Anonymous ID: 1dadbd June 13, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.19000244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0273 >>0301 >>0313 >>0322 >>0349 >>0442 >>0465 >>0580





doesn't say much beyond the vanilla.



1st Session

H. RES. 496


Expressing support for the designation of June 13 as “Posttraumatic Growth Day”.



June 12, 2023

Mr. Bergman submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce



Expressing support for the designation of June 13 as “Posttraumatic Growth Day”.


Whereas trauma is an experience that profoundly affects individuals, their families, and communities, leaving lasting emotional and psychological scars;


Whereas in the face of trauma, many individuals demonstrate remarkable resolve and the capacity to not only recover but also to grow and thrive;


Whereas posttraumatic growth is a concept that acknowledges the potential for positive psychological change and personal transformation that can arise from the struggle with trauma;


Whereas the journey toward posttraumatic growth involves the exploration and development of new perspectives, values, and life goals, as well as the cultivation of greater personal strength, appreciation of life, and deeper interpersonal connections;


Whereas numerous organizations have been instrumental in providing innovative and effective programs and resources to support individuals on their path to posttraumatic growth;


Whereas these organizations have demonstrated a deep commitment to empowering individuals to embrace their potential for growth and build a fulfilling life beyond the impact of trauma;


Whereas the impact of posttraumatic growth extends beyond the individual, contributing to the well-being and strength of families, communities, and the Nation as a whole; and


Whereas it is fitting and proper to recognize and honor the strength and courage displayed by individuals on their journey of posttraumatic growth, and to raise awareness about the positive possibilities that can emerge from traumatic experiences: Now, therefore, be it


Resolved, That the House of Representatives—


(1) supports the designation of “Posttraumatic Growth Day” and encourages all Americans to observe this day with appropriate activities and ceremonies;


(2) commends the efforts of organizations for their invaluable contributions to the field of posttraumatic growth and their commitment to supporting individuals in their journey toward resilience and transformation; and


(3) calls upon Federal, State, and local agencies, as well as nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and the private sector, to promote awareness and understanding of posttraumatic growth and to support initiatives that foster resilience, healing, and growth in individuals and communities affected by trauma.