Anonymous ID: c06909 June 11, 2023, 7:30 a.m. No.18987913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7930 >>7932 >>7937 >>7941 >>7985 >>8043 >>8156

I’m just stopping by to say thank you. Thank you, military, for the impeccable job of priming the American public and the world to “take back” their own country. It is very obvious now what has happened and what you all had planned for so long. I cannot imagine the psychological toll it must have took on most of you to keep the secret and the faith for so so long. I’ve only been awake since pizzagate and it has been the most wild rollercoaster I have ever experienced. Cannot imagine what it was like knowing and having to be patient watching the world burn for decades. The thought of that hurts me deeply for you.


You all have successfully primed the largest/greatest American comeback this world will ever see. I can’t help but think of the movie V for Vendetta when I type this. We are very very close to the point where one domino will be all it takes and all the sleeper cell patriots will explode at the opportunity to take their country back and finally once and for all and kill all these sick fucks who took it from us.


The walk through the darkness is almost over and man do I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Kudos and bravo to you brave American military men and women who planned this for so long. I hope the story is told in its entirety one day but for the sake of the American public I understand why it can’t for awhile. I just wanted you to know that there are some of us who can see clearly and we KNOW the truth.


Thank you so so so much.


Praise God.