BCG's for Baker
>Imane Fadil death: No radioactivity in 'bunga bunga' model
Kek. How about blunt force trauma, ligature marks or gunshot wounds? Chek for that did they?
BCG's for Baker
>Imane Fadil death: No radioactivity in 'bunga bunga' model
Kek. How about blunt force trauma, ligature marks or gunshot wounds? Chek for that did they?
Damn. Too many pots this morning. Forgot the BCG's for Baker. Here ya go fag.
The stupid bastards just can't see it can they? How do you introduce evidence?
Anon is going to need an address to conduct additional reconnaissance.
Most likely it was just a case of Jewish Lightning for the insurance money. There's a recession in case you haven't heard, and keeping a boat like that on a yearly basis is almost as expensive as buying the damned thing. That's why only rich assholes own them.
Kek. How's the roadside moonshine and decorative painted rock stand going?
Corn squeezin's is always a growth industry in hard times. Anon sends no-homo luv from Iowa.
The new BO is poz'd. Same as it ever was.
Chris Christie hasn't partied that hard since.
>You're a weak faggot for getting offended at something that has been a thing since the beginning of the board.
Kek. It was a thing long before 8chan or /cbts/ or /qr/. It was a thing before /pol/. It's chan culture, and you can't have a chan without it.
Again, BO is heavily poz'd and probably dying slowly of AIDS. Again, Same As It Ever Was.
That's hilarious given you've been watching a 6 year long kayfabe festival.
>basically turning this place into 4ch
Islam is right about Gays
It is indeed Chris Christie. If you want it to be. This is the internet. Use discernment.