Anonymous ID: 4190f5 June 12, 2023, 9:46 a.m. No.18993529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3677 >>3836 >>3895

Mike McCormick, a former stenographer at the White House, has come up with a new book called "Joe Biden Unauthorized: And the 2020 Crackup of the Democratic Party" in which he has revealed the humiliation the then vice president had undergone in Russia.


McCormick is 'The Real Deal' and possibly the guy 'Who Knows Where the Bodies are buried'. Today, McCormick was interviewed on Benny Johnson's livestream and dropped even more bombshells about his knowledge of the corruption, with the Who's Who', during the Obama Presidency.


I haven't read his book (yet) but I haved looked through his substack: Midnight in the Laptop of Good and Evil.


He has a 'No Holds Barred' method of presenting his facts and has quite the collection of reports directed at Faucci as well.


One thing that really caught my attention in today's BJ interview was him bringing up the blatant animosity between Putin and Biden, and the reason (s) why.


McCormick revealed that the Democratic leader also tasted Putin’s bitter medicine during his visit to Russia exactly a decade ago, in March 2011. “Vladimir Putin and his staff sought the almost ritualistic humiliation of then-Vice President Joe Biden, who commanded very little respect on the world stage during his tenure as veep. If it can be believed, he commands even less, now."


“Joe makes a fool of himself in front of dictatorial leaders. Vladimir Putin made Biden look foolish in Moscow when he invited him to tell about his history with Russia. When Biden did not stop talking, Putin shut the lights and the microphone while Biden was still speaking. It left Biden speechless,” McCormick said.


“As Joe Biden’s White House stenographer, I stood directly behind Putin at a distance of five feet. Biden, seated across from Putin at an elegant conference table, was about 12 feet from me. About 10 minutes into the meeting, Vice President Biden attempted to start lecturing about his decades-old part in U.S.-Russian negotiations with the dreaded phrase, ‘I’ve been around a long time. The first time I was here…’”


“And… cut. Across the table, I could see Vice President of the United States Joe Biden, in the now dimly lit room, looking as duped as an exhausted fish in the bottom of a boat. No protest, no complaint. No, hey, I wasn’t finished. Nothing. He was humiliated. To me, the revelation was the premeditated precision of the snub. Putin or his team had likely plotted this all out. They knew exactly what bait to use, exactly how Joe Biden would take it, and then when he did, they reeled him helplessly in,”


The beauty of it is, the transcript is still there in the U.S. Vice President Archive….kek


The White House

Office of the Vice President

For Immediate Release

March 10, 2011

Remarks by Vice President Joe Biden and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin


The White House

Moscow, Russia


VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN: There's a reason. Mr. Prime Minister, I've been around a long time. The first time I was here the second time I was here, I was here meeting with President Brezhnev. We were trying to pass SALT II



12:58 P.M. (Local) Mic off and lights out.