Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 1:45 p.m. No.18994717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4820 >>5107 >>5403 >>5439

Former US Ally Saudi Arabia Embraces China, as Crown Prince MBS Threatens Washington With ‘Harsh Economic Consequences’


Back in 2017, Donald Trump was received in Saudi Arabia with pomp and circumstance, a symbolic sword-dance was staged in his honor as an ally, and during all his term there was a concerted effort to bring peace in the middle East via the ‘Abraham Accords’.


But the Joe Biden ‘administration from hell’ has vowed, ever since the campaign, to ‘recalibrate the relationship with Saudi Arabia’, and even turn them into a ‘pariah state’.


This opened up the field for China to take an interest in the Middle East and engage in a ‘courtship’ of traditional U.S. partners.


Just how bad the relations have become can be glimpsed from a ‘Discord Leak’ document just released.


“Last fall, President Biden vowed to impose ‘consequences’ on Saudi Arabia for its decision to slash oil production amid high energy prices and fast-approaching elections in the United States.


In public, the Saudi government defended its actions politely via diplomatic statements. But in private, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman threatened to fundamentally alter the decades-old U.S.-Saudi relationship and impose significant economic costs on the United States if it retaliated against the oil cuts, according to a classified document obtained by The Washington Post.


The crown prince claimed ‘he will not deal with the U.S. administration anymore’, the document says, promising ‘major economic consequences for Washington.’


Eight months later, Biden has yet to impose consequences on the Arab country and Mohammed has continued to engage with top U.S. officials, as he did with Secretary of State Antony Blinken in the seaside Saudi city of Jiddah this week.”


In fact, Secretary of State Blinken was received in such a low key setting that – look for yourself – there was no US flag in the meeting, which is something many see as the diplomatic equivalent of an insult.


Crown Prince Mohammed ‘is the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, after his father King Salman appointed him to be prime minister in 2022’.


Biden and his cronies have strongly criticized Mohammed’s role overseeing the war in Yemen, and U.S. intelligence has long assessed that he was involved in the 2018 murder of Washington Post columnist (and Muslim Brotherhood operative) Jamal Khashoggi.


The Crown Prince denies ordering the killing, but has since acknowledged that the murder happened ‘under his watch’.

Since falling out of favor with Washington, the Saudis have been engaged in important diplomatic activities, from seeking peace in Yemen, to the surprising raprochement with Iran and Qatar.


Another Discord leak showed that the Saudis plan to expand the relationship with China, buying drones, missiles and surveillance systems from Beijing.


No US flag - MBS knows

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 1:48 p.m. No.18994723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Podcast — Richard Grove — The Hidden History Of Nazism In America & The CIA's 9/11 Coup


If you have a keen interest in history or need more insight to understand the events of 9/11, this episode is for you!

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 1:52 p.m. No.18994754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pro-LGBTQ mayor says freedom of speech doesn't apply to man arrested after trying to quote Bible at Pride rally


The mayor of Reading, Pennsylvania, said freedom of speech doesn't apply in the case of a man who was arrested in the city earlier this month after trying to quote the Bible to Pride-rally attendees.


First and foremost, I consider myself lucky to have been able to participate in the Reading Pride March and Rally. It truly was a wonderful event, and I look forward to continuing to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community throughout the month of June. With regard to the incident, the City respects the First Amendment rights of all individuals. However, freedom of speech does not include the right to disrupt an organized event and interfere with the rights of others.

What's the background?

Damon Atkins was arrested across the street from the Pride rally, which was held June 3 just outside Reading City Hall. Reading is about 90 minutes northwest of Philadelphia. The arrest was caught on video.


“This is public property," Atkins told the officer — identified by the Lancaster Patriot as Sgt. Bradley McClure — who agreed it is public property but still insisted that Atkins "let them have their event” and “respect it."

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2 p.m. No.18994794   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Protecting children from LGBT indoctrination, transgender mutilation now considered by leftists to constitute “hate”


Last year, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Learning for Justice project launched a guide telling elementary school teachers to indoctrinate their students with explicit sexual materials as part of their “learning” experience. As you might expect, many parents and members of the public were outraged, prompting some of them to form child advocacy groups.


Now, the SPLC has added at least a dozen of these child advocacy groups to its infamous “hate map,” including a group called Moms for Liberty that currently boasts over 100,000 members and growing. To defend children, according to the SPLC, is to promote “hate” – that is how far-left the SPLC truly leans.


While claiming to be a civil rights organization promoting equality and other such buzzwords, the SPLC has become one of the most vocal supporters and promoters of LGBT indoctrination, particularly in public schools, libraries, and other places where children are often present.


The SPLC also endorses the transgender mutilation of children, calling it “gender-affirming health care.” And anyone who objects to such rebranding of child abuse is now considered by the group to be a hater – and is likely to eventually, if not already, find itself on the SPLC’s “hate map” alongside the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other such groups, like Moms for Liberty has.



Teaching underage children about sexual perversion isn’t “love,” it’s HATRED for innocence

Entitled “Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Students,” the aforementioned SPLC guide book for teachers says that they should be having conversations with their underage students about “gender pronouns,” sex education, and the transgender invasion of sports and bathrooms.


Such obscene topics are considered by the SPLC to constitute “love,” as the group apparently believes that children and even toddlers need to know about all sorts of sexual perversions before they even reach puberty.


When those same children’s parents come forward and try to protect them from such filth, the SPLC sweeps into action by labeling them as “hate groups” so as to discredit their efforts.


According to SPLC Intelligence Project Director Susan Corke, anyone who opposes the LGBT indoctrination and perversion of children is spreading “hate.” She warned in a statement that the child advocacy groups allegedly spreading it are using “a very deliberate strategy to go to the local level” when they try to shield children from the SPLC’s agenda.


The SPLC further sees parents and others who opposed the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdowns and mask and “vaccine” mandates as a similarly “hateful” threat that must be stamped out by labeling all their organizations as “hate groups.”


Since when is it hateful to try to preserve a child’s innocence and protect him or her from the gross perversions of the LGBT lobby, which preys on them as part of its recruitment efforts? Since when is it wrong for a child’s parents to speak out in his or her defense locally?


“The Southern Poverty Law Center is not southern nor is it poor and it certainly isn’t a law center,” one commenter wrote about this far-left group, which in and of itself constitutes an actual hate group. “But I guess Socialist Perverted Leftist Cult wouldn’t pull in the donations.”


Another suggested that perhaps SPLC actually stands for Satan’s Perverted Liars Club.


“Note that BLM (Black Lives Matter) and Antifa aren’t ‘extremist’ in the eyes of the SPLC,” noted another, pointing out that the SPLC actually endorsed the violent tactics of BLM and Antifa following the George Floyd psy-op incident.

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:03 p.m. No.18994812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4991

Biden Cancels Whole Day After Sudden Dental Procedure


President Joe Biden rescheduled his entire day after undergoing a sudden root canal Monday.


The president had his first dental appointment for his lower right premolar on Sunday after experiencing discomfort, Physician to the President Kevin O’Connor said in a statement. The White House announced Monday morning he would be getting the second part of the procedure completed later in the day and that he was experiencing “further discomfort.


The dental procedure appeared to be a last-minute decision, since Biden’s entire public schedule was either postponed or modified.

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:07 p.m. No.18994845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4851

‘God Is Queer’ Declares Pastor at Protestant Church Congress in Germany


A Christian pastor declared that “God is queer” at the final service of the Protestant Church Congress in Germany on Sunday.


South African-born Quinton Caesar, who has served as a pastor in the town of Wiesmoor in Lower Saxony over the past year, declared at the final service of the German Protestant Church Congress in the main market in Nuremberg that “God is queer” while advocating for a slew of other leftist causes, the German newspaper Die Welt reported.


During his sermon, the 38-year-old pastor went on to proclaim that “we are all the last generation,” a thinly-veiled reference to the far-left green extremist activist group, Letzte Generation (Last Generation), which regularly blocks highways in Germany to protest the supposed looming armageddon of climate change.


Ceasar, who reportedly describes himself as a “theologian activist pastor”, reminded his audience that “black lives always matter” and advocated on behalf of refugees.


The pastor said that anyone who preaches in the name of the Church and still “discriminates my siblings and me – because of our income, our skin colour, our disability or our queer identity” does not understand the teachings of the Bible.


“God is always on the side of those who stand on the edge, who are not seen or not named. And if God is there, then there is also our place,” Ceasar continued.

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:08 p.m. No.18994849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4853 >>4879 >>5107 >>5403 >>5439

Great Reset: Dutch Govt Launches Farmer Buyout Scheme as Thousands Face Shut Down


The Dutch government launched its long-anticipated Great Reset-style farmer buyout scheme on Monday, which could potentially see upwards of ten thousand farms shut down forever to fall in line with the green agenda of the European Union.


Following years of political wrangling, the government of The Netherlands has launched its programme for buying out farms that do not comply with the EU’s Natura 2000 scheme supposedly meant to protect environmentally sensitive areas. The buyout programme will initially impact approximately 3,000 privately-owned farms which are deemed to emit too much nitrogen.


Starting next month, farmers will be able to apply for a buyout, which will be set at 120 per cent of the farm’s value. In addition to the top nitrogen emitters, the government will also offer buyouts for dairy, pig and poultry farmers to shut down in exchange for a payout of 100 per cent of their farm’s value. It is expected that some 8,000 farmers will be eligible for the second scheme, Dutch public broadcaster NOS reports.


In total, the government has allocated 1.4 billion euros to cover the two programmes. The buyout scheme, which will last until next April, will remain voluntary for now, however, the Dutch government has previously suggested that if uptake is not high enough it may be forced to impose mandatory buyouts.


The farmers’ group Agractie expressed concern over the launch, saying that while a website has been opened to allow farmers to see if they are eligible for a buyout, the other options, such as reducing emissions, are not currently explained, meaning that farmers cannot accurately judge which direction to take.


The move to shut down potentially thousands of farms in The Netherlands, despite the ongoing food crisis, could have a significant impact further afield given the country’s status as Europe’s largest exporter of meat and one of the largest dairy exporters in the world.

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:14 p.m. No.18994887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4892 >>4909 >>5107 >>5403 >>5439

Anti-Biden Witness With ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence Died Under ‘Mysterious Circumstances’: Report


What’s more, said Rudy Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney who was also serving as New York City’s mayor during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a key witness to the bribery scheme apparently died under less-than-clear circumstances.


In an interview with Newsmax, Giuliani first addressed a statement from special counsel Jack Smith last week after he announced an indictment of Trump on 37 counts over his handling of classified documents, wherein Smith claimed that there is only one system of laws in the country and they equally apply to everyone.


“Well, of course, that’s the most ridiculous, idiotic statement to make on a day in which we find out that the Bidens took a $10 million bribe from a Ukrainian Mykola Zlochevsky, which I could have told you, you know, and did tell [the DOJ] three years ago,” Guiliani said.


“And they followed up on none of the evidence I gave them. They were hoping that people would disappear or die. It’s extraordinary,” he added.


He then said that he gave the Justice Dept. “one witness … who is a woman, who is the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma.”


“She was the wife of the former owner, who died under suspicious circumstances. And she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens. And she’s supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma,” the former mayor said.


Giuliani went on to say that the attorney general in Pittsburgh was actually investigating the case before it was taken out of his hands by then-U.S. Attorney General William Barr, who summarily gave it to the “U.S. attorney in Delaware, who didn’t do a thing about it.”


“And the woman was under threat of death,” Giuliani noted further.



Giuliani’s remarks follow a review of an FBI informant file by House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) and ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.). Following the review, Raskin claimed that federal investigators had conducted a preliminary review in 2020 but had not pursued any subsequent actions.


But Comer revealed that the FBI informed him that the investigation is still ongoing, which was backed up by Barr, who refuted Raskin’s claim the probe had been dropped.


Meanwhile, a former chief prosecutor from Ukraine previously identified a document he said Americans should “demand” that allegedly proves beyond any doubt that Biden is corrupt.


The prosecutor, Victor Shokin, was targeted for dismissal by Biden when he served as Barack Obama’s vice president and was the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine at the time. On Friday, Chanel Rion, a White House correspondent for One America News, re-posted a 2019 interview she had with Shokin where he explained the allegation.


At the time, the Democrat-controlled House was preparing to impeach then-President Donald Trump for the first time, alleging he engaged in a “quid pro quo” with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Democrats charged that Trump threatened to withhold military aid unless Zelensky assisted in an investigation into alleged corrupt actions by Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, the latter of whom was serving a profitable stint on the board of a Ukrainian energy company that Shokin had once been investigating.

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:29 p.m. No.18994971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5107 >>5403 >>5439

Voting machine printer company says Maricopa Election Day report 'inaccurate,' seeks correction


The printer company said Maricopa County did not contact them during the investigation into Election Day printer issues.


Aprinter company says a report by Arizona's Maricopa County on errors at voting centers on Election Day 2022 is "factually inaccurate" and is seeking a correction from the county attorney’s office.


Ballot printer issues at more than 70 vote centers in the county on Election Day last year resulted in long lines because tabulator machines could not read some of the voters' ballots.


The county commissioned former Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor to investigate the matter and write a report, which directed some of the blame on Japan-based printer company Oki Electric Industry Co.


The report, which was released in April, found that between the August primaries and the November general contest last year, the county expanded the length of ballots from 19 to 20 inches to include all of the required information for the races.


The increased ballot size in combination with the use of 100-pound ballot paper, the report concludes, was too great a strain on the printers.

“We concluded that the combined effect of using 100-pound ballot paper and a 20-inch ballot during the 2022 general election was to require that the Oki B432 printers perform at the extreme edge of their capability, a level that could not be reliably sustained by a substantial number of printers,” the report reads.


OKI responded late last month to the report by saying it was never contacted by county officials and investigation teams working on their behalf. Furthermore, the company said, neither election services providers nor "any other parties associated with the investigation" contacted OKI.


The company said it would not provide a response to "each issue raised in the report," but would respond to three specific statements, which are "factually inaccurate."


In addition, the company argues in its response that "all of these inaccuracies would have been avoided had the investigatory team simply contacted OKI in advance of the report's release."


County officials did not respond to a request from Just the News to address OKI's statements.


The first of the three claims that OKI addresses was regarding the printer's fuser, which fuses the toner onto the paper.


The report states the fuser was inadequate on the B432 printers and could not be "separately replaced.”


OKI responded by saying the fuser "is in fact available for replacement and can be changed onsite by a printer technician. The printer itself does not need to be replaced in the event that the fuser fails.”

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:33 p.m. No.18994998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel tells US it will advance plans for thousands of settlement homes in late June


Move likely intended to mollify Netanyahu’s hardline coalition partners, a week after US pressured Jerusalem to delay controversial E1 settlement project


Israel has informed the US that it plans to announce “thousands” of new settlement homes at the end of the month, an Israeli official said Monday


The official, confirming a report first published by the Axios news site, told The Times of Israel that it was not clear whether the settlement plans would all be approved in back-to-back meetings of the Civil Administration’s High Planning Subcommittee within the Defense Ministry, as is traditionally the case, or whether the meetings would be spread out over several weeks.


However, he said the units that would be approved “would be in the thousands.”


There was no official comment from Israel.


The Israeli plans come after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed plans to advance the highly controversial E1 settlement project amid US pressure. The subsequent plan to move forward with thousands of settlement homes elsewhere appears to be an effort to placate Netanyahu’s coalition partners.


US officials said that the Biden administration worked for weeks to have the E1 project removed from the agenda for weeks.


While the E1 project was not mentioned in either side’s readout of Thursday’s call, the State Department said Blinken raised “the need to uphold the commitments made at two regional meetings in Aqaba, Jordan and Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt to avoid measures that undermine the prospects for a two-state solution.”


The Palestinians have in recent weeks accused Israel of violating the commitments made in late February, which included a four-month freeze on holding meetings to advance new settlement homes and a six-month freeze on legalizing new outposts.


Israel argues that it technically has not done either, but it has green-lit construction in East Jerusalem and also illegally transferred a yeshiva in the northern West Bank, in what will make way for the legalization of the Homesh outpost.

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:35 p.m. No.18995007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukraine’s counteroffensive to last for weeks or months — Macron


He reiterated commitment to the long-term support for Kiev and expressed the hope that the Ukrainian army’s offensive operations will be successful as "the transition to the phase of talks in favorable conditions" will depend on that


Ukraine’s counteroffensive will last for several weeks or months and France hopes that it will help create conditions for future peace talks, French President Emmanuel Macron told a news conference on Monday.


"Ukraine’s counteroffensive began several days ago. It has been thoroughly planned," he said. "This counteroffensive will last for several weeks or months. We did our best to help it happen within the frames outlined by us since the conflict beginning: to punish Russia in order to stop its military effort, to help Ukraine resist and win back its territory, but to never attack Russia and avoid any forms of escalation of this conflict."


He reiterated commitment to the long-term support for Kiev and expressed the hope that the Ukrainian army’s offensive operations will be successful as "the transition to the phase of talks in favorable conditions" will depend on that.


"It is clear today that Ukraine will not be conquered, that the only peace that is acceptable today is the one which is based on international law and the sovereign choice of the Ukrainian people," he stressed. "Our enduring support for Ukraine must continue for a long time, be it political, military, economic, humanitarian assistance or assistance linked with [Ukraine’] restoration.".

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:38 p.m. No.18995015   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel National Library unveils collection of 36 kabbalistic tree-like ‘maps of God’


At collection opening, NLI says it seeks to illuminate new genre of Jewish research through the ancient scrolls, shed light on mystical teachings for scholars and amateurs

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:44 p.m. No.18995056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081 >>5311 >>5318

KJP: "This is a President that respects the rule of law. […] He's restoring — certainly — the integrity of the Department of Justice."

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:45 p.m. No.18995074   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maurice spells out why Jews have different attitudes to all these moral and philosophical issues-and why these values are the opposite of those endorsed by Gentiles. Samuel then says that these inherent and unchangeable differences will always make the Jews out to be "destroyers" and the "subverters" of European culture and society

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 2:59 p.m. No.18995176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sen. Chuck Grassley Says FD-1023 Has Report Foreign National in Alleged Biden Burisma Bribe Scheme Kept “Insurance Policy” Audio Recordings of Joe Biden


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) made a Senate floor speech Monday afternoon on the controversy about the FD-1023 FBI document that contains credible allegation that Joe Biden received a $5 million bribe from an executive with the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma while vice president. In the speech Grassley said the the version of the FD-1023 shown the House Oversight Committee last week was heavily redacted, but that Grassley had seen one with far fewer redactions. He then revealed that the foreign national behind the bribe said he kept audio recordings of conversations with Joe Biden (2) and Hunter Biden (15)


The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland watched Grassley’s remarks live and posted, “BREAKING! WHOA! Grassley floor speech: Foreign national allegedly has audio recordings. 17!! 15 audio between him and Hunter & 2 audio with him and then VP Joe Biden. Kept as insurance policy!”


The talk about the audiotapes begins at around 6:00

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 3:01 p.m. No.18995197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5227 >>5243 >>5403 >>5439

Magistrate to Preside Over Trump’s Arraignment in Florida – Not Aileen Cannon


A magistrate judge will preside over President Trump’s arraignment at a federal court in Miami on Tuesday – Not Aileen Cannon.


The left went apocalyptic after it was reported US District Judge for the Southern District of Florida Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, was assigned to Trump’s case in Miami.


President Trump Thursday evening announced he was indicted by a federal grand jury in Miami in special counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents case.


Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman will preside over Trump’s arraignment and bond matters on Tuesday.


Judge Goodman was appointed to the position in 2010.

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 3:07 p.m. No.18995233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5275 >>5287

Jewish media company goes after Elon Musk


Elon Musk has made some disturbing comments about Jews. Here’s a list


Elon Musk replied to a tweet Wednesday simultaneously promoting a QAnon conspiracy theory and hatred of Jews. It’s hardly the first time the one-time richest man in the world has trafficked in such talk.


Musk has made a number of statements and online posts over the last five years that can be categorized as antisemitic, including three over a 10-day stretch late last year. He sometimes quotes Nazis, and he has had chummy exchanges with avowed bigots. Since Musk bought Twitter in 2022, groups that track hate speech have documented spikes in racist, xenophobic and antisemitic activity on the platform.


The following is a running list of every instance of antisemitic activity involving Musk we have found so far. See one we missed? Send to, subject line: Musk + Antisemitism.


June 8, 2023: Musk replied with laughing emojis to a tweet from Andrew Torba, the founder and CEO of far-right social media platform Gab. Torba is one of the most outspoken and unrepentant antisemites in the United States: in July 2022, he said on Gab TV: “This is a Christian nation. Christians outnumber you, by a lot. A lot. And we’re not gonna listen to 2%. You represent 2% of the country, OK? We’re not bending the knee to the 2% anymore.” Other antisemitic incidents have included accusing Jews of stifling freedom of speech, reposting claims to Gab that Jews seek to “psychologically and spiritually” castrate Americans, promoted the “great replacement theory” and stated that Jews like Ben Shapiro are “not welcome in the movement unless he repents and accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior.”

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 3:14 p.m. No.18995281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Evansville Man Sentenced to 20 Years in Federal Prison After Engaging in Sexually Explicit Conduct with a 14-Year-Old Via Facebook Video Chat

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 3:29 p.m. No.18995361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5430 >>5439

GOP lawmaker introduces articles of impeachment against Biden, Harris


A form FD-1023 that the House Oversight Committee was able to view details of an alleged bribery scheme in which the head of Burisma hired now-first son Hunter Biden to serve on the board of the company in a bid to secure his father's influence to stifle Shokin's investigation of the firm.


ATennessee Republican lawmaker on Monday introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.


Rep. Andy Ogles accused the president of having used his position as both president and previously vice president to protect his family business and their alleged illicit activities from congressional oversight.


"Joseph Robinette Biden has weaponized the Executive Office of the President and his years of service in the White House, to include his service as Vice President, to shield the business and influence peddling schemes of his family from congressional oversight and public accountability," the articles read, per Fox News.


The articles specifically point to Biden's alleged efforts to pressure then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating energy firm Burisma at the time.


A form FD-1023 that the House Oversight Committee was able to view details of an alleged bribery scheme in which the head of Burisma hired now-first son Hunter Biden to serve on the board of the company in a bid to secure his father's influence to stifle Shokin's investigation of the firm. The document also alleges that two members of the Biden family received $5 million each for the affair.


Ogle's articles cite the FBI's intransigence in providing the document to Congress as well. Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer was forced to pursue contempt charges against FBI Director Christopher Wray over the bureau's refusal to honor the congressional subpoena for the document. Wray ultimately relented and permitted the committee members to view the FD-1023.


"In all of this, Joseph Robinette Biden has acted in a manner contrary to the public trust and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States," Ogles continued in the articles.


Ogles is not the only lawmaker to pursue impeachment against Biden. Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in May announced her own effort to oust the president on the basis of his handling of the southern border.


The article of impeachment against Harris that Ogle introduced addresses her "extraordinary incompetence" and failure to visit the southern border.

Anonymous ID: a07ee1 June 12, 2023, 3:39 p.m. No.18995402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5413 >>5425 >>5430 >>5439

WH Press Sec. Violated Hatch Act Numerous Times, Watchdog Says


According to a government watchdog agency, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre violated a law designed to prevent federal employees from using their positions to influence elections.


The Office of Special Counsel’s letter stated that Jean-Pierre’s repeated references to “mega MAGA Republicans” in the lead-up to the 2022 midterms were in violation of the Hatch Act.