Anonymous ID: eaa7f1 June 12, 2023, 11 p.m. No.18997923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8043


>It might be since DOJ is now asserting that his twits during his time in D.C are official statements.

The DOJ said that in 2017, Anon. Trump made it stick in an unusual way. He was sued and lost. This is what the plaintiff argued in a case that went to SCOTUS:


'The evidence in the case shows, they wrote, that the president’s personal Twitter account “functions as an official source of news and information about the government, and as a forum for speech by, to, and about the President.” '


By losing the suit in SCOTUS years ago a very firm precedent was established that Trump's Tweets are official communications. There's the plan. There's the 4D chess.