Anonymous ID: f092ea June 12, 2023, 6:19 a.m. No.18992567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2570 >>2571 >>2602 >>2633 >>2810 >>3022 >>3102

Donald J. Trump


The DeSanctimonious Polls are crashing because of his stance on Obliterating Social Security and Medicare. Nothing he will ever do is going to change his votes against. Attracting small crowds that leave early, never a good sign!





Jun 12, 2023, 8:26 AM

Anonymous ID: f092ea June 12, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.18992576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2633 >>2810 >>3022 >>3102

Donald J. Trump


Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, who I didn’t know very well, called me before his last election to say he was in BIG trouble and very much needed my Endorsement. I LOVE Oklahoma & won 76 out of 76 Districts, something that never happened before. Ronald Reagan was next with 56. Anyway, I gave him my endorsement, he immediately went way up, and won. Now, despite the fact that DeSanctimonious is losing to Biden, & me, Stitt just endorsed him. Wow! He disliked “the Indians” & my great Senate pick!





Jun 12, 2023, 9:15 AM

Anonymous ID: f092ea June 12, 2023, 6:28 a.m. No.18992606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2608 >>2621 >>2636 >>2637

Donald J. Trump


Getting ready to head down to Doral in Miami. We must all be STRONG and DEFEAT the Communists, Marxists, and Radical Left Lunatics that are systematically destroying our Country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!





Jun 12, 2023, 9:25 AM

Anonymous ID: f092ea June 12, 2023, 6:30 a.m. No.18992611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2614 >>2633 >>2810 >>3022 >>3102

Miami passes 'disorderly conduct' law for public parks, despite free speech concerns


The City of Miami now prohibits "disorderly conduct" and "loud and aggressive" behavior in public parks with a newly passed ordinance, despite concerns that the law may infringe on First Amendment activity.


At a Thursday morning city commission meeting, elected officials discussed a new ordinance that was said to take aim at violence and untoward behavior in city-owned parks. The item was initially sponsored by Commissioners Manolo Reyes, Joe Carollo and Sabina Covo.


"What I don't want in the parks is what we have seen — [people] that are disruptive, they can get into violence or anything that goes against the safety of the people that are using the parks," Reyes said from the dais during the meeting.


Though she originally co-sponsored the ordinance, Commissioner Covo withdrew her sponsorship on Thursday, citing concerns that she said others had brought to her attention as to the law's potential effect on speech and protest.


READ MORE: How limits on demonstration at the Florida Capitol affect free speech


"When I was briefed I understood that this was violence in parks, that this was a situation where we could have real misconduct. And I am getting information that it could limit free speech and protest in parks. That's why I have a conflict now with it," Covo said from the dais.


During public comment, local Democratic Party activist Thomas Kennedy brought up First Amendment concerns. "I think it's way too broad," he said. "I think it's an assault on free speech. I think it should be killed."


After the pushback, the ordinance was amended to limit its scope to prohibit actions including "loud and aggressive behavior" — rather than "loud or aggressive behavior" — as well as "physical altercations," persistent and excessive shouting and any behavior that disrupts other people's ability to use a public park.


The item passed 4 to 1, with Commissioner Covo voting against it despite the amendment.


The ordinance comes nearly two years after Florida's "Anti-Riot" law, which was pushed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, was blocked by the courts. The law was criticized for being overly broad with its definition of riots and public disturbances, and was cited by a United Nations committee for restricting free speech.

Anonymous ID: f092ea June 12, 2023, 6:47 a.m. No.18992671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2810 >>3022 >>3102

Top Biden Official Admits to Lying to Congress


A top official in Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration has admitted to lying during a testimony before Congress.


Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm lied to U.S. senators when she claimed not to own individual stocks.


On April 20, Granholm, a Biden appointee, told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee that she did not own individual stocks, instead owning mutual funds.


In a June 9 letter to Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Granholm admitted that she gave a false statement during the Capitol Hill appearance.


“I mistakenly told the Committee that I did not own any individual stocks, whereas I should have said that I did not own any conflicting stocks,” Granholm wrote.


Granholm said she divested from assets that could be in conflict with her duties as part of being confirmed as energy secretary.


However, Granholm said she retained stocks that government ethics officials determined would not conflict with those duties.


Granholm has since sold those stocks.


“In order to make my financial holdings consistent with my testimony, on May 18, 2023, I divested my remaining stock holdings which consisted of stock in six companies, even though these assets were deemed non-conflicting,” Granholm said.


Granholm did not identify the companies.


She said they would be identified on her annual disclosure report.


The report is expected to be available in mid-June.


Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), the top Republican on the committee, blasted Granholm’s actions.


“Secretary Granholm lied to the committee about her family’s stock holdings,” Barrasso said in a statement.


“This comes after her failure to follow basic ethics and disclosure rules,” he added.


“This is a troubling pattern. It is unacceptable.”


Granholm previously acknowledged to the Senate that she violated stock disclosure rules by listing stock sales in 2022 months later than required.


She also violated the Hatch Act when she endorsed Democrats while making an official appearance.


Granholm did not appear to be under oath when she made the false statement to the panel in April, according to video footage of the hearing.


Most witnesses testifying before the Senate are not sworn in.


One federal law prohibits making false statements under oath that they do not believe to be true.


Another law bars “knowingly and willfully” making false statements “in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States.”


Violations of either can land a person up to five years in prison.


However, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) rarely brings cases against officials who lie, regardless of whether they’re under oath.


President Donald Trump became one of the rare exceptions when he was charged with allegedly making false statements and other crimes last week.


Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who was questioning Granholm when she made the false statement, was outraged to discover that she had lied to him.


“Granholm lied to me on April 20—and it took the Administration 6 full weeks to admit it. Brazen,” Hawley wrote on Twitter.


“It is time to BAN all senior executive branch officials and all members of Congress from owning & trading stock.”


Granholm also disclosed in the new letter that Ford stock her husband and she held in retirement accounts was sold on March 22, 2021, during the confirmation process and that she “believed that the divestiture of Ford was complete.”


But she learned in May 2023 that her husband, Daniel Mulhern, continued holding Ford stock in a separate account, she said.


That stock was sold for $2,457.89 on May 15.


“As I was not previously aware of the asset, I did not report my spouse’s financial interest on my two prior Public Financial Disclosure Reports, nor was it included in the other paperwork associated with my nomination,” Granholm wrote.


“As a public servant, I take very seriously the commitment to hold myself to the highest ethical standards, and I regret the accidental omission of my spouse’s interest in Ford,” she added.


“This is a commitment I made to you, the President, and most importantly the American people.


“My spouse and I have double-checked our financial assets, and there are no other reportable assets that were omitted from my financial disclosure report.”

Anonymous ID: f092ea June 12, 2023, 7:40 a.m. No.18992923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2928 >>3018 >>3022 >>3102

Report Alleges Catholic Hospitals Linked to Transgender Surgeries, Abortions


The largest Catholic health system in the nation has allegedly funded and performed transgender surgeries and other “gender-affirming” medical interventions, defying traditional Catholic teachings, according to an investigative report released to The Epoch Times.


The report by the Lepanto Institute, a Catholic research and education organization, released on June 12, exposes CommonSpirit Health, a Catholic entity, for its alleged performance and funding of transgender surgeries and therapies,” including prescribing and providing cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers to patients.


A promotional video accompanying the report asserts: “The transgender craze has seized the world by the throat and is choking the life out of the bedrock of civilization: the family. And this is happening right under the nose of the Vatican.”


In the 64-page exposé, “CommonSpirit and the Sex-Change Industry,” author Michael Hichborn, founder and president of the Lepanto Institute, explains the connections within the Catholic health network in the United States and its direct ties to the Vatican.


Hichborn, a self-described lifelong Catholic, said he is both “saddened” and “horrified” by the moral decline within factions of the Catholic Church, and wants “to make sure that Catholics are Catholics and that those who operate in the name of the Catholic Church do so in line with all of her teachings.”


He claims that these medical interventions are happening in “gross defiance” of official values held by the Catholic Church, which has traditionally rejected transgenderism, homosexuality, abortions, and contraception—all of which the report alleges CommonSpirit is promoting at dozens of hospitals and medical facilities in the U.S.


“In addition to performing sex-change operations, CommonSpirit provides employee benefits that cover sex-change operations, transgender hormone treatments, and even puberty blockers for kids,” according to the report.


While it’s not known if CommonSpirit Health has performed transgender surgeries on children, the use of puberty blockers suggests it is treating minors for gender dysphoria in some capacity, Hichborn told The Epoch Times.


“The horrifying thing when you start getting into the science of the puberty blockers and the transitional hormones, is they do permanent damage to these kids. They talk about how puberty blockers just kind of put a pause on puberty or pubertal development, and that’s a lie,” he said. “It doesn’t put a pause on it; it actually damages these kids to the point that many of them wind up being sterile.”


CommonSpirit Health derives its Catholic identity from the Catholic Health Care Federation whose authority is granted by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in Rome, the report states.


“The only authority in the church that has the ability to judge the actions of CommonSpirit is the Vatican,” Hichborn told The Epoch Times. “Because CommonSpirit is a subsidiary of the Catholic Health Care Federation, it is subject only to the Pope and the Pope’s governing bodies in Rome.”


Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 990 forms not only confirm that CommonSpirit Health benefits from religious exemption tax breaks, but that the organization is part of the Catholic Church, Hichborn said.


CommonSpirit has allegedly promoted the LGBT agenda including transgender ideology and transitioning children in its podcasts and at its conferences, has raised funds for sex-change surgical equipment, performed surgical sterilizations, and at least one of its hospitals has reportedly performed elective abortions, the report indicates.



Anonymous ID: f092ea June 12, 2023, 7:44 a.m. No.18992942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2953 >>2955 >>2961 >>2964 >>2977 >>2982

Donald J. Trump


Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, who I didn’t know very well, called me before his last election to say he was in BIG trouble and very much needed my Endorsement. I LOVE Oklahoma & won 77 out of 77 Counties, something that never happened before. Ronald Reagan was next with 56. Anyway, I gave him my endorsement, he immediately went way up, and won. Now, despite the fact that DeSanctimonious is losing to Biden, & me, Stitt just endorsed him. Wow! He disliked “the Indians” & my great Senate pick!





Jun 12, 2023, 10:37 AM

Anonymous ID: f092ea June 12, 2023, 8:09 a.m. No.18993041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3102

Trump Urges Miami Indictment Protesters to Stay Peaceful.


Former President Donald Trump has urged supporters going to Miami protests against his indictment to ensure the demonstrations remain peaceful, so as to not hand any victories to the corporate media, federal authorities, or opposing political candidates.


Speaking exclusively to Roger Stone about protests planned at the Miami courthouse – where Trump is due to be arrested on Tuesday – the 45th President said the American people have “plenty” to protest about – and they should do so “peacefully”.


“We need strength in our country now. Our country is being taken away from us; our country’s going communist, it’s going Marxist… the people of our country aren’t that way, but the people running it are,” he lamented.


“We need strength at this point, and everyone’s afraid to do anything, they’re afraid to talk, and they have to go out and they have to protest peacefully.”


– Donald J. Trump, June 11, 2023

“Look, our country has to protest. We have plenty to protest, we’ve lost everything. We’ve lost our borders, we’ve lost our election integrity, we’ve lost respect all over the world,” he added.


Trump highlighted a previous peaceful protest against his separate, state-level indictment in New York City, which was led by Gavin Wax’s New York Young Republican Club, as an example for others.

Anonymous ID: f092ea June 12, 2023, 8:34 a.m. No.18993137   🗄️.is 🔗kun

JPMorgan Agrees to Settle With Jeffrey Epstein Victims


From article:

Don’t Affect Virgin Islands Suit

The settlements do not affect a separate case brought by officials in the U.S. Virgin Islands against JPMorgan.


Virgin Islands officials said JPMorgan helped facilitate Epstein’s sex trafficking by providing banking services, noting that the services remained in place even after Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to soliciting a minor for prostitution.


A number of revelations have been uncovered as the case, also lodged in New York, has proceeded to discovery.


A U.S. congresswoman who was deposed as part of discovery, for instance, revealed that she went to Epstein’s home in New York in 2018, just months before he was arrested.


Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.), the congresswoman, also said she sought donations from Epstein despite his being a registered sex offender.


Other materials, described in a filing by JPMorgan, showed that Plaskett and other Virgin Islands officials like former First Lady Cecile de Jongh “actively facilitated” Epstein’s trafficking, the bank alleged.


Among the materials: messages from de Jongh, who worked for Epstein while her husband was governor, talking about opposing legislation that would tighten laws on monitoring sex offenders.


JPMorgan also said that the materials, most of which were entered under seal, showed that Epstein paid for de Jongh’s children to go to private school.


De Jongh did not respond to a request for comment.

