>expected to cause months of issues
The Japanese road repaired SIX days after it was destroyed by quake
>expected to cause months of issues
The Japanese road repaired SIX days after it was destroyed by quake
'weakest point' = no reinforcement
'seal of solomon' / 'deep dream'
Demonstration: The device emits a silent beam that transmits music directly into the head of anyone it is aimed at, even bouncing off the wall. The tech is nicknamed The Voice of God.
It is probably no coincidence that many conveniently-timed mass shooters report hearing voices telling them to do things. The intelligence operation that has absorbed all power structures into its dominion would make use of any and all technology available to manipulate public events to ensure its power. Turning a mentally ill celebrity into a transvestite using all the MK Ultra research and technology would be an easy feat.
heal ~ hell
The unbroken seal from a 1922 photograph of King Tut's tomb
the text on pic3*