Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.18988630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hunter Biden’s Burisma Suspected of Funding Terrorist Killings in Russia


As Rudy Giuliani announced he has a witness willing to testify the Bidens were receiving millions from corrupt Burisma gas company, bombshell new reports from Ukraine indicate kickbacks from Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian employers may have gone to fund terrorist attacks inside Russia.


Hunter Biden’s former employers at Burisma have been plagued by legal troubles since 2015, when UK authorities froze their accounts. Joe Biden famously bragged about using $1 billion in US loan guarantees to get the prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired, who was investigating Hunter’s company.


In summer of 2020, Burisma was again involved in a major corruption scandal when Burisma’s director of legal affairs Andriy Kicha and two high-ranking employees of the Ukrainian Tax Service were busted trying to give investigators a bribe of $5 million in cash, as political scientist Sergei Shevchuk writes: “The purpose of the bribe was to close criminal proceedings against the owner of the company Burisma Mykola Zlochevsky.”


The suspects were said to have pocketed $1 million for services rendered and had a total of $50 million in cash ready to get all charges against Burisma dropped. According to former Ukrainian prosecutor Konstantin Kulik, who was fired from the Burisma case, this money was intended “to get Hunter Biden out of harm and to ensure that his name would not be mentioned at all when discussing any corruption schemes in Ukraine,” Shevchuk writes.


In March, Kicha reached a plea deal with the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. Kircha was sentenced to a year on probation in return for paying 100 million Hryvnias (US$2.7 million) to state fundraising platform United24, which raises money for the Ukrainian Army’s “Army of Drones”, which has been used to attack civilian targets in Russia. Ukrainian observers charged President Volodymr Zelensky with getting the case dropped so as not to imperil Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection bid.


”The trial of Andriy Kicha shows what methods the Biden administration can use to resolve issues in Democrat-controlled countries,” Shevchuk writes. “Hence the closed-door trial in Ukraine and the surprising verdict, when the defendant charged with handing over 5 million dollars gets not a jail term, but a year of probation and is set free.”


Now it has emerged the Burisma money may also have gone to fund terrorist attacks on Russian territory. The Ukrainian foreign intel service GUR is assumed to pay its agents and logistics network in Russia in cash. The Biden Regime insists it has nothing to do with terrorist attacks on Russian territory.


According to Ukrainian court documents of April 19, 2022, the confiscated $5,950,000 Burisma payoff and kickback money from Mykola Zlochevsky was channeled to the GUR foreign intel service.


On August 20, 2022, the daughter of Russian political philosopher Alexander Dugin, Darya Platonova, was killed by a car bomb meant to kill Dugin. Russia’s FSB blamed a Russian and Ukrainian national for the killing. On April 2, 2023, journalist Vladlen Tatarsky was killed by a bomb hidden in a trophy in a busy café in St. Petersburg. 32 people were injured, a 26-year-old woman was arrested. On May 6, 2023, writer Zakhar Prilepin survived a car bombing, while an acquaintance was killed. Russian investigators claim suspect Alexander Permyakov has admitted working for Ukraine. Russia accuses the Ukrainian government of being behind all three attacks.


GUR chief General Kirill Budanov has claimed responsibility for assassinating “many” Russians, including high-profile public and media personalities.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.18988643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8817 >>9017

Ex-Scottish leader arrested in corruption probe


Nicola Sturgeon quit as first minister and Scottish National Party leader in April


Former Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon was arrested on Sunday as part of an ongoing investigation into allegations of financial misconduct by the Scottish National Party (SNP).


“A 52-year-old woman has today, Sunday, June 11, been arrested as a suspect in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party,” a Police Scotland statement said. It added that the suspect remains in custody and is being questioned by officers.


A spokesperson for Sturgeon later confirmed that she had been arrested and was cooperating with the investigation.


“Nicola Sturgeon has today, Sunday, June 11, by arrangement with Police Scotland, attended an interview where she was to be arrested and questioned in relation to Operation Branchform,” the statement read.


“Nicola has consistently said she would cooperate with the investigation if asked and continues to do so.”


The former first minister’s husband Peter Murrell, a former chief executive of the Scottish National Party, was arrested in April – the same month that Sturgeon quit her position as first minister and SNP leader, after announcing her resignation in February.


Sunday’s arrest is the third as part of Police Scotland’s ‘Operation Branchform’, an investigation into claims that £600,000 ($754,000) in political donations from supporters intended to be spent in a campaign to promote independence from London was misspent by the SNP.


Party treasurer Colin Beattie was also arrested as part of the enquiry in April. He was released without charge.


Police had previously searched the home that Sturgeon and Murrell share, as well as the SNP headquarters, where they confiscated documents and electronic devices under warrant.


Police Scotland added in its Sunday statement that “a report will be sent to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service,” and that the “matter is active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media.”

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 10:50 a.m. No.18988655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8768 >>8801 >>8907 >>9236

Southern Poverty Law Center Director Who Added Conservative Parent Organizations to “Hate Group Map” Met With Biden Counterterrorism Officials


Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) director Susan Corke recently added conservative parent organizations to the SPLC “hate map.” White House visitor logs reveal Corke met with senior Biden officials earlier this year.


Included alongside neo-Nazis and the KKK as “extremist hate groups” are Moms for Liberty, Parents Defending Education and other parent organizations.


The Washington Free Beacon obtained White House visitor logs showing Corke visited the White House on January 6, 2023, and met with National Security Council counterterrorism director John Picarelli. Researchers from American University, who work with SPLC, were also present.


The Washington Free Beacon reports:


The SPLC, which itself has faced accusations that it harbors a “systemic culture of racism,” classified the pro-parent organizations as “anti-government groups.” Corke asserted that the parents’ groups serve as the “new battlefront vs inclusivity in schools” and “are rooted in age-old white supremacy.”


While it is unclear what Corke discussed in the White House visit, the meeting was held amid growing pressure on the Biden administration to track parents upset by schools’ coronavirus policies and left-wing classroom curricula. Moms for Liberty and Parents Defending Education have emerged as the leading grassroots groups in the movement against mask mandates at schools and curricula that promote critical race theory and transgender issues.


SPLC’s “Year in Hate and Extremism” report claims:


“Schools, especially, have been on the receiving end of ramped-up and coordinated hard-right attacks, frequently through the guise of ‘parents’ rights’ groups.”


“These groups were, in part, spurred by the right-wing backlash to COVID-19 public safety measures in schools. But they have grown into an anti-student inclusion movement that targets any inclusive curriculum that contains discussions of race, discrimination and LGBTQ identities.”


“At the forefront of this mobilization is Moms for Liberty, a Florida-based group with vast connections to the GOP that this year the SPLC designated as an extremist group. They can be spotted at school board meetings across the country wearing shirts and carrying signs that declare, ‘We do NOT CO-PARENT with the GOVERNMENT.’”


The Gateway Pundit previously reported on documents from FBI whistleblowers revealing the FBI targeted parents who protested CRT and Covid rules, including a mom from “Moms for Liberty.”


The coordination between the Biden Administration and organizations targeting parents is nothing new. In 2021, the National School Boards Association sent a letter to Biden begging him to use federal law enforcement agencies against parents and investigate them for “domestic terrorism and hate crime threats.”


Attorney General Merrick Garland admitted his targeting of parents and classifying parent’s as “domestic terrorists” was not based on facts but on the NSBA letter.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.18988670   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Denver City Council Member Who Wanted to Tax White Owned Businesses and Give Money to Minority Owned Businesses Loses Reelection in Blowout


In May, we told you about Candi CdeBaca, a member of the city council in Denver who was running for reelection and wanted to tax white owned businesses more and give the money to minority owned businesses.


It was basically a form of reparations based on the far-left concept of equity.


Well, that idea may have cost her the race, because she lost her reelection bid in a blowout.


Here’s what she said at the time:


How did that work out for her?


Denver Westworld reports:


Candi Crushed: District 9’s CdeBaca Loses to Darrell Watson by Over 3,500 Votes


The biggest surprise of the Denver runoff elections went down in District 9 on Tuesday, June 6, as incumbent councilwoman Candi CdeBaca got walloped by small-business owner Darrell Watson by more than 3,500 votes.


While numbers were still being tallied, Watson was quick to declare victory during his election watch party at Tracks nightclub in RiNo, telling reporters at around 9 p.m. that his campaign felt confident enough to do so on account of his widening lead.


CdeBaca did not concede that night; people from Watson’s camp said late Tuesday that her campaign team had not reached out to them to wave the white flag. It wasn’t until the final release of election results today, June 7, that the councilwoman offered a statement accepting defeat.


“While the results in my race are not what I hoped for, the goal in this election was to bring more progressive candidates to the table,” CdeBaca said, referring to Shontel Lewis, who had the lead in District 8, and Shannon Hoffman, who made the runoff for District 10.


This is like the political version of get woke, go broke.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 10:53 a.m. No.18988673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republican Senators Introduce ‘End Endless Wars Act’ to Repeal 2001 AUMF


Passed in the wake of 9/11, the 2001 AUMF is still used to justify war today


A group of Republican senators on Thursday introduced a bill to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that was passed in the wake of the September 11th attacks and is still being used to justify wars today.


The End Endless Wars Act was introduced by Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), JD Vance (R-OH), and Mike Braun (R-IN). The legislation would repeal the 2001 AUMF 180 days after its enactment.


“If there exists any desire to reclaim our Constitutional power and send a message to the world that we are a nation of peace, Congress should pass this bill and repeal the 2001 Authorization for war. After all, the 2001 AUMF never intended to authorize worldwide war, all the time, everywhere, forever,” said Sen. Paul, according to a press release from his office.


Sen. Lee said the 2001 AUMF has “become one of the many instruments of misuse, and it is time for members of Congress to end this authority that keeps us in endless wars.” Sen. Braun said that no president should “have the authority to singlehandedly wage war” and called to “return this power to the people and repeal this authorization that has far outlived its’ purpose.”


The 2001 AUMF currently authorizes war in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and several other countries. There’s been a push in Congress to repeal the 2002 AUMF that was used for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but that authorization is not used today, and repealing it won’t end any current wars.


In March, the Senate voted to repeal the 2002 AUMF and the 1991 AUMF used for the Gulf War. At the time, Sen. Paul attempted to include an amendment to the legislation to repeal the 2001 AUMF, but it failed in a vote of 9-86.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.18988700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8794 >>9274

Whistleblower Claims Ukraine is Harvesting Child Organs, Corroborates Russian Military Reports


Vera Vayiman says that Ukrainian nationalists are harvesting the organs of children in facilities that have been discovered after Russian military strikes.


A woman claiming to be a whistleblower who’s worked with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) says in a video interview that Ukrainian nationalist groups are harvesting the organs of children in basement labs that are being discovered after the buildings they’re beneath are destroyed by Russian strikes.


Vera Vayiman, who purports to be a member of OSCE and worked in Ukraine as part of a monitoring mission between 2019 and 2022, made the horrifying revelation in a video interview that corroborates earlier reports from the Russian military and even from Ukrainian military men themselves, who’ve openly bragged that they harvest organs and body parts for cash.


“There existed labs belonging to the defenders of Ukraine,” Vayiman said on video. “These were nationalist battalions. They received [a] commission from their deals. What they did was murdering children, placing organs into containers, and passing those containers on.”


“And the containers were taken out of the country under a grain export code.”


“We liquidated eight such labs”, Vayiman claimed. “They looked like something that we would call ‘basements’.”


“For the most part, we’d get there after they were ‘cleared’. In other words, a lab would be discovered after an explosion. We’d walk onto the ashes of the subsequent fire. There were corpses. There were children. Dissected children. I mean, the kids were cut up.”


Watch the disturbing interview below. Viewer discretion is advised. 3


As National File previously reported, a Russian news segment that included a field interview with a tearful Russian military officer shed light on Ukraine’s alleged organ harvesting industry, with the officer claiming in the interview that his men had discovered pits full of children appearing to be between the ages of 2 and 7 who had been “carved up” and disposed of “like discarded waste”.


“They had took organs [from the children],” the Russian officer explained.


“I couldn’t believe it,” he said. “Until seeing all this with one’s own eyes, one cannot comprehend it.”


“But when you see it, you won’t forgive.”

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11 a.m. No.18988710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8719 >>8868

Trump is ‘toast’ in classified documents case: Ex-AG Bill Barr


Donald Trump’s onetime Attorney General William Barr said Sunday the former president is “toast” after being indicted by the federal government for mishandling classified documents.


“The government acted responsibly. It was Donald J. Trump who acted irresponsibly,” Barr said on “Fox News Sunday” of the 37-count indictment against Trump, 76, unsealed Friday.


“They’re solid counts,” Barr said. “Even if half of this is true he’s toast.”


Barr noted he believed that Trump was treated unfairly by the FBI in the “Russiagate” collusion probe and with the indictment brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in the Stormy Daniels hush money case.


But he said the charges that Trump kept hundreds of classified government documents related to sensitive national security matters at his Mar-a-Lago estate after leaving the White House are a serious matter.


I was shocked by the degree of the sensitivity of these documents and how many there were, quite frankly,” Barr told host Shannon Bream.


Claims by Trump and allies that he’s the victim of a witch-hunt are “ridiculous,” Barr said.


“[Trump] is not a victim here. He was totally wrong,” Barr said.


The former AG said federal authorities were “very deferential” to Trump but he “jerked them around.”


Trump was peddling “big lies” — one being that he has complete authority to declassify documents, Barr added.


While an argument can be made to declassify Trump’s personal correspondence, for instance, that is not the case for national security or other government documents under the Espionage Act, he said. He said these are “official documents” not Trump’s personal materials that would be his to take.


Before Barr’s appearance, Trump lawyer Alina Habba claimed special prosecutor Jack Smith was making a mountain out of a molehill.


She said many of the documents were newspapers, pictures and personal mementos and maintained that Trump could declassify documents under the Presidential Records Act.


For his part, Trump said he will continue his 2024 run for the White House even if he is convicted in the classified documents case.


The beleaguered ex-president is also under federal investigation for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021 riots and is being investigated for alleged election fraud in Georgia. He was also recently found civilly liable for sexual assault in E. Jean Carroll’s federal lawsuit against him.


“I’ll never leave,” Trump told Politico on Saturday, “Look, if I would have left, I would have left prior to the original race in 2016. That was a rough one. In theory that was not doable.”

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:02 a.m. No.18988718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8727

New Mexico Reaches $500 Million Settlement With Walgreens in Opioid Case


New Mexico has settled with Walgreens for $500 million over the pharmacy’s role in giving highly addictive prescription opioid painkillers without due attention to prescriptions raising concerns for drug abuse and addiction.


Opioids include legal painkillers such as OxyContin, and various forms of the drug fentanyl.


Fentanyl, a highly addictive and potent synthetic opioid, was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat acute pain.


It is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. It is also extremely addictive. Just a two-milligram dose can prove fatal.


New Mexico’s settlement was signed in March and a confidentiality provision on the settlement was lifted Friday, according to state officials.


The settlement is in addition to $274 million in settlements obtained in the case last fall from Albertsons, CVS, Kroger, and Walmart. Attorneys representing the state say that, in all, New Mexico’s opioid litigation has brought in more than $1 billion.


They argued at trial last year that Walgreens failed to recognize suspicious prescriptions and refuse to fill them.


“I’m optimistic this will help in the fight against the opioid crisis and provide the treatment New Mexicans so desperately need,” Luis Robles, one of the attorneys who worked on the case, told the Santa Fe New Mexican.


Over the past few years, drug manufacturers, distribution companies, pharmacies, and other companies with roles in the opioid business have reached settlements totaling more than $50 billion with local, state, and tribal governments.


In May, West Virginia announced its settlement with Kroger, bringing that state’s total opioid litigation dollars to more than $1 billion. West Virginia state has lost more lives to opioid overdoses per capita than any other.


Walgreens reached another $230 million settlement with San Fransisco in May over the pharmacy’s role in the city’s opioid epidemic.


The settlement came nine months after U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer in San Francisco said the drugstore chain could be held liable for having “substantially contributed” to an opioid epidemic that caused “widespread harm” in the city and constituted a public nuisance.


Breyer faulted Walgreens for its “15-year failure” to properly scrutinize opioid prescriptions and flag possible misuse of the sometimes highly addictive drugs.


Breyer found that Walgreens’ San Francisco pharmacies had received more than 1.2 million opioid prescriptions with “red flags” from 2006 to 2020, yet performed due diligence on less than 5 percent before dispensing them.


Also in May this year, the state of Nevada reached a settlement with CVS Pharmacy worth nearly $152 million over the company’s role in the opioid epidemic, as announced by Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford.


Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo said that fentanyl possession should be a category B felony.


Last year, CVS agreed to pay state and local governments nearly $5 billion to settle opioid lawsuits in several states.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:03 a.m. No.18988723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas Congresswoman Introduces Legislation to Prevent China From Buying US Farmland


A congresswoman from Texas has introduced legislation aimed at preventing foreign adversaries, particularly China, from buying U.S. farmland.


Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas), a member of the House Committee on Ways and Means, introduced the legislation on June 9. Known as the Protecting American Farmland Act (H.R.3996), the bill would amend the U.S. tax code, preventing undisclosed purchases of American farmland in connection with a 60 percent exercise tax imposed on “country of concern” buyers.


“China is relentlessly trying to undermine our country—whether it’s poisoning our citizens with fentanyl smuggled in through our southern border, spying on us, or filling the global stage that has been left empty by the Biden Administration,” Van Duyne said in a statement accompanying the bill’s introduction.


She added, “American farmland—especially here in Texas—is the new frontline in our fight against the Chinese Communist Party’s aggressions. I’m glad to join Chairman Jason Smith in introducing this bill to keep our farmland from enemy hands, protecting our nation’s farmers, supply chains, and security.”


According to the language of the bill (pdf), a “country of concern” is defined as any nation that “is engaged in long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national security of the United States.”


The bill names China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela under socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro as countries of concern.


China owned 383,935 acres of U.S. agricultural land as of the end of 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (pdf). While that’s only 0.9 percent of the total foreign-held land at the time, the acreage marked a more than 50 percent increase from the end of 2018 (pdf).


“We must protect America’s agricultural resources from being snatched up by foreign adversaries and companies under their control,” said Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-Mo.) said in a statement.


“To prevent the Chinese Communist Party and other hostile foreign governments from staking claim to U.S. farmland, Representative Van Duyne’s bill expands an existing tax on foreign land sales and ratchets up the applicable tax rate by 400 percent,” Smith added. “By protecting our agricultural land, we will increase our food and economic security.”


In recent months, other bills have been introduced in the House and the Senate to block China from buying U.S. farmland.



In 2022, Fufeng Group, China-based agribusiness with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), purchased 300 acres of land a dozen miles from the Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota. The company’s plan to build a wet corn milling and biofermentation plant on the land was struck down in February when the Grand Forks City Council voted unanimously to terminate the construction plan over national security concerns.


In Texas, a Chinese former military official has purchased about 140,000 acres of farmland in Val Verde County, which is home to the U.S. Laughlin Air Force Base. His company has said that it would use the land to build a wind turbine farm.


A legislative attempt to address the issue recently failed to make it to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk. The state legislation, SB 147 by Republican Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, passed the Senate in April, but it failed to pass out of the House State Affairs Committee before the end of the regular legislative session in late May.


Before the bill expired, Republican Rep. Tony Tinderholt took to Twitter to criticize the holdup in the House.


“The Texas House is killing SB 147, which would keep the Chinese from purchasing our farm land,” Tinderholt wrote on May 16. “China wants the power to sit on our food supply. They are our adversary.


“The Senate passed a ban. The Texas House is sitting on it while passing Democrat bills every day.”

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:04 a.m. No.18988731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8802 >>8841

Liberal philanthropist George Soros taps ‘more political’ son to take over $25B empire


Billionaire Dem donor George Soros is handing over the reins of his empire to a younger son who says he is even “more political’’ than his lefty dad and was once ashamed of their over-the-top wealth.


The 92-year-old Soros family patriarch previously boasted that he would never cede control of his companies while he was still alive but now says his 37-year-old son Alex, an NYU grad, has earned the right to take over the family’s holdings — including its nonprofit Open Society Foundation, which funnels about $1.5 billion a year to liberal causes.


The move passes over Soros’s elder son, Jonathan, 52, who at one point was thought to be the obvious heir to the family’s $25 billion empire.


Alex told the Wall Street Journal in an article published Sunday that he is even “more political” than their father.


“As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it,” Alex said.


Alex is the half-brother of Jonathan, a son from their dad’s first marriage, and the oldest of two sons from George’s second marriage.


The 37-year-old — introverted and once eschewing the family’s wealth — seemed a longshot to take over the Soros fortune while growing up in the tony Westchester County hamlet of Katonah.


He has been known to favor thick-rimmed glasses and love hip-hop and the New York Jets, who are among the sports teams he often pops up to watch in the Big Apple.


Less bombastic but more detail-oriented than his famous father, Alex Soros also has delved more into domestic politics than his dad and told the Journal he is laser-focused on Donald Trump’s latest presidential bid — and is expected to weigh in heavily in the 2024 elections.


He recently met with top Democratic leaders, including officials from the Biden administration and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York.


Democracy PAC, the Soros’s political action committee, has also backed criminal-justice-reform prosecutors and law-enforcement officials in previous election campaigns.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.18988782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alleged Chinese police station operator is a familiar face in Chinatown


When Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen visited New York in March, a group of residents of the city who favor China’s reunification rallied outside the Lotte New York Palace where she was staying, holding up signs calling her a traitor and chanting slogans denigrating the idea of Taiwan’s independence.


Among the group of demonstrators was a man with a high forehead, straight black hair and a blue jacket who was holding both Chinese and American flags.


That man, Lu Jianwang, 61, is one of two people arrested this week and charged by the U.S. government as helping to run an unauthorized overseas Chinese police station in New York.


An acquaintance who knows Lu from the Chinatown community in Manhattan said he spoke in the past about being feted by officials back in his hometown in Fujian province in southeastern China.


“He often talks about how he was treated with great food and red carpet when returning to his hometown,” said the person, who asked to remain anonymous to avoid being harassed for speaking out.


President’s Tsai’s visit to New York last month saw competing rallies with Taiwanese pro-democrats shouting support for Tsai while pro-Beijingers vented outrage that she was able to visit the United States – which Beijing views as a tacit form of diplomatic recognition of Taiwan. China regards the self-governing island as a renegade province.


In one photo, Lu can be seen among a huddle of protesters. One holds a placard reading: “Tsai Ing-wen is a Big Traitor of China.”


In New York, Lu served as president of the America ChengLe Association New York, a Fujianese community group named for Lu’s hometown, from 2012-2018. The association owns the building on East Broadway where the alleged Chinese police station was located, according to the New York Post.


That station was allegedly set up by the Fuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau early last year and later closed in October as FBI agents investigated its activities.


‘Relationship of trust’


The bureau is a branch of the Ministry of Public Security, or MPS, which the U.S. and other countries allege is behind efforts to target Chinese exiles who criticize the government.


The charging document includes a picture of Lu with a person identified as an MPS official and a sign in Mandarin that reads, “Fuzhou Public Security Bureau, Overseas 110 Report to Police Service Station.”


Lu, 61, was allegedly asked to confirm that a Chinese dissident and democracy advocate was living at a California address, among other tasks.


According to the charges, Lu had a “longstanding relationship of trust” with China’s government, including with officials in the MPS.


Lu also told FBI agents that he had been given a plaque in 2015 for his work helping to organize counter protests to an anticipated demonstration against Chinese leader Xi Jinping during his visit to Washington, D.C.


The charging document also includes a picture of Lu receiving the plaque from what it says was the then deputy director of the MPS.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:14 a.m. No.18988789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American mothers wait to deliver their babies as pregnant illegals flock border hospitals, RFK Jr. reveals


Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) has revealed that the United States-Mexico border hospitals are filled with pregnant migrant women, and that American women are being forced to delay their scheduled deliveries because of this.


“Moms occupied 32 of 36 beds in Yuma hospital maternity ward so that local moms had to delay induced pregnancies for two weeks,” Kennedy tweeted on June 7.



The founder of the nonprofit activist group Children’s Health Defense slammed President Joe Biden’s administration for allowing the “illegal alien invasion” problem to strain American border towns to the point that pregnant American women would have to wait to give birth at their local hospitals.


“Unfortunately, the Biden administration has let its relationship with Mexico and the Central American countries deteriorate and we need cooperative agreements with all of them to stop the flow of immigration,” Kennedy told Breitbart News.


Immediately after assuming office, Biden canceled former President Donald Trump’s cooperative agreements with Central America, which were supported by RFK Jr. From February 2021 to mid-April 2023, Biden has welcomed about five million border crossers and illegal aliens to the U.S. – many of whom were released directly into American communities by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For fiscal year 2022 alone, undocumented immigrant crossings at the southwest border topped 2.76 million, breaking the previous record by more than one million, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.


Meanwhile, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has found in a study that illegal immigration costs America’s hospital systems at least $23 billion annually. What is worse is that about $8.2 billion of uncompensated medical care for the illegal crossers comes from the pockets of taxpayers yearly.


In February, Yuma Regional Medical Center’s Dr. Robert Trenschel exposed that local taxpayers were left with $26 million in unpaid medical bills for just a year from the undocumented immigrants who came to hospitals asking for medical assistance.


And yet Biden thinks the situation at the southern border after the expiration of pandemic-era policy Title 42 on May 11 is “much better than you all expected.”

A closer look: The difference between Trump’s and Biden’s border policies


Since Biden took office, he vowed to end what he called Trump’s “moral and ethical shame” immigration policies. While the Trump administration adopted a strict border policy, the current administration promised a more “humane” approach. But for many analysts and observers, Biden’s policies are too soft.


At the start of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in March 2020, Trump invoked Title 42, a policy that allowed U.S. authorities to expel migrants at the border to avoid the spread of the virus. Nearly 400,000 people were detained and expelled between the start of implementation and January 2021, when Trump left the White House.


Biden kept Title 42 in place, using the pandemic as justification and over 2.28 million people were expelled between January 2021 and March 2023. However, as soon as the public health emergency ended on May 11, the pandemic-era policy 42 expired with it.


The current administration then encouraged “legal pathways,” such as opening regional processing centers in Latin America that are helping migrants apply via the CBP One, an app that migrants can use to schedule asylum appointments. Republicans expressed fear that these policies would only cause an influx of migrants. Some Democrats even claimed the policies violate international refugee law.


Also, under Trump’s regime, the government had a “zero-tolerance” policy that allowed authorities to deport adults who crossed the border illegally. In some cases, parents were deported back to their countries without their children, who were placed in government custody.


Biden moved to reverse the practice. In December 2021, the administration moved to stop holding families in Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention. In a separate policy, the Biden administration announced it would let in 100,000 migrants from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia who have families in the United States.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.18988825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8838

‘Bombshell’ Report: Witness with ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence of Biden Bribery Ring Died Under ‘Mysterious Circumstances’


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who previously served as an attorney for former President Donald Trump, claimed that he offered to give a U.S. attorney information about a whistleblower with access to smoking gun evidence of a Biden international bribery scheme, but he was ignored and she later died under mysterious circumstances.


The former Trump attorney gave his statements about the now-deceased chief accountant at Burisma, the Ukrainian oil and gas company that gave Hunter Biden hundreds of thousands of dollars to sit a board seat, while on Newsmax.


During an interview on “Saturday Report” with Rita Cosby, Giuliani referred to special counsel Jack Smith, who conducted an investigation into Trump’s handling of classified documents, leading to the former president’s federal indictment. Giuliani stated that Smith had emphasized the existence of a single system of laws in the United States that applies equally to everyone.


Giuliani further revealed that the Pittsburgh attorney general had initially been investigating the case. However, the investigation was later transferred to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware, under former Attorney General William Barr. Giuliani criticized the lack of action taken by the Delaware office, claiming that the individual involved was under threat of death.


“Well, of course, that’s the most ridiculous, idiotic statement to make on a day in which we find out that the Bidens took a $10 million bribe fom a Ukrainian Mykola Zlochevsky, which I could have told you, you know, and did tell [the DOJ] three years ago. And they followed up on none of the evidence I gave them. They were hoping that people would disappear or die. It’s extraordinary.”


Giuliani said he gave the DOJ “one witness … who is a woman, who is the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner, who died under suspicious circumstances. And she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens. And she’s supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.”


Giuliani told Cosby that the now-deceased chief accountant at Burisma was willing to give up the offshore bank accounts information at the Ukrainian petrogas company.


“It’s extraordinary,” he said. “I gave them one witness that any investigator would jump through hoops to go to. Gave them a witness who is a woman who was the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner who died under suspicious circumstances. And, she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens’ accounts. She supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.”


“Are you confident that now the House Committee is going to get to the bottom of that?” Cosby asked. “Because that is stunning.”


“The reality is that we gave it to them in January of 2020, and the Pittsburgh US attorney was very interested,” Giuliani replied. “And then in a very strange move, Barr took it away from him, gave it to the US attorney in Delaware. He didn’t do a damn thing about it. And the woman was under threat of death.”


“So, we tried to put pressure on them to do something,” he continued. “Look, suppose she was lying. You would find out in a minute she wouldn’t have the accounts. She either has the goods or she doesn’t. And it’s absurd not to interview her. She claims she had bank accounts and that the Biden’s got a lot more money under the table than already.”

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:22 a.m. No.18988831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lapid to testify at Netanyahu trial Monday, bringing political rivalry to courtroom


A witness in Case 1000, opposition chief says he refused request from PM and Hollywood mogul Milchan to pass tax amendment while serving as finance minister in 2013


Opposition leader Yair Lapid is set to begin his testimony on Monday in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s criminal trial, in what is expected to be an exceptional scene where a politician will give evidence against his main opponent in court.


Lapid, chair of the centrist Yesh Atid party, is a key witness in what police call Case 1000. His testimony is set to last three days and will relate to his involvement while serving as finance minister under Netanyahu in 2013.


In return for gifts from Israeli Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan and others, prosecutors say, Netanyahu sought legislation to extend by a further decade an existing 10-year tax exemption for returning Israelis on income earned abroad — which could have saved Milchan millions of dollars.


on a major reform of Israel's ports, in Jerusalem on July 3, 2013. (Flash90)


Opposition leader Yair Lapid is set to begin his testimony on Monday in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s criminal trial, in what is expected to be an exceptional scene where a politician will give evidence against his main opponent in court.


Lapid, chair of the centrist Yesh Atid party, is a key witness in what police call Case 1000. His testimony is set to last three days and will relate to his involvement while serving as finance minister under Netanyahu in 2013.


In return for gifts from Israeli Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan and others, prosecutors say, Netanyahu sought legislation to extend by a further decade an existing 10-year tax exemption for returning Israelis on income earned abroad — which could have saved Milchan millions of dollars.

Into the Land: A Tale of Two Cities


The prosecution claims that Milchan gave the Netanyahus luxury goods — including cigars, champagne, and jewelry — in exchange for the alleged service. Netanyahu’s defense in Case 1000 has said that he was unaware his wife was receiving gifts from Milchan and another billionaire associate, James Packer.


Lapid has said that during his term as finance minister in 2013, Netanyahu and Milchan pressured him to support the extension, to which he claimed to have replied: “No way.”

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.18988874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8885 >>8892 >>9109

White House Sends Out Guidance Mandating Face Masks and Social Distancing for the Unvaccinated


On Monday, the White House will host NCAA men’s and women’s national championship teams from Divisions I, II, and III to “College Athlete Day” to celebrate their victories.


Prior to the event, the White House sent out an email invitation to members of Congress requesting their attendance at the event and some additional logistical information. And they included some helpful “guidance” about specific protocols. Among them: All unvaccinated guests were to wear masks and practice social distancing.




“Masking Guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds,” the email states [bold font in original email]. “Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least 6 feet distance from others while on the White House grounds.“


When queried by Fox News, the White House claimed the guidance was “out of date” and that they were planning to send out “updated guidance” prior to Monday’s event.


Don’t these guys talk to their own scientists? Masks don’t stop the spread of COVID. Vaccinations don’t stop people from getting infected. Social distancing is of marginal effectiveness for those under 60 years old.


The White House email comes as hospitals and other health care facilities increasingly discard their masking rules with COVID becoming a smaller presence for most Americans in daily life.


Meanwhile, experts have been calling into question the efficacy of face masks. A recent study published by the prestigious Cochrane Library, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health, dug into the findings of 78 randomized controlled trials to determine whether “physical interventions” — including face masks and hand-washing — lessened the spread of respiratory viruses.


The conclusion about masks undercuts the scientific basis for masking, according to the study’s lead author.


I don’t think that the White House made a mistake in sending out guidance that included the requirement that the unvaccinated be masked up. I think there is still a faction in the United States government that won’t ever admit they were wrong about masking and the ability of vaccinations to stop the spread of COVID-19. Despite mountains of scientific evidence to the contrary, they will go to their grave believing in the efficacy of masks. And while the vaccines were shown to substantially reduce hospitalizations and death from COVID, it was never even tested for their ability to prevent infections.


Will anyone ever hold them accountable — especially Joe Biden?


Biden previously attacked those unvaccinated against COVID for not doing the “right thing” and “costing all of us.” He accused them of causing “a lot of damage” by “making people sick and causing… people to die” and standing in the way of “getting back to normal.”


When announcing his vaccine mandates last year, Biden warned those hesitant to receive the vaccination: “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.”


Biden signed a bill in April that terminated much of the “special authority” the government said it had during the emergency. Someone in the White House didn’t get the word.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.18988897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8906 >>8931 >>8938 >>8949

Joe Biden uses White House to endorse child sex changes in ‘message to the world’


"I want to send a message to the entire community – especially to transgender children."


President Joe Biden released a "message to the world" for Pride month. After a Pride celebration that saw the Progress Flag draped over the White House, Biden took to Twitter to speak about one of his favorite topics of late, sex changes for kids.


"I know that too many people in the LGBTQI+ community are worried and afraid about their future and their safety," Biden said.


"I want to send a message to the entire community – especially to transgender children," he said.


Trans kids have been a mainstay of Biden's rhetoric since taking office. On last year's Trans Day of Visibility, a brand new holiday because apparently an entire month devoted to Pride wasn't enough, Biden urged American parents to "affirm your kids."


So-called affirmation means the acceptance by parents that a child's whim to live as the opposite sex is a permanent feeling and must be heeded and futhered with the full force of the medical industry.


Affirmation entails the adminstering of puberty blockers which stunt growth, cross-sex hormones which create secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex, resulting in permanent gynomastia in boys, facial hair, body hair, and lowered voices in girls. Surgeries can also be involved, with double mastectomies for girls as young as 13, and genital surgeries for 18 year olds causing sterility.


"You are loved," Biden tweeted. "You are heard. You are understood. You belong."

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:42 a.m. No.18988910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada’s “Chinagate”


The Resurrection of Joseph McCarthy in Canada


The syndrome of elections being stolen or altered by nefarious foreign governments is apparently contagious, as now up in Canada, the Trudeau Liberals and all four opposition parties in the House of Commons, are similarly convinced that evil interests abroad are trying to worm their way into the country’s national affairs! [1]


The news broke on February 17 of this year in an article written by senior Parliamentary reporters Robert Fife and Steven Chase which outlined how “both secret and top-secret Canadian Security Intelligence Service documents” leaked to them “illustrate how an orchestrated machine was operating in Canada with two primary aims: to ensure that a minority Liberal government was returned in 2021, and that certain Conservative candidates identified by China were defeated.” [2]


Importantly, the Chinese government would organize disinformation campaigns in proxies connected to Chinese connected organizations in districts with large Chinese-Canadian communities. [3]


While opinions may vary in terms of whether or not Prime Minister Trudeau acted responsibly, hardly anyone in mainstream media circles seems to question the claim that the Chinese intend to invest resources in a Canada where politicians range from hating them, to really, really hating them!


As it stands right now, a Chinese diplomat, Zhao Wei, was expelled from Canada on the grounds that an intelligence report accused him of trying to target and threaten a Conservative MP critical of China’s treatment of the Uyghur Muslim minority. Beijing retorted by expelling a Canadian diplomat.[4]


A high profile academic, author and statesman, and the former Governor General, David Johnston was tasked by Trudeau to act as the Special Rapporteur looking into reports of foreign interference in Canadian elections. But in a report he wrote in late May, he said that no public inquest would be called, pointing to information that would have to be kept secret. He also suggested among other things that much of the intelligence was misconstrued by media having seen the broader context. [5]


But opposition parties not only demanded a public inquiry, they are also calling for Johnston to step down in favour of a candidate with less of a supposed conflict of interest with the prime minister. [6]


This Chinagate scenario is clearly not going away. But is it actually, like Russiagate in the U.S., ultimately a red herring? This issue of a new breed of artificially generated discord with rival powers will be the focus of this week’s Global Research News Hour.


In our first half hour, we interview Yves Engler, prominent critic of Canadian Foreign Affairs, about the merits behind the accusations, as well as the view of other countries appearing to interfere in the country’s elections and the role, in fact of Canada doing to other countries what it would not tolerate being done to itself.

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.18988924   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tucker Carlson: Those ‘who run our country’ are bringing ‘child molestation’ to the ‘edge of acceptability’


‘One by one, with increasing speed, our old taboos have been struck down. Those that remain have lost their moral force,’ observed the news commentator.


Religious and ethical moral norms, that is “taboos,” which have allowed American society to govern itself, are being rapidly undermined and replaced by “the people who run our country,” argues Tucker Carlson in the second installment of his new show on Twitter.


This has brought about a softening of attitudes toward many established “taboos,” such as adultery, drug use, racism, and now — the former Fox News host warns — child molestation.


In order to “control [even] what people think,” dictators “need to take charge of the society’s taboos,” Carlson asserted.


“A taboo is something that, by popular consensus, is not allowed. A taboo may not be illegal, but it doesn’t need to be. Over time, social prohibitions are more powerful and more enduring than laws,” he said demonstrating how religious societies, such as traditional Christians, govern themselves through their rejection of behaviors like adultery.


Other commentators will use the language of “public religion” to describe this framework of norms, stating quite frankly that for America, this framework used to be Christianity and biblical norms, and “everybody knew that.”


However, Carlson noted, “What’s interesting is how fast our taboos are changing. This is not happening organically. What we’re allowed to dislike is being dictated to us from above, sometimes by force.”


The former Fox News host, who enjoyed the highest-rated cable news show in history before being cancelled on April 24, pointed out how formerly “it was taboo in this country to attack people on the basis of their race,” but punishing them now “based on their skin color is not only permitted in modern America, it is mandatory for business and government and higher education, as long as the victims are white.”


In addition, he provided the example of adultery having been considered a disqualifying factor for anyone seeking higher office as late as 1992, but Bill Clinton was the last presidential candidate who was required to face that standard, Carlson proposed.


“One by one, with increasing speed, our old taboos have been struck down. Those that remain have lost their moral force,” he said. “Stealing, flaunting your wealth, striking women, smoking marijuana on the street, shameless public hypocrisy, taking other people’s money for not working. All of these things used to be considered unacceptable in America. Not anymore.”


“So it probably shouldn’t surprise us that the greatest taboo of all is teetering on the edge of acceptability: child molestation,” Carlson warned. “A generation ago, talking to someone else’s children about sex was widely considered grounds for a thrashing. Touching them sexually was effectively a death penalty offense.”

Anonymous ID: 4c98f2 June 11, 2023, 11:47 a.m. No.18988934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8936

George Soros Names as Successor Son Alex, Champion of Left-wing Jewish Causes


Alexander Soros will take over his father's $25 billion philanthropic empire – and has a history of criticizing Israeli government policy and advancing left-wing causes


WASHINGTON - George Soros, the Jewish billionaire and frequent target of antisemitic conspiracies, is handing control of his $25 billion philanthropic empire to his 37-year-old son Alexander, who has a history of engagement with left-wing Jewish causes