>>1899331 (lb)
America's first immigration act explicitly states it will only accept "free white persons of good character." Accepting non-white immigrants in large numbers didn't really start until the 1965 immigration act.
>>1899331 (lb)
America's first immigration act explicitly states it will only accept "free white persons of good character." Accepting non-white immigrants in large numbers didn't really start until the 1965 immigration act.
They come for a better life, but their voting patterns (80% of non-whites vote Dem, therefore support communism) indicate they want to turn the country into the shithole they escaped from. They're not interested in preserving American ideals, they just want special treatment.
I thought this tweet was fake at first, but damn, I love my president.
I wonder how fast it took for some shitlib to respond "zomg dis is rayciss"
Lemme guess, you consider "ethnic food" to be a compelling argument for flooding the country with third worlders?
Sad to see there's still much work to be done to get whites to stop self-flagellating.
It's not "encouraging violence" to say you're going to defend yourself if attacked by a shitlib.
oy vey, aren't we white people so boring? We need to stop having children and open the borders to allow lots of "people of color" into the country to make us more interesting!
Support them for what exactly? God shitlibs are so fucking dumb they'll throw money at anything
"People of color" immigrate legally too. Most vote Dem.
Probably a joke post but posting this gif just in case it's not
I noticed Dems get really butthurt when they get called 'Democrat party" instead of "Democratic party"