bible says different even has space ships.
Ezekial is a good book to check out. Why does your god need a space ship. Seems like a bitch if you ask me.
I aint doing what you say, the entire book of ezekial and his wheeled machine. If you can not look it up yourself you are sadly too stupid
he is one who has said that the bible has strange ties to ancient texts but ya know it was all put there by the devil to confuse. But I have never read von daniken or stitchen. Know of their work but that was not my first exposure.
well if you were so well versed you would realized that the Creator never appears and it is just a battle of multiple eloheim in a dick measuring contest. Your god is a retarded faggot like you and he loves gold and virgin sacrifices.
your god is a fag look at you act like him crying like a bitch. Yahweh is a faggot of an eloheim.
and you with your one post should neck yourself.
and you should still do a flip and go splat.
project looking glass. what a stupid fucking question.