>>1899302 prev
Preserving a race and culture (deep subject in American) is fine. Yes.
The problem is not with other cultures, but with those who refuse to meld into our greater society, or set out to change us.
>>1899302 prev
Preserving a race and culture (deep subject in American) is fine. Yes.
The problem is not with other cultures, but with those who refuse to meld into our greater society, or set out to change us.
Not with the average immigrant. Most are here simply for a better life. I know, man. I live and work side by side with people from many different cultures. I watch. I listen. I hear it all whether I was intended to or not.
I speak from experience.
What a boring place this would be if it were all Euro based, and I am a EuroAmerican.
I didnt say that, you moron.
If you believe the US should be all white, you might feel more comfortable at Storm Front.
Storm Front
I did not say anything about illegals. I do not in any way support illegals invading our country.
Your reading comprehension needs work.
Now that the racists have been flushed out, let's get back to the issues at hand.
Many people come here lacking in education. They are economically poor. They will listen to and vote with those who "appear" to want to help them. It is our job to educate them on that big lie.
It is our job