourselves you will find yourselves far better able to fulfill those duties.

Anonymous ID: 222e2d June 11, 2023, 4:59 a.m. No.18987469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7478

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, and I am happy to connect with my Brothers and Sisters on planet Earth.


Once I mentioned in one of my messages, that many of you receive information from the entities who pretend to be me. I never conduct interviews, and I dropped out every channel except for this one, after seeing that most channelers are controlled and infested by Dark Entities. We don’t follow human formulas, such as to use the information to profit like writing books and etc. Light Beings are very careful and selective with whom they telepathically communicate.


I just want to give the heads up that the most floating information is absolutely false. This why you don’t see the events, which were projected, never come to the fruitions. Please, take my words seriously into your hearts not to be confused, what is really going on around you. We are communicating to humankind to help to see the truth and guide through this first ever Ascension in your reality into high dimensions. You are going to leave this 3D illusion on your own or being forced out from physical body.


Your planet will continue to experience numerous nature disasters, which are cleansing your environment. Dark Entities still are desperate in attempt to cause disarray around globe. Their dirty deeds are coming up to the end, as Divine is removing Darkness and their souls are getting striped and send into Universal Consciousness.


My team shutdown the bases created by Corrupted Entities on the Moon, Mars and a few other planets. The Milky Galaxy has been invaded by the Darkness to kill existing life. My fleet has been for months conducting the operation of cleanup and disposal of possessed souls.


Each of you needs to make a conscious choice about staying in 3D or transitioning into 5D. Divine is going to lift ready souls to higher grounds. Many members of the corrupted governments and their minions already disappeared from Mother Earth. It’s time for a New Earth. Another time acceleration was done by Divine to speed up the process. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. We all meet soon.


Sending Supreme Love to my Brothers and Sisters.


Anonymous ID: 222e2d June 11, 2023, 5:41 a.m. No.18987548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Loved people,


The time of times presents you with great challenges! You will be confronted with circumstances that cannot be foreseen. So it is also impossible to prepare for it. What comes into effect now is your inner condition, your inner strength, the true core of your being. The events of this time often present you with the situation: WHAT NOW?


Even if you have considered this or that, taken precautions here or there, everything turns out differently in the end. You have to be prepared for that internally. Today it is the inner values ​​of a person that count, because these are now being brought to bear – and these make the difference.


Those who are inwardly connected to the earth experience the upheavals of the earth with deep understanding and peace. Blessed indeed are those who grasp the necessity of what must now take place. At the same time, it is important to be connected to heaven, to the divine. That is the only preparation that matters now.


Effective and decisive is what you have realized within yourself. What matters now is a healthy psyche, an intact spiritual immune system, and a well-founded and grounded connection with the earth.


Deep in your soul you have known for eons what is to happen now, so that it becomes full of light on earth and becomes human between people.


Hold on or release?

A system is completely torn down, an epoch that caused so much pain to mankind is wiped out.


This won’t go unnoticed by anyone, but it makes the difference between clinging to the old system and letting go of it voluntarily. This behavior decides whether events will swallow you up or whether you will rise like a phoenix from the ashes of events as NEWBORN.


This is how I draw your attention to your desire to hold on to the old. Many people have no idea of ​​the new and so they cling to the well-known. This reflex is harmful because as soon as the storm comes, you have to let go.


trust in God

Even if you have no idea of ​​the age full of light, even if the enemies of freedom seem overpowering to you, always keep a window open – a window of trust in God through which knowledge can penetrate to you.


Poverty consists in not knowing anything about GOD and being completely cut off from GOD.


Whether you can visualize the age full of light or whether you cling to the old life, both paths can only be mastered with sufficient TRUST in GOD.


How can you best bridge this time and survive in peace? Through TRUST IN GOD!


So go, because the time of GOD’s return on earth is a time of miracles, so that believers and unbelievers can open themselves to GOD.




**Channel: Jahn J Kassl