Aug 22 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and US Attorney General John Mitchell announce arrest of 20 of the "Camden 28", a religious-left anti-war activist group intent on disrupting the military draft in Camden, New Jersey [1] [2] [3]
Zlochevsky in the DoS FOIA reading room returns 6 pages of results. In one document, a Ukrainian journalist details info re: the Anti-Corruption Action Center (AntAC), George Kent, Karen Greenaway (F_I and a lead investigator on Manafort) and others. Intrasting that he specifically says that AntAC has a relationship with 20 banks.
Also within the document (page 21):
After the Obama Justice Department launched its Kleptocracy Asset Recovery
Initiative a decade ago to prosecute corruption in other countries, the '''State
Department, Justice Department and FBI outsourced some of its work in Ukraine
to groups funded by Soros'''.