The website contains research from open.ink along with a petition and contact information for elected officials. Our goal is to have Congressional Hearings on this matter to fully expose, address, and resolve subversions to our election process before the 2024 election season. There is no time to waste - these are critical issues of national security.
The effort started off with a comprehensive Twitter thread from an independent researcher. He broke the story into a series of tweets. Here’s the full thread. These tweets are being seen by millions of Americans, and it’s just one of many messaging layers.
We are also providing updated briefings to key congressional leaders. Letters were sent prior to the incarceration of Gregg Phillips and myself in the hopes that they would take action. At that time, they did not engage.
Now, with news breaking daily revealing past and present orchestrations of election interference including the unprecedented indictment of a former president and leading Republican party nominee, it is clearer than ever that the American people must force their elected representatives to lead, follow, or get out of the way.
We will not quit.