Anonymous ID: c26741 June 12, 2023, 5:24 a.m. No.18992393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2481


4 days ago



This video is a combination of video clips and photographs of the sky in New York City and Jersey City that is filled with smoke from Canadian wildfires, excerpts from various prophetic words over the past several years, and a reminder of the passage of Scripture that the Q team mentioned/posted 17 times in the first 3 years, 1 month, and 10 days of Q drops - Ephesians 6:10-18 - "The Whole Armor of God"



THE EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)/EAS (Emergency Alert System) may very well happen this week, perhaps even tomorrow morning, at 6:00 a.m.


I pray that you are prepared with food, necessities, and provisions, and most importantly, that you are spiritually prepared The storm is almost upon us.

Maybe that tweet will be from Tucker Carlson.








The more you know…


Background music - "The Undiscovered" by the Rock 'n' Roll Worship Circus from their independent album "Big Star Logistics".

Anonymous ID: c26741 June 12, 2023, 5:32 a.m. No.18992418   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Burning 40 Million Tires in Kuwait



42 million tires burning but cow farts are the real problem SMH

30 seconds

Anonymous ID: c26741 June 12, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.18992488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2523

This is amazing, Joy in the Lord is constant, happiness is temporal


Watch the VIRAL Moment College Softball Players Give Moving Faith-Based Answer to ESPN Reporter

4:32 minutes

Anonymous ID: c26741 June 12, 2023, 6:28 a.m. No.18992605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2607 >>2631

12 Jun, 2023 10:41

Ukraine demands more tanks from Germany

The call comes after Russian forces destroyed several armored vehicles during an attempted counteroffensive by Kiev's forces


Ukraine needs significantly more German armor amid intense fighting with Russia, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Melnik claimed in an interview published on Sunday. The request came after Moscow claimed it had destroyed several German-made Leopard tanks while repelling repeated attempts by Kiev to breach Russian lines.


Speaking to Tagesspiegel,Melnik, who was previously Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, saidhis country requires much stronger supportfrom the West than it is currently receiving.


Melnik was dismissed from his post in Berlin after a series ofcontroversial remarks, including hisdefense of Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist who collaborated with the Nazis during World War II. He also often made headlines withinsulting commentstargeting German politicians, and once labeled Chancellor Olaf Scholz an “offended liverwurst” for his unwillingness to visit Kiev.


“The Ukrainian Army most urgently needs many moreWestern battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and other armor,” he said, adding that “every Leopard 2 is literally worth its weight in gold for the decisive offensive.”


He suggested that the German military could spare many more than the 18 Leopard 2 vehicles it has reportedly delivered to Ukraine, noting thatBerlin has more than 300 such in its arsenal. The number of Leopards provided could be “tripled without endangering Germany’s ability to defend itself,” the deputy foreign minister claimed.


In addition to tanks, Berlin could alsogive Kiev “another 60 Marder infantryfighting vehicles (IFV),” according to Melnik. In total,Germany has sent 40 IFVsof this type to Ukraine, while promising to supply another 20 in the near future.


The request was welcomed by several German politicians, including MPs Roderich Kiesewetter and Marcus Faber, who suggested that these deliveries could help Ukraine tocover their losses.


Melnik’s comments come after Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed on Friday that Kiev hadkicked off its much-hyped counteroffensive, which so far has resulted only in Ukrainian troops sustaining heavy losses. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky appeared to downplaythe subject, saying only that “counteroffensive and defensive actions are taking place in Ukraine,”declining to elaborate further.


As fighting continues to rage between Moscow and Kiev, last week Russia’s Defense Ministry said it had destroyed a total of seven German Leopard tanks in several separate clashes, along with some other heavy armor and infantry fighting vehicles.


(Yes West, you must support and give more armaments, even though we are losing every battle and half of all arms and vehicles you have given us; not to mention 200,000+ soldiers killed and over 300,000 casualties. We have told we will fight to the last Ukrainian and that is our goal. We will sacrifice every tank and all the arms you sent us to fulfill what Bidan required, and to the last Ukrainian dead!)

Anonymous ID: c26741 June 12, 2023, 6:52 a.m. No.18992693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

11 Jun, 2023 20:04

Christian Patriarch speaks of ‘unique phenomenon’ in Russia

Russia is seeing a “spiritual revival” as West faces a spiritual crisis, the head of Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill said


A revival of traditional Christian values in Russia is a “unique phenomenon,” the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, said over the weekend, warning that theWest has set a course for “expelling God from their lives.”


The patriarch was speaking at a newly-built church in Russia’s Siberian city of Tobolsk. The fact that anincreasing number of new churches are being built in Russiashows that the nation is going through a “spiritual revival,”he said, calling the new places of worship “an answer to the people’s faith.”


What’s happening now in Russia is a unique phenomenon,” the patriarch claimed, pointing to the fact thatchurches in Europe are being “closed” or “turned into restaurants, cafes or dance floors.” Patriarch Kirill then blamed such developments on the policies of Western nations that are “forcefully destroying Christian values.”


TheseGod-denying nations are still looking down on Russia and “seek to teach us”, the patriarch said, adding that “they are almost ready to take up arms” to remake Russia in their image. Russia will simply never follow in their footsteps, Kirill said, adding that doing so would mean provoking a spiritual and moral crisis.


TheWestern authorities claim “there is no God but only an individual’s freedom,” the patriarch said, adding that this “denial of God has led to the deepest spiritual and moral crisis.” The Russian Orthodox Church judges no one, Kirill said, adding that everyone is free to live as they wish. He still warned that “a life without God is a path to nowhere.”


Earlier, the Russian Orthodox Church repeatedly expressed its concerns over what it called a crackdown on Orthodox Christians in Ukraine at the hands of the Kiev authorities, supported by the West. In March, Patriarch Kirill called on Christian leaders of various denominations and international organizations to do something about “a sharp increase in state pressure on Orthodox Christians in Ukraine.”


In the wake of this appeal,Pope Francis voiced concernover the situation in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra monastery, where Ukrainian authorities sought to expel monks belonging to the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). He also urged the “warring parties to respect religious places.”

Anonymous ID: c26741 June 12, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.18992865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2899 >>3022 >>3102

PN>>18992185 Escobar: The Hegemon Will Go Full Hybrid War Against BRICS


12 Jun, 2023 11:58

West may target South Africa’s trade over Russia ties – economist

The country’s refusal to condemn Moscow over the Ukraine conflict may cost it 10% of export revenue


South Africa’s neutral stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict could cost the country a significant chunk of its gross domestic product if the US and the EU decide to punish Pretoria, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing a Johannesburg-based partner of American banking and services giant JPMorgan.


South Africa could lose as much as $32.4 billion in export revenue, or almost 10% of its GDP, should the West decide to take action, Bloomberg reported, citing a note from Ndivhuho Netshitenzhe, an economist at Stanlib Asset Management.


Western nationshave sought to penalise countries that trade with Russiaand enable it to circumvent sanctions. The EU is currently discussing the 11th package of sanctions that would target third countries. However, according to media reports, the bloc’s ambassadors have so far failed to agree on any measures.


South Africa’s largest trading partner is China, followed by the US and Germany. The EU and US account for 30.4% of South Africa’s total exports, according to Bloomberg, while Russia’s share stands at a mere 0.23%. Moscow mainly buys manganese ore, citrus, and cars from Pretoria, while the US and Germany buy platinum, cars, and gold.


Pretoria has repeatedly insisted that it is neutralin the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. The African nation is also a member of the BRICS alliance of developing economies, which include Brazil, Russia, India, and China.


South Africa is hosting this year’s BRICS summit in August, set to be attended by the leaders of all member states. Pretoria has said it will not enforce the International Criminal Court’s warrant for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin, which was issued in March.


BRICS has already overtaken the G7(the group of seven industrialized nations, comprising Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, and the US)in terms of economic growth, and accounts for over 30% of global GDP. BRICS member states have been pushing for de-dollarization in light of Western economic sanctions targeting Russia that have seen billions of dollars’ worth of Moscow’s assets frozen abroad. Agrowing number of countries, among them Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, and Thailand, are considering joining BRICS.


(Every retaliation against neutral countries is waking up other countries that don’t like having a relationship with the West thaf could mean they will be destroy economically by them. The BRICS country offer an environment where they can grow import and export. The de-dollarization offers them an opportunity to avoid the SWIFT system, so countries can maintain their own rights.Bidan admin is intentionally destroying the dollar for China’s invasion and control of the US. Russia is completely aware that China wants to do the same with their territory also.)

Anonymous ID: c26741 June 12, 2023, 8:18 a.m. No.18993065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3123

DeSantis Breaks Cringe Meter During Oklahoma Rodeo Appearance – Donors Demand More Authenticity Training


June 11, 2023 | Sundance | 410 Comments

Some unknown political consultanttold Ron DeSantis it would be a great optic to show up at a Rodeo in Oklahoma and announce his presence. The event atop the bleachers came replete with grand trumpets to announce his entry.


The cringe-factor was already off the charts when Top Gov grabbed the microphone and announced, “Hello Oklahoma, great to be wit ya. Greetings from the free state of Florida, we appreciate what you do here“… and things went rapidly downhill from there as the audience turned to see King Meatball, deliver his prose. [video below]


This latest exhibition takes place as the Daily Mail notesdonors are increasingly apoplectic as the “awkward” and “gaffe prone” campaign strategy rolls out – seemingly under the control of Casey Desantis.


[Via Daily Mail] – Ron DeSantis’s campaign wants him to meet and take more questions from ordinary voters to overcome fears about his temperament, has learned.


The 44-year-old has so far shied away from Q&A sessions on the road, despite being a standard feature of U.S. politics. The Florida Governor, who is currently in a distant second place behind Donald Trump in opinion polls, has also evaded media scrutiny at his public events.


He recently exploded at one reporterin New Hampshire who door-stepped him and asked ==why he failed to take unscripted questions•• from the audience, raising doubts about his temperament.


And during a campaign event in Iowa last month, footage ofDeSantis laughing manicallyabout the cost of running a vintage Porsche triggered online jokes.


Now, three DeSantis staffers have said they haveconcerns about the Navy veteran’s presentational styleafter being overshadowed by his wife Casey at rallies.


They are now figuring out ways to overcome his rigid appearance as he makes trips to more diners and meets with smaller groups of voters in his bid to nail down the Republican nomination.


‘He just needs to chill out a bit and be less stiff,’ one source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said. ‘He always looks awkward and needs to get out and meet more people.’


Another senior member of Team DeSantis fumed: ‘If his wife is a former TV reporter and she can’t teach him, who can?’


A third source said thatthey even had to coach the Florida governor on ‘when to smile’ when trying to interact with ordinary Americans. (read more)


Keep in mind, ABC News reported last month that Ron DeSantiswill skip the exploratory committee phaseand go straight into full campaign mode. However, the best part of the information provided from within the DeSantis operation is this, “The team has been paying close attention to how to help manage the governor’s facial reactions in the upcoming debate.” Too funny.


Nothing screams authenticity quite like taking political lessons in controlling your facial expressions. However, given the outcomes, as represented in the Iowa appearances, theface control classes didn’t work out too well. Casey must be big mad.


Theproblem DeSantis has is a matter of authenticity. In the big picture, authenticity is an outcome of believing in your message. President Trump is exceptionally authentic because his America First message is his. President Trump believes his message. Juxtapose this with the brutally inauthentic Ron DeSantis, and you’ll find the outcome of a candidate who is selling the message created by others.


TheFlorida governor is a manufactured outcome of consultants, advisors and brand image managers who create the message that DeSantis has to sell. The result is something very weird, inauthentic and cringe. WATCH the Twitter Video:


I have no sympathy for them. They are doing it to themselves; but I told you this would happen.

Anonymous ID: c26741 June 12, 2023, 8:35 a.m. No.18993145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sunday Talks, Bill Barr Goes All-in to Support Anti Trump Campaign


June 11, 2023 | Sundance |

Appearing on Rupert Murdoch’s network Fox News, former Attorney General Bill Barr frame his false construct in the documents case against President Trump.


First, the obvious. Barr is motivated in his position because this is the constructed inflection point against Donald Trump. The severity of his position, the pretending not to know things, the defensive position about the power of government institutions, all of it is expressed in sum and total for one primary purpose;this is the moment they have manufactured to take Trump down. This is the DC Republican moment all preceding moments were designed to support.


WASHINGTON – […] “while through most of its history the document has been marked “For the President’s Eyes Only,” the PDB has never gone to the president alone. The most restricted dissemination was in the early 1970s, when the book went only to President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, who was dual-hatted as national security adviser and secretary of state.


In other administrations, the circle of readers has also included the vice president, the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, along with additional White House staffers. By 2013, Obama’s PDB was making its way to more than 30 recipients, including the president’s top strategic communications aide and speechwriter, and deputy secretaries of national security departments.” [Source]


No one is saying the Trump PDB is Trump’s “personal document“, the point is the PDB’s in question -those noted in the indictment-were part of President Trump’s papers, his administration records; able to be reviewed and critiqued by anyone the president would assign, including speechwriters. Barr us making a non-sequitur.


Third, Barr notes thedocuments created by government officials are different from personal papers of the President. Perhaps technically true, an argument and debate that takes place after all administrations. However,if government owned, why did government officials (NARA) then stack the documents in the White House parkinglot for President Trump to take.


Lastly, like all pundits and commentators all weekend,everyone is intentionally pretending not to knowthe difference between ‘classified documents’ and ‘documents containing classification markings’. The former is not part of the argument, the latter wording is artful Lawfare language.


(I really wonder after all Barr has done to sabotage, smear, disrespect and lie about President Trumpcould he be included in a Conspiracy of Treason against the USA and President of the US?I think he could, because the lies and misrepresentation of the law is to force Election Interference at the very least.)