Anonymous ID: c554d9 June 13, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.18999616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9620 >>9667

Shall we Pray?


''' 'member that time Q prayed the Catholic version of the OUR FATHER or LORDS PRAYER with Anons in that drop about the CIA SAUDI ARABIA > UBL > SEAL TEAM 6 > who financed 9-11?'''

Our Father, in Heaven…Who financed 9-11?


Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/14/2017 21:25:29 ID: wmN+33xv #154

4chan/pol: 149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.


Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us ourtrespasses,

as we forgive those whotrespassagainst us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.




Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:12:19 ID: 571cae#306

8chan/cbts: 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.




Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:16:56 ID: 571cae#307

8chan/cbts: 60172

Q DROP #154

Anonymous 12/09/2017 13:13:29 ID:e60938

8chan/cbts: 60150


Tues Nov 4th,


Who financed9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was theClowns In Americatasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.


Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.



The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.


Anonymous ID: c554d9 June 13, 2023, 9:31 a.m. No.18999720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721 >>9723 >>9763 Charities Under SiegeHouse Republicans and TX bearing down hard


12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump


On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


'That's A Ridiculous And Silly Question!': Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At BorderPart I

Yesterday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) snapped at a reporter during a press briefing on the southern border.

Forbes Breaking News 1.78M subscribers 55,740 views May 12, 2023


TED CRUZ "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" "the situation is unsustainable"

REPORTER#1 "and how long have you been in Office?"

REPORTER#2 "Come on, man. This has been going on for 20 years."


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.153 📁 1881

Aug 15 2018 00:10:19 (EST)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.152 📁

Aug 15 2018 00:01:13 (EST)


[Read very carefully]📁

"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of theircustomers are western humanitarian workerswho’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."

The more you know…


Russia had about 277,000 NGOs in 2008.[15] India is estimated to have had about 2 million NGOs in 2009 (approximately one per 600 Indians), many more than the number of the country's primary schools and health centers.[16][17]

The United States, by comparison, has approximately 1.5 million NGOs.[18]

Anonymous ID: c554d9 June 13, 2023, 9:32 a.m. No.18999723   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Did you know that Catholic Charities is Approved as a Community-Based Organization by Homeland Security?

Catholic Charities Immigration Program

6116 Mulford Village Drive, Suite 8

Rockford, IL 61107

(815) 399-1709



From their PDF which can be found here: Brochure 2013.pdf


Become a U.S. Citizen!

Call Catholic Charities Immigration Department today!

Approved as a Community-Based Organization by Homeland Security!

The Moar You Know!


Catholic Charities Under Siege

House Republicans and TX bearing down hard

by Kristine Christlieb • • December 17, 2022 2 Comments


The months-long surge of illegal immigrants on America's southern border has gone beyond crisis mode, and Catholic Charities has been at the center of it.

Church Militant's Kristine Christlieb briefs us on how the Catholic nonprofit may be profiting illegally from the migration catastrophe.


As Church Militant and the Lepanto Institute have been reporting for years, illegal immigration is a cash cow for nonprofit giant Catholic Charities.

Four Republican members of Congress plus the state of Texas are hot on the charity's trail, both claiming some of its immigration activities may be illegal.


Wednesday, in a letter addressed to the organization's Virginia headquarters, Congressmen Lance Gooden and Jake Ellzey of Texas, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin ordered the charity to "preserve all information related to any expenditures submitted for reimbursement from the federal government related to migrants encountered at the southern border."


The Congressmen promise an investigation, saying, "Catholic Charities is violating federal law and regulations, placing migrants and American communities at risk, and subjecting local communities to unreasonable burdens."


Also on Wednesday, speaking on behalf of the people of Texas, Catholic Gov. Greg Abbott officially unleashed his crack attorney general, Ken Paxton, on the border problem, telling him "to initiate an investigation into the role of NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] in planning and facilitating the illegal transportation of illegal immigrants across our borders."


Earlier this month, the Heritage Foundation released findings from its investigation of the border crisis.

Specifically naming Catholic Charities, the report "confirmed that a host of NGOs are actively facilitating the Biden border crisis."


Finally feeling the heat, Catholic Charities, which failed to respond to a February inquiry from the Congressmen, is denying any wrongdoing, calling the accusations "factually inaccurate."

Once motivated by the love of Christ to help others, Catholic Charities has lost its way and has become an enemy of the people — even the people it claims to be trying to save.

Next to the federal government, Catholic Charities is the nation's largest social safety-net provider.

Anonymous ID: c554d9 June 13, 2023, 9:33 a.m. No.18999726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9728 >>9752 >>0035 >>0059

>>18914309 '''POTUS Truths Texas AG Ken Paxton 4 times. The Texas house of representatives voted to move forward on Impeachment on Paxton.. Paxton was also going after NGO's like Catholic Charities. Read on.

>>18914310 AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens $ to NGO'S

>>18914312 AG Paxton Files Amicus Brief in Texas Supreme Court Defending Religious Liberty "By allowing a Catholic cleric’s defamation claim against the Diocese of Lubbock to proceed".

>>18914314 Catholic immigrant advocates reject claims of facilitating illegal crossings - Joan Rosenhauer, the executive director of Jesuit Refugee Service - Texas Gov. Abbott called for an investigation

>>18914316 POTUS Paxton truth #4 ends 666 Q Drop 666

>>18914317 POTUS Paxton truth #3 ends 3411 Q Drops 411 & 3411

>>18914319 POTUS Paxton truth #2 ends 079 Q Drop 79 POTUS Paxton truth #1 ends 919 > Q Drop 919

>>18914328 Ted Cruz at the Border "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" Q Drop 1881 NGO workers PURE EVIL [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED. THE MORE YOU KNOW!!!!!


Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached, suspended from duties; will face Senate trial

The House voted 121-23 to suspend the attorney general and refer him to the Senate for trial on charges of bribery, abuse of office and obstruction. It was the first such impeachment since 1975.

by Zach Despart and James Barragán May 27, 2023 Updated: 3 hours ago


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

May 27, 2023, 8:28 PM


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

So this is the RINO who is responsible for the Impeachment of a just re-Elected Attorney General of Texas who has done an outstanding job? What is our Country coming to?

Citizen Free Press


May 20

Texas House of Representatives Speaker Dade Phelan was either very drunk last night or suffering from a medical condition.

May 27, 2023, 5:50 PM


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan, who is barely a Republican at all and failed the test on voter integrity, wants to impeach one of the most hard working and effective Attorney Generals in the United States, Ken Paxton, who just won re-election with a large number of American Patriots strongly voting for him. You would think that any issue would have been fully adjudicated by the voters of Texas, especially when that vote was so conclusive….

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

….I love Texas, won it twice in landslides, and watched as many other friends, including Ken Paxton, came along with me. Hopefully Republicans in the Texas House will agree that this is a very unfair process that should not be allowed to happen or proceed—I will fight you if it does. It is the Radical Left Democrats, RINOS, and Criminals that never stop. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Free Ken Paxton, let them wait for the next election!

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM

Anonymous ID: c554d9 June 13, 2023, 9:35 a.m. No.18999734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9737

Illinois Catholic Church Sex Abuse Investigative Report ReleasedLegal Examiner Staffer June 8, 2023


A recent report released by Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul’s office found that child sex abuse claims against Catholic clergy members amounted to more than 1,900 survivors in Illinois. This report was released after a five-year comprehensive investigation into sexual abuse cases in the Catholic dioceses in Illinois. The almost 700-page report contains shocking details about the nature of the widespread abuse and the clergy and lay religious brothers who committed these heinous acts.


The investigation began in 2018 by former attorney general Lisa Madigan. At the time, the six Catholic dioceses in the state only had confirmed 103 clergy as child sex abusers. Attorney General Raoul continued the investigation when he was elected in 2019. As the investigation concluded and with the release of its findings, an additional 348 clergy members were confirmed as child sex abusers, bringing the total to 451. The cases of child sexual abuse took place between 1950 and 2019. Of the 451 clergy members identified in the report, 330 have died.


In the preliminary investigation, the six Illinois dioceses believed that only 26 percent of the allegations they received from survivors were credible. The remaining 74 percent could not be substantiated. This is how the dioceses confirmed that 103 clergy members were child sex abusers. The investigation concluded that the Illinois dioceses did an inadequate and often incomplete investigation into child sex abuse claims. In many cases, they failed to investigate these allegations or to notify Illinois’ child welfare authorities.


Investigators reviewed more than 100,000 pages of documents provided by the dioceses, which include Peoria, Chicago, Belleville, Joliet, Rockford and Springfield. More than 600 confidential interviews were conducted by investigators who worked with survivors to piece together how far-reaching and widespread the abuse was.


As part of the release of this report, Attorney General Raoul shared a statement that included, “It is my hope that this nearly 700-page report will provide some closure to survivors of child sex abuse by Catholic clerics by shining a light both on those who violated their positions of power and trust, and on the individuals in church leadership who covered up that abuse.”

Illinois Is Not Alone In Widespread Clergy Sex Abuse


The Illinois investigation began in 2018 after a Pennsylvania grand jury was presented with evidence that more than 300 priests sexually abused over a thousand children, potentially more, for 70 years. One of the revelations of this grand jury was evidence of how Catholic Church leaders protected clergy accused of sexual abuse. The files presented to the grand jury highlighted a playbook on how to conceal the truth about sexual abuse. Additionally, secret archive files were stored in the church, where the only key to access these files remained in the hands of the bishop. Many files contained euphemisms for the word rape and child sex abuse. When there were accusations of sexual abuse made, it was nearly impossible for the survivor to achieve justice.


Anonymous ID: c554d9 June 13, 2023, 9:35 a.m. No.18999737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9744


Illinois Catholic Church Sex Abuse Investigative Report ReleasedLegal Examiner Staffer June 8, 2023

After an extensive four-year investigation, a 2019 report about sexual abuse by the Archdiocese of Baltimore priests was released in April. Like the Illinois state investigation, the report is lengthy at nearly 500 pages but contains much of the same key information as Illinois and other states’ investigations. Church leaders worked carefully and diligently to cover up accusations. Survivors were rarely able to seek justice or believed by the Catholic Church. In many cases, the abusers were transferred to other dioceses. The Baltimore Archdiocese is the country’s oldest Roman Catholic diocese.


The release of this report also drew attention to how prevalent the abuse was. “The staggering pervasiveness of the abuse itself underscores the culpability of the Church hierarchy,” said the report.


The Baltimore Archdiocese report was kept private for several years until a Baltimore Circuit Court ruled to release a redacted version. It was kept confidential because it contains detailed information from grand jury subpoenas. In the redacted version, 37 accused abusers were removed. The court admitted that it may consider adding additional names at a later date.


A common thread continues to emerge throughout the investigations of the Illinois Catholic dioceses and other Catholic dioceses across the country. Clergy members were accused of sexual abuse and rarely punished. In many cases, those accused of these crimes kept their positions of power, careers or were simply transferred to a neighboring diocese.

Sex Abuse Lookback Windows


With many investigations underway nationwide, some states have eliminated statute of limitations for filing civil lawsuits for childhood sexual abuse. Others have enacted lookback windows, which pause the statutes, giving survivors time to report their abuse and seek justice. Due to the nature of many survivors’ sexual abuse experiences, they may not be ready or even aware of their abuse before the statute of limitations has passed.


Sex abuse civil lawsuits and lookback windows are ways in which those who survived childhood sexual abuse can make sense of their abuse and seek justice. Many survivors battle mental health challenges, including suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety and addiction. Offering additional time and eliminating the statutes for reporting this trauma provides survivors the time and space needed to begin working through their abuse.


If you or a loved one has experienced sexual abuse, know that help is available and that you are not alone. Support groups like RAINN and The National Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine can help provide resources and connect survivors with peer support. Seeking support from others and pursuing justice as a survivor of child sexual abuse can help provide closure.


Anonymous ID: c554d9 June 13, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.18999742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9749


Drop #192

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Hy6wyrTj No.150435422 📁

Nov 22 2017 01:46:36 (EST)

Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?

Can you find an owl / Y there?

Was this to prevent evil from entering?

Was this to protect their children/people?

Why was BO shamed during trip to China, SA, other locations?

How was POTUS hosted?



Fantasy land.



Drop #136

China: The People’s Bank of China

Drop #138

Russia: Central Bank of Russia



Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?

Can you find an owl / Y there?NO

Was this to prevent evil from entering?YES

Was this to protect their children/people?YES


NOW!………………… WHAT EVIL?!


Are Roth banks in both Russia and China per Q?

Roths does not = Owl Y head otherwise Roths banks WOULD NOT be in Russia and China.

==You cannot have it both ways Logic and Reason.==


This shit is easy… it is Elementary…. and THUS, if you thought for one second that ROTH = OWL Y head… someone has been lying to you… you have not been thinking for yourself… someone has been [DECODING] for you… Infiltration not invasion.

If this is first time that you are coming to terms with this FACT… that you were lied to and wrong for not even thinking for yourself… Hold on! Do not feel too bad as there is reason for that!

Would you like to know WHY?