Anonymous ID: bc6413 June 12, 2023, 9:22 p.m. No.18997469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7492 >>7503

We have come this far, and have only just begun to fight.


Anons, sometimes it is easy to get swept up in the current events (no pun). In the grand scheme of things, the light has barely breached the dawn. Deep down, you know this. It HAS happened already, what has been put in motion CANNOT be undone and will take years to unfold and decades to be well-understood. The final hands HAVE been played, the remaining fallout has been calculated for (not to be confused with fully controlled // think battles v wars) and


We live in the greatest timeline. Two of the few Patriots remaining at the highest ranks, met, planned and are midway through executing the highest stakes operation the world has ever seen. On one end we live in a free and just world, filled with abundance for everyone, good morality and absolute freedom and on the other we live in a nightmare fueled dystopia, where any chance of recovery drastically declines in short order.


It is no coincidence that 17th Dir of NSA AND 17th Dir of DIA (last two seemingly uncompromised US intel agencies - DOD) created Q, spawned millions of Patriots, united countless more internationally, gathered us together, kept us informed (and safe HERE on the boards) gave fair warning of what was to come, empowered citizen journalists to upend traditional news (gave us our voice back), gave us the tools and information needed to fight for ourselves and make the change. Our movements GREATEST weapon is the mirror. We simply EXPOSE the true nature of reality, we don't let the lesser emotions control us (short-term solutions like revenge, etc) and we don't seek to play God. We simply expose what exists and allow the Judgement of The People.


Remember - How do you introduce evidence legally? You simply leave with it legally and trust that the evil incarnate will not want anyone to exist with their crimes documented. You do it in such a way that ALSO opens them up to the identical scrutiny of which you have been subject to. This removes any rebuttal of 'fairness' and sets a precedent for upcoming events.


Tick Tock. It's about time for the world to see what DJT and Assange have for the upcoming International Show & Tell, what Satan's spawn wish they could make disappear, but the more they try, the brighter it becomes in the public eye… so the noose tightens. They know they have been bested, but still must fight. It is GOOD v EVIL. They fight to save themselves, we fight to save others. We fight to build a bright future and they fight trying to conceal their dark past. Which do you feel has the upper hand, long-term?


Hold the line, Patriots. You're going to like where this timeline takes us.