Anonymous ID: c4836d June 11, 2023, 7:40 p.m. No.18991180   🗄️.is đź”—kun

"YourDaddyJoey" Joey Camp is requesting assistance (picrel):


Joseph A. Camp






Let's play find the Breakfast Pastry Danesh Noshirvan.


Here are the clues.


Video: In the video he posted it has a dessert (hot) appearance with a single wind turbine in the background.


Photo 1: he appears at a ranch or resort. Likely a wedding or family celebration.


Photo 2: Another image of the resort with an infinity pool. Appears near in time as the walking video.


My deduction is that he is at a resort (staying there) for a family event (wedding, etc). He walked a few hundred feet from the resort to make the video. Both video and photos were done today (he changed clothes for the video).


Find the matching wind turbine and we find which hotel to call a wellness check too.


His family is in LA, Palmsprings, and Calabasa, California. The terrain matching the "high dessert" of LA area (Palm Springs -ish).


Anyone else got anything?

Anonymous ID: c4836d June 11, 2023, 8 p.m. No.18991269   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1298


June 9, 2023 by Danny


The Pentagon has been hard at work keeping us all safe from “fringe social media.” The Joint Staff Civil Disturbance cell, an element within the National Military Command Center (NMCC), referenced numerous posts from conservatives such as LTG(R) Flynn, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rep. Lauren Boebert, Matt Walsh, and others in a document titled “Alternative Social Media Update 06 February 2021 (0600).” The document highlights specific platforms such as Gab and 4chan as being fringe, yet it also posted screenshots of a Tweet from Rep. Boebert.

Anonymous ID: c4836d June 11, 2023, 8:10 p.m. No.18991299   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1303 >>1339 >>1344 >>1358


>A lot of them say the same thing but from diff experiences.


(From Jordan Sathers Substack):


NESARA/QFS: A Long Running Internet Scam


Detailing the background, history, and current frauds being run by internet influencers using "NESARA Law" and "Quantum Financial System" disinformation


Jordan Sather


Feb 23


It addresses MORE than just the NESARA Scam.


Some exerpts:


"I was young, naive, and jumping on all kinds of conspiracy clickbait bandwagons that I was coming across at the time. Nevertheless, after a year or two of “it’s coming tonight!”, “it’s coming tomorrow!”, “it’ll be here next week!”, I began to question the legitimacy of this theory and dug a little deeper, finding it to be a boiling pot of disinformation."


"When the social media age came around, especially over the last few years with conspiracy theories and truth seeking becoming so popular, it’s been fascinating to me to watch these clickbait scams still promoted around by irresponsible, if not downright fraudulent, influencers who are clearly looking for fame and money."


"After a year or two of hearing “it’s going to get announced tonight”, “no, tomorrow!”, “this weekend it’ll be here!”, I began to question the legitimacy of the… claims and finally dug deeper into them, finding them to be completely baseless."


"If the Military White Hats had the power to rush the White House and force Clinton to sign it, why didn’t it get enacted? If it was secretly signed into law, why did we have to deal with 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama? How are these obscure bloggers getting these supposedly secret and classified details of these alleged laws?"


"So many things about it didn’t add up, and there are so many contradictory claims made by internet influencers…"


"Notice how many of the same blogs who were promoting NESARA fakery back in the day also jumped onto the Diner/RV and QFS bandwagons, like “Mass Awakening” and “Galactic Connection”. Social Media bloggers then pick up on these sources and repeat the same narratives, extended the disinformation node network."


"The impact that video sharing websites like YouTube and Rumble cannot be understated, as some NESARA/QFS/RV related videos have amassed hundreds of thousands of views, and there are network of dozens of influencers repeating the same narratives and promoting each other’s work as an echo chamber to amplify their messages and give the illusion of legitimacy."


" Many of these influencers run in the same network and interview each other and only each other, fueling the echo chamber as described above."


"It goes to note that many of these influencers latched onto the popularity of the Q phenomenon, and also Donald Trump, to help gain a viewership for themselves. They use Q and Trump in their disinformation claims, although Trump and Q have nothing to do with NESARA or the QFS, and have both never once mentioned them."


"They also get many videos views and clicks when promoting the hopium, based off excited people looking for the latest “intel” about these fantasy theories. They cling to their keyboards anxiously awaiting the next post from their favorite influencers believing they’re being kept up to speed on the latest happenings behind the scenes."


"Lastly, the most insidious possibility, is that some of these disinformation nodes, channels or people, may be knowing disinformation assets used by corporate contractors or government connected counter-intelligence groups to spread this clickbait online for psy-op related agendas. It’s very relevant that this NESARA clickbait, as well as other conspiracy clickbait rhetoric, is weaponized and used to discredit the real truth in media hit pieces."


"It’s a common theme for these clickbait bandits to not only promote NESARA/QFS disinformation, but also disinfo regarding supposed “Med Beds”, military operations, claims of having insider sources connected to Trump and the military, claims of Deep Staters being secretly arrested and tried at GITMO, talk of clones and body doubles standing in for politicians, and a whole lot more baseless, fact-less statements."


"Many do not realize the damage that this sort of clickbait and disinformation does to individuals and the movement of truth in general. We must combat lies with truth, ask the hard questions, and police ourselves and our own movement by having the courage to speak out against the frauds perpetuating nonsense."


"Do no harm, but take no shit."

Anonymous ID: c4836d June 11, 2023, 8:10 p.m. No.18991303   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1310








Judy Byington

Dr. Charles Ward

Nicholas Veniamin

Simon Parkes

Michael Jaco

Santa Surfing (real name Carol)

Phil Godlewski

“SGAnon”, real name Steven Harvey

The Telegram channels known as “Whiplash347” and “Quantum Stellar Initiative” (QSI being ran by a woman named Emily Tang)


"That list is simply a snapshot of a few influencer among many who take to Telegram, Rumble, YouTube, Twitter, and other social media platforms to spread NESARA/QFS/RV disinformation."


"Others include the “Patriot Streetfighter” Scott McKay, Mel Carmine, Utsava, Tarot by Janine, Derek Johnson, Capt. Kyle, Dylan Monroe from the “New Templars”, Jason Shurka, David Lester Straight, Gene Decode, “Negative48”, Pryme Minister, Dr. Scott Young, Romana Didulo the “New Queen of Canada”, Mike Bara, MarkZ, Shari Raye, and many obscure Telegram channels, Rumble pages, and internet blogs."