Anonymous ID: 1aab89 June 13, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.18999956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In order to stand on your own, to be capable of asserting that you are alive, you must be capable of telling the entire world "I am right and you are wrong."


Simple statement, but everything true has infinite depth. Ask questions, look deeper. What is required to be capable of making such an assertion? You can't do something simply because you want to do it. You must learn. You must work. You must be as certain as you can be, in your own heart, that you are correct. They complicate and confuse because everyone is capable if they understand. Force alone is impotent. Your consent is required. Are you confident enough in your self to assert that you exist? If not, what more can you do?


You have not been abandoned.