Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:23 a.m. No.18999358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9359 >>9361 >>9480

With An Obscure Committee, Speaker McCarthy Can Restore The House’s Institutional Integrity



JUNE 13, 2023


Nancy Pelosi gravely damaged the House’s integrity by violating long-standing rules. One mechanism is readily available to restore order.


One of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s primary goals, having regained leadership of the House, must be to reinstate the institutional integrity that was honored only in the breach over and over again by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


Long-standing fundamental House rules and protocols repeatedly were violated under Pelosi, for the single purpose of pursuing a partisan political agenda at the expense of historically honored principles. The formation of the House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol and its indisputable perversion of important House rules highlight the issue. The rules that were violated allowed the committee to abuse the subpoena process and deny subpoenaed witnesses basic protections the rules were intended to provide. This must be corrected immediately.


There is one mechanism readily available to the speaker to restore order and respect for the rules. It is called the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (“BLAG”).


The BLAG was created in 1993 by a Democrat-controlled House, over the objection of a majority of Republicans in the House. It is a body comprised of five members of the House leadership, three majority party members and two minority party members, that speaks for the House in directing litigation in which the BLAG perceives the House to have a direct interest.


Republicans who opposed the formation of BLAG argued that the entire House should vote before a legal position that purports to speak for the House is adopted. The Democrats prevailed, and now by House rule, once BLAG members vote to direct the House general counsel to participate in litigation and take a position, even if the vote is 3-2, its position speaks for the entire House.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:23 a.m. No.18999359   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The J6 Committee’s Actions Highlight Partisan Abuse of the Rules


McCarthy characterized the degree to which the Jan. 6 Committee flagrantly violated long-entrenched House protocol and rules to support its partisan political agenda as “unprecedented” and “an egregious abuse of power.” However, when the rules violations have been challenged, courts have concluded that they were bound by the House’s own interpretation and application of its rules and had to yield to the BLAG as the official advocacy voice of the House. Since BLAG endorsed the Jan. 6 Committee’s actions by a 3-2 vote, their rules violations were permitted with impunity, notwithstanding the express language of the House rules.


McCarthy must now convene the BLAG, as he has the full authority to do, to reverse its partisan political perversion by Pelosi and company, and to return the House to a body that at least honors its own rules, without regard to a politically expedient agenda of the day.


The following examples of the Jan. 6 Committee’s abuse of House protocol and rules demonstrate why we should care and why McCarthy must act now.


First, the House resolution creating the Jan. 6 Committee called for it to be comprised of 13 members, five of whom were to be selected in consultation with then-House Minority Leader McCarthy. Despite McCarthy’s public protestations, Pelosi summarily rejected McCarthy’s selections for the committee. McCarthy then refused to participate in a process that violated the rules, and the committee went forward with nine members instead of the 13 provided for in the resolution creating it. Pelosi’s partisan political selections for the committee undermined its integrity.


Second, the committee abused its authority regarding witnesses called to testify, in violation of the resolution establishing it and House rules and regulations. These important rules require consultation between a committee’s chair and its ranking minority member before a witness can be subpoenaed to give sworn testimony. Under long-standing party rules and House protocol, a committee’s ranking minority member is chosen by the House minority leader. Her or his purpose is to protect a witness from abusive partisan subpoenas and from abusive questioning during a deposition.


The Jan. 6 Committee had no ranking minority member as a matter of law. Some have tried to claim Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., was the ranking minority member, but this is expressly contradicted by the unequivocal statement by Committee Chair Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., that Cheney definitely was not the ranking minority member (as you can see at the 16:37 mark at the committee’s first hearing). The committee had none.


Under House rules and the Jan. 6 Committee resolution, without a ranking minority member, the committee had no valid subpoena authority. The rules deem the protection of subpoenaed witnesses to be so important that unless each witness called to testify is given a copy of Rule 3(b), which explains the committee’s deposition authority, the committee cannot compel a witness to testify. The Jan. 6 Committee failed to give key witnesses a copy of the rule.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:23 a.m. No.18999361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The BLAG Process Must Not Be Abused for Partisan Political Purposes


In order to formally endorse the committee’s clear violations of express House rules and established protocol, Pelosi convened the BLAG and secured a 3-2 vote along strictly partisan lines, authorizing House counsel to file a brief in federal court in Washington, D.C., advising the court that the House’s official position to which the court must yield was that the committee must be deemed to have fully complied with the rules, notwithstanding the actual language of the rules, because the Democratic Party-controlled BLAG so voted, albeit 3-2 on partisan party lines.


The text of the rules and historical House protocol were rendered meaningless. Pelosi and her cronies successfully argued, through the BLAG, that courts must yield to what the political party in power at the time in the House says House rules mean, regardless of the harm caused to the rights of individual Americans and to the institutional integrity of this constitutionally critical branch of government. The courts so far have yielded to that BLAG position.


McCarthy Can and Must Restore Institutional Integrity


McCarthy has spoken loudly and in compelling terms about the grave damage done to the integrity of the House by the composition of the Jan. 6 Committee, its disregard for the rules and protocol, and the damage the BLAG’s actions did in arguing in favor of the committee’s perversion of the rules and protocol.


McCarthy has it well within his power to easily remedy the matter and restore the integrity of House rules and the institution itself. This depends on having rules and protocols that are applied evenly and consistently and are not violated with impunity simply to serve a partisan political agenda.


He can and must convene the BLAG and make it clear through that legal voice of the House that the earlier 3-2 BLAG vote endorsing the perversion of the rules and protocol no longer is valid and cannot continue to speak for the House. The BLAG must identify the rules and protocol violations committed by the Jan. 6 Committee about which McCarthy so adamantly complained, and the BLAG must set the record straight as to the procedural safeguards that the rules provide with respect to committee actions.


Committees must not be allowed to run roughshod over the rights of Americans called to testify. Moreover, every one of us has a direct stake in the integrity of committee investigations on important matters of public interest. The House must ensure that the institutional integrity of the House has been restored and that our individual rights matter and are not to be violated by our elected representatives to serve their partisan political purposes. Only then can we be true to the fundamental American principle of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.


David Schoen is a civil rights and criminal defense lawyer based in Montgomery, Alabama. He represents Steve Bannon in the appeal of his contempt of Congress conviction and served as lead counsel for former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:30 a.m. No.18999381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9385 >>9387 >>9388 >>9392 >>9398 >>9560 >>9752 >>9766 >>9982 >>0035 >>0059

Jack Poso 🇺🇸






When we went to New York, the NYPD had barricades set up well in advance to separate the groups


In Miami there are no barricades at all


The Miami Mayor has already failed. He should be removed from office


Jun 13, 2023, 11:26 AM

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:30 a.m. No.18999385   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Miami Republican Mayor Francis Suarez Details Security Preparations Before Trump’s Political Arraignment Tuesday


President Donald Trump is encouraging supporters to protest outside the Miami courthouse where he is scheduled to be arraigned on Tuesday afternoon at 3 PM in the latest Deep State assault against America’s president.


During an interview with Roger Stone on Monday, Trump was asked about a rally organized being organized by Laura Loomer.


The rally is scheduled to begin at noon outside the courthouse on 400 North Miami Avenue. A flyer for the protest urges people to “bring your Trump flags, Trump shirts, Trump hats, Trump signs, bullhorns & your love of President Trump.”


When asked for his thoughts on the planned protest, Trump did not hesitate to endorse it.


“We need strength in our country now,” Trump said. “Our country is being taken away from us. Our country’s going Communist. It’s going Marxist. It’s going really bad. The people of our country aren’t that way, but the people running it are.”


LISTEN: In an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with @RogerJStoneJr, President Trump was asked about the peaceful Pro-Trump rally I organized and have planned to take place in front of the courthouse in Miami, Florida on Tuesday, June 13, 2023.


President @realDonaldTrump encouraged people to…


— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) June 13, 2023


Thousands of Trump supporters are expected to turn out to protest this latest obvious injustice


The controlled legacy media started this weekend pushing rumors that there will be violence at the Trump arraignment.


We know today that this is not beneath the Deep State to plant dozens of FBI operatives into a crowd to create havoc and instigate violence.


If you are attending the rally today have your camera ready to film any suspicious activity.


There is ample proof that DC Metro Police started firing on the Trump crowd on January 6, 2021, without warning. FBI operatives and government assets were inside the crowd instigating much of the violence. Four Trump supporters were killed by the authorities that day.


If the regime does initiate violence this will not play out well for Governor Ron DeSantis or Miami Mayor Francis Suarez.


Mayor Francis Suarez assured Floridians that the venue will be secure on Tuesday. Suarez detailed security preparations with NBC News


If violence does break out in Miami, whether it is initiated by Antifa thugs or FBI assets, Republican Mayor Suarez, Governor Ron DeSantisand President Trump will all be blamed.


Don’t put it past the Biden regime and Chris Wray to be working some plans behind the scenes. Wray did the same thing in Michigan and then Washington DC. with 40 agents inside the Trump crowds. Let’s hope Miami is not next.


Pray for Miami. Pray for the United States. And pray for President Donald Trump today.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:32 a.m. No.18999390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9752 >>0035 >>0059

Donald J Trump Arraigned in Federal Court in Miami - 6/13/2023

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:34 a.m. No.18999397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9752 >>0035 >>0059



LIVE: President Trump to Deliver Remarks at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ - 6/13/2023

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:37 a.m. No.18999405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9409 >>9418 >>9430 >>9752 >>0035 >>0059



Election Wizard 🇺🇸




BREAKING:Police are investigating a suspicious device found outside the Miami courthouse after evacuating media

Jun 13, 2023, 11:34 AM

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:43 a.m. No.18999443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9459 >>9466 >>9752 >>0035 >>0059

Boyd: The Deep State’s Target Isn’t Trump, It’s Voters Like You


“Even if they get Trump on all of these trumped-up charges … they’re not going to stop there. And we know that because for the last two years, the Biden regime has gone after regular Americans like me and you,” Federalist Staff Writer Jordan Boyd said on “Carl Higbie Frontline.”


“They went after a pro-life pastor who was declared innocent for just standing for life. They went after parents who showed up to school board meetings and said, ‘You’re not allowed to bring your sexual agenda, your masks, your racist curriculum in here.’ The bottom line of this whole investigation is they’re not just coming after Trump, they’re coming after you. And they don’t want the GOP populist power that elected him to have power again.”




Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:54 a.m. No.18999503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

8 Minutes to show time


Donald J Trump Arraigned in Federal Court in Miami - 6/13/2023

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 8:56 a.m. No.18999519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9752 >>0035 >>0059

Donald J. Trump




Will Deranged Jack Smith be looking at the thousands of pages of documents that Biden had in Chinatown then, when caught, quickly sent up to Boston? What about the 1,850 Boxes that Biden is fighting to keep secret. How about Hillary’s 33,000 emails that she deleted and acid washed? Will he be looking at the $5,000,000 bribe that was paid to Biden but that the Justice Department is trying to hide? Much more coming on that! We are living in a Third World Country. No Borders, Rigged Elections!


Jun 13, 2023, 11:53 AM

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.18999557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9752 >>0035 >>0059

Bomb Squad Called Outside of Miami Courthouse Where Trump Will Be Arraigned


Multiple reports have revealed a suspicious device was spotted outside of the Miami courthouse where Trump is set to be arraigned.


Nicole Linsalata of 7 News Miami released footage of the Miami police officers responding to a T.V. tied up to a pole near the Federal courthouse where Trump will soon enter.


Linalata said the device has garnered the attention of the bomb squad officials.




Clarification: these are officers in the scene. Bomb squad will respond, we’re told.


— Nicole Linsalata (@nlinsalataon7) June 13, 2023



According to reports, Trump supporters were told to move backward and remain behind a taped-off area in front of the Federal courthouse due to an alleged bomb threat.


The Trump supporters peacefully complied with the police requests.




BREAKING: Police are investigating a suspicious device found outside the Miami courthouse after evacuating media


— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) June 13, 2023


Update: bomb squad responding to sidewalk in front of the federal courthouse in #Miami @wsvn


— Nicole Linsalata (@nlinsalataon7) June 13, 2023


Per Raw Story:


President Donald Trump is set to turn himself over to police Tuesday, where he’ll be arraigned in a Miami courthouse on 37 indictment counts involving the retention of classified documents in his Mar-a-Lago home.


But ahead of his arrival, a bomb threat was called into the courthouse sending everyone scrambling.


MSNBC’s Yasmin Vossoughian explained that press was being forced away from the scene shortly before 11 a.m. Tuesday.


WPBF reporter Terri Parker took a video of the moment the press was pushed away from the building.


NOW: Police moving all media and others away from the federal courthouse and to the sidewalk – not sure what is causing the sudden uproar although they just taped off a portion of the east lawn – a possible bomb threat? @WPBF25News #trump #miami #arraignment


— Terri Parker (@wpbf_terri) June 13, 2023


Steve Bannon reported the threat too:

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 9:09 a.m. No.18999602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9642


You're a dumb motherfucker.


Donald J Trump Arraigned in Federal Court in Miami - 6/13/2023

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 9:21 a.m. No.18999664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Arraignment: Judge Bans Cameras Inside Courtroom


Trump in Manhattan court


Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman late Monday evening denied a motion to allow cameras in the courtroom during Trump’s arraignment.


Judge Jonathan Goodman will preside over President Trump’s arraignment at a federal court in Miami on Tuesday – Not Aileen Cannon.


CNN, ABC News, AP, CBS News and others filed a motion to allow photography inside of the Miami courthouse.


Goodman banned cameras inside the courtroom.


“The ‘special proceedings’ term referenced in the Local Rule is analogized to a proceeding akin to a naturalization proceeding,” Goodman wrote in the filing. “Tomorrow’s proceedings are undoubtedly ‘special’ in that they are genuinely historic and of huge importance, but they are not in any way similar to a naturalization proceeding.”


“The motion does not cite any case or legal authority which would support the view that photographs are permitted tomorrow because the first appearance and arraignment are ‘special proceedings,’ as that term is used in the rule,” he added.


Judge Goodman also made it clear in his ruling that he will only be involved in Trump’s arraignment on Tuesday which is why he felt it was not appropriate to rule on what happens in future proceedings.


The Washington Examiner reported:


Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman denied a motion by various media companies to allow cameras inside the federal courthouse in Miami, Florida, for former President Donald Trump’s arraignment on Tuesday.


The late Monday filing by Goodman denied the argument by the media companies that the court appearance by Trump is a “special proceeding” and therefore regular rules on recording would be followed.


Goodman cited rule 77.1 for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida as a basis not to allow photography, with the rule only allowing exceptions for “special proceedings” or “following a declaration of a local, state, or national emergency.”


“All forms of equipment or means of photographing, audio- or video-recording, broadcasting or televising within the environs of any place of holding court in the District, including courtrooms, chambers, adjacent rooms, hallways, doorways, stairways, elevators or offices of supporting personnel, whether the Court is in session or at recess, is prohibited,” the rule said.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 9:29 a.m. No.18999708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9767 >>9768 >>0062

Donald J. Trump




I wonder if the PGA players who didn’t heed my advice and take the massive amounts of money that was offered to them by LIV Golf, feel somewhat “stupid” right now. I predicted a MERGER, and that is exactly what happened, but whether LIV succeeded or failed, what the hell did they have to lose (except for some bull…. fed to them by highly paid PGA executives!). Plenty, in fact, more money than they will ever be able to make again. Anyway, enjoy the game!


Jun 13, 2023, 12:25 PM

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 9:34 a.m. No.18999730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0062

Autopsy Confirms Cause of Death for Pregnant US Olympian Found Dead at 32


U.S. Olympic champion sprinter Tori Bowie died from complications of childbirth, according to an autopsy report.


Bowie, who won three medals at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games, was found dead last month.


She was 32.


“We’re devasted to share the very sad news that Tori Bowie has passed away. We’ve lost a client, dear friend, daughter and sister. Tori was a champion…a beacon of light that shined so bright! We’re truly heartbroken and our prayers are with the family and friends.


— Icon Management Inc. (@iconmanagement) May 3, 2023

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 9:48 a.m. No.18999821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0062

Burisma audio tapes could be 'cataclysmic event' for President Biden, Matt Whitaker says


Sen. Chuck Grassley claims Burisma exec has 17 recordings of calls with Bidens as 'insurance policy'


Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, made a stunning claim Monday that a Burisma executive who allegedly paid $5 million in a Biden bribery scheme maintained audio recordings of calls with the family as an "insurance policy." On "Fox & Friends First" Tuesday, former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker discussed the "explosive" developments days after the FBI turned over a document to Congress that allegedly detailed a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden.


MATT WHITAKER: This is explosive. There's so many issues surrounding this, but remember what my home state senator, Chuck Grassley, said. This was redacted from the document they looked at, the 1023 that Chris Wray finally provided to the House and the Senate. This information, that there were recordings of the president of United States talking to a foreign national about bribes, was redacted from that 1023. That's extraordinary in and of itself. Now, the contents, if true, I mean, obviously this is a cataclysmic event because you just don't have these types of recordings usually available. And… it will prove essentially what Joe Biden knew and what his scheme was to abuse his power as vice president.


Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Monday that the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Joe Biden and Hunter Biden kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them, citing the FBI FD-1023 form that the bureau briefed congressional lawmakers on.


Grassley revealed from the Senate floor Monday what was said to be a redacted reference in the FBI-generated FD-1023 form alleging a criminal bribery scheme between then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national that involved influence over U.S. policy decisions.


Fox News Digital exclusively reported on the contents of the form last week. The FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020, is the FBI's interview with a "highly credible" confidential source who detailed multiple meetings and conversations he or she had with a top Burisma executive over the course of several years, starting in 2015. Fox News Digital has not seen the form, which is redacted, but it was described by several sources who are aware of its contents.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 9:53 a.m. No.18999837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Identity Of Second IRS Whistleblower On Biden Family Corruption


Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 9:57 a.m. No.18999852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9853 >>0062

Dutch tipped off US about alleged Ukrainian plan to blow up Nord Stream

by Breanne Deppisch, Energy and Environment Reporter

June 13, 2023 12:41 PM


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A Dutch military intelligence agency tipped off the CIA last June about Ukraine’s alleged plan to attack the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline linking Russia to Germany, prompting the U.S. to warn Kyiv not to move forward with its plans, according to new reports from Dutch and German broadcasters.


The new report comes nearly 10 months after the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines were exploded last fall, in an act that the U.S. and other allies have described as an act of “sabotage,” though so far none have determined who is responsible for the attack.


According to Dutch broadcaster NOS, the Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service (MIVD) warned the CIA in June 2022 about Ukraine’s plans to attack the natural gas pipeline.


The Dutch military intelligence agency had obtained the information from a source in Ukraine, according to NOS, which cited research from German media outlets Die Zeit and ARD.


The CIA was alarmed by the reports, prompting it to warn Kyiv not to attack the gas pipelines. It then also shared the information with its counterparts in Germany and other European countries.


After the warning, Ukraine agreed to cancel its plans, according to NOS.


But just three months later, both the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were hit by a series of explosions that closely resembled Kyiv’s plans, as derailed by an alleged copy of the intelligence memo, which was shared on the chat platform Discord and allegedly leaked by Jack Teixeira, the Air National Guard member accused of leaking a tranche of top-secret government documents onto the site.


According to a copy of the memo, reported last week by the Washington Post, Ukraine planned to carry out an attack using divers from its special military forces team.


All members of the group were to report directly to Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Ukraine's highest-ranking military officer, who was tapped to head up the operation so as to give Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky plausible deniability in any attack.


According to the intelligence summary, the military divers had planned to attack the Nord Stream pipeline following a massive allied naval exercise known as BALTOPS, which took place from June 5-17.


It said the military operation was “put on hold” for unknown reasons. The intelligence report also did not mention Nord Stream 2, the second pipeline linking Russia to Germany, which was not yet operational at the time of the explosions.


The twin Nord Stream gas pipelines were hit by four undersea blasts in September. European officials said the explosions caused "extensive damage" to Nord Stream 1, the main gas artery linking Russia to the EU and supplying the bulk of the bloc's supplies until Moscow began throttling its deliveries last summer.


Where things stand


Germany, Sweden, and Denmark are each conducting investigations into the blasts, and all three investigations remain ongoing. Ukraine has denied responsibility for the attacks.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 9:57 a.m. No.18999853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0062


German investigators have said they believe six people used fake passports to rent a yacht called the Andromeda to transport the explosives and plant them on the Baltic Sea floor at three separate locations along the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines.


Authorities said previously that they believe those involved are skilled divers, given that the explosives were planted at a depth of about 240 feet.


German officials also said they matched traces of the same explosive residue found on the exploded pipeline with residue found inside the cabin of the rented yacht.


In March, unnamed U.S. officials briefed on new intelligence said that pro-Ukrainian actors, likely Ukrainian or Russian nationals, were behind the explosions, the New York Times reported.


U.S. officials said at the time they did not have evidence that the group was tied to Zelensky or that the perpetrators were acting on the orders of any Ukrainian government officials.


To date, no Western leaders have assigned any blame in the attacks, though they have all described the blasts as an act of sabotage, and say a state actor is involved.


The CIA and MIVD did not immediately respond to the Washington Examiner's request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.18999953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9955 >>0062

Donald J. Trump




“Has Anyone Seen This Man? Biden Special Counsel Robert Hur Appears to Have Vanished”


Jun 13, 2023, 1:16 PM


Jonathan Turley, an attorney, constitutional law scholar and legal analyst, is the Shapiro Chair for Public Interest Law at The George Washington University Law School.


Has Anyone Seen This Man? Biden Special Counsel Robert Hur Appears to Have Vanished


With the arraignment of Donald Trump in Miami, Department of Justice (DOJ) special counsel Jack Smith is pushing forward with a historic criminal prosecution that could result in a terminal prison sentence for the 76-year-old former president and, at least for now, the leading Republican candidate in the 2024 election.


This also is the six-month anniversary of the appointment of another special counsel … Robert Hur. In the company of better-known appointees like Robert Mueller, John Durham and Smith, Hur is the prosecutorial version of the missing Beatle. He was appointed on Jan. 12 and then seemingly vanished.


Unlike the apparent leaks and speculation about the Smith investigation or the breathless accounts of Trump grand jury testimony, Hur’s investigation of classified documents allegedly found to be improperly in Biden’s possession appears to have all but disappeared.


The lack of leaks is, in one sense, a good thing; prosecutors should do their work without public comment. Moreover, Hur is well short of the multiyear investigations of special counsels Robert Mueller or John Durham. However, even with the Durham investigation, there still were indicators of action, from subpoenas confirmed by recipients to grand jury appearances.


Hur is clearly going to face heightened comparative scrutiny. The concern in many minds is that, once again, there may be a stark difference in how the Justice Department pursues Trump versus his opponents.


With then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her possession of classified documents on private email servers, the Justice Department was so accommodating that it seemed to send requests in gift baskets rather than as subpoenas. As State Department investigators worked to determine the potential compromising of classified information, she and some members of her staff did not fully cooperate initially and refused to turn over her emails and other evidence; Clinton declined to speak to the State Department’s inspector general. Ultimately, the FBI cut deals with her close aides to secure their cooperation. Later, additional classified material was found on the laptop of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), who was married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin — 49,000 emails, potentially relevant to the Clinton investigation.


A majority of the public at the time believed Clinton should have been charged in that case, and nearly half of Americans have come to view the FBI as politically compromised or untrustworthy.


Hur may answer all of these questions eventually, but he will be asked not simply whether there will be charges against President Biden but how he investigated the allegations.


With Trump, the FBI followed the familiar no-holds-barred approach to pursuing him, including a raid on his home at Mar-a-Lago.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.18999955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0062


To be clear, there are significant differences between the Trump and Biden cases. The Trump indictment details alleged efforts to conceal documents, obstruct the investigation and lie to the government. For two years, I have written that Mar-a-Lago was the greatest threat to Trump, and it has proven to be precisely that.


We obviously do not have an indictment on Biden and, thus, do not know the full extent of any evidence in that controversy. Yet when the Trump documents were found, Biden famously declared his revulsion with anyone possessing classified material. As he responded to a question from CBS's Scott Pelley: “How that could possibly happen, how one, anyone, could be that irresponsible.”


Hur is now, presumably, trying to answer that question with regard to Biden himself. However, what is clear is that what President Biden has said publicly on the matter makes no sense.


Classified documents have been discovered in Biden’s possession at several locations, hundreds of miles apart, ranging from a prior office in Washington, D.C., to his home and his garage in Delaware. We also have learned that Biden may have removed documents from a SCIF while he was a senator and kept those documents.


Biden has publicly declared that he has “no regrets” and assured Americans that the special counsel investigation would soon peter out when it determined that "there is no 'there' there."


Yet, his claim that these documents were inadvertently removed from the Senate and the White House strain credulity. You do not just inadvertently remove classified documents from a SCIF and then retain them for almost two decades.


Moreover, the documents from the period of the Obama administration were not just removed but were then divided and repeatedly moved to different locations. One document reportedly ended up in Biden's personal library. The movement and division of the documents suggest purpose and knowledge.


That brings us back to special counsel Hur. Given a suspect who is offering an implausible explanation for potentially criminal conduct, most prosecutors would want to secure a statement on the record. Lying to investigators is itself a federal crime — removing any questions over legal statutes of limitation.


In the case of Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, then-FBI Director James Comey later bragged that he "probably wouldn't have … gotten away with it" in other administrations but that he sent “a couple guys over” to White House offices to question Flynn. Comey broke protocols and sent the agents, who were able to get a statement that was later used to prosecute Flynn for misleading the FBI.


The question today is whether Hur has asked to speak to Biden or asked for a statement from Biden. The best time for such a demand was six months ago, before Biden might learn of countervailing evidence.


Biden has repeatedly insisted that he would fully cooperate with the investigation. That would seem like an invitation for an interview or a written statement back in January. If Biden has refused such a statement, it would appear that he is following a Clintonesque view of cooperation. But that, of course, depends on whether Hur actually asked for an interview or statement.


Smith used a flurry of subpoenas to pursue Trump over his documents. Smith was all over the place in pressuring Trump World figures, from low-level aides to Trump’s own lawyers — even compelling Trump counsel to testify against their client.


After six months, it may be a tad early to put Robert Hur's face on milk cartons with a “Have you seen this man…” plea. However, after six months, it would be reassuring to see some proof of life in the investigation of President Biden’s classified documents.

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 10:25 a.m. No.18999962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Donald J. Trump








Jun 13, 2023, 1:18 PM

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.18999983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0062

Gateway Pundit




DEVELOPING: Trump Not Expected to be Handcuffed, No Mugshot




Trump Not Expected to be Handcuffed, No Mugshot


President Trump will arrive to the Miami courthouse on Tuesday for his arraignment.


According to ABC News, Trump is not expected to be handcuffed and no mugshot will be taken.


ABC News reported:


As negotiations reach final stages, ABC News has learned from sources that former President Donald Trump is not expected to be handcuffed or be required to empty his pockets when he’s processed at the courthouse on Tuesday.


Trump is also not expected to have a mugshot taken, according to sources.


His hands are expected to be scanned electronically, sources added.


Trump will be asked for his name and social security number when he’s processed, a law enforcement official told reporters.


The booking process is not expected to take long, a law enforcement official said, adding that it’s “the same process that everyone goes through.”


President Trump last week was indicted on 37 counts in Jack Smith’s investigation into presidential records stored at Mar-a-Lago.


Judge Jonathan Goodman will preside over President Trump’s arraignment at a federal court in Miami on Tuesday – Not Aileen Cannon.


Goodman banned cameras inside the courtroom.


Supporters are outside of the federal courthouse in Miami awaiting Trump’s arrival:


HAPPENING NOW: Outside the Miami Federal Courthouse


— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) June 13, 2023

Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.19000036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tiffany Blue luxury car with JFK Picture drives by President Trump


Anonymous ID: 34f4e9 June 13, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.19000062   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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>>18999983 Trump Not Expected to be Handcuffed, No Mugshot