Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19000276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rudy Giuliani Has Chief Burisma Accountant Plus FOUR OF HER COLLEAGUES WILLING TO TESTIFY! – Who Worked with Mykola Zlochevsky the Burisma Owner who Bribed the Bidens with Millions


Last week Reps. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) disclosed that Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly told an FBI source that he paid $5 million apiece to Hunter and then-Vice President Joe Biden in an attempt to shake off a corruption investigation.


On Saturday America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Rita Cosby on Newsmax that he has a high-level witness who is the former chief accountant at Burisma who is willing to testify on the Biden crimes. She even has the Biden bank account transactions. She has the receipts!


Rudy Giuliani: It’s extraordinary. I gave them one witness that any investigator would jump through hoops to go to. Gave them a witness who is a woman who was the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner who died under suspicious circumstances. And, she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens’ accounts. She supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.


On Monday Rudy Giuliani shared more details with the War Room audience. Rudy’s Burisma witness had FOUR COLLEAGUES willing to testify!


Rudy Giuliani: There was one very extraordinary piece of evidence. We had a woman in Ukraine who was the chief accountant for Burisma, the wife of the former partner of Mycola Zlochevsky who owned Burisma and is the major crook who was paying off the Bidens. And she wanted to turn she wanted to testify, but to testify she wanted to be in the Witness Protection program. And she had four colleagues of hers who were willing to testify and support her. She claimed that over an eight year period she supervised all of the offshore illegal bank accounts. All the money laundering went through her. Now, we weren’t sure she was telling the truth but we did have one transaction that I had gotten very early of a complete money laundering transaction for $14 million, some of which went through to Joe Biden with an indication that Joe got $900,000 of it and his family got a total of about 3 million of it.


Upon hearing this news, Steve Bannon went off on the crooked former Attorney General.


Steve Bannon: Bill Barr, you can sit up there and say it’s a great case (on Trump). We’re going to shove this up your ass, okay? We’re going to shove it up your ass. You are freaking guilty of treason. You big old… You’re guilty of treason and Wray’s guilty of treason. You had this information, and we can prove you had it.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19000304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0322 >>0349 >>0442 >>0465 >>0580 >>0625 >>0671 >>0680 >>0800

Curious Timing: Biden Admin, Liberal PAC Each Launch PR Offensives Supporting Unpopular Kamala Harris; Emily’s List to Spend “Tens of Millions” of Dollars Propping Up Veep


The Biden administration and the pro-abortion PAC Emily’s List have each launched public relations offensives in support of Kamala Harris in recent weeks as polls show Harris to be the lost unpopular vice president in decades. The moves come after Biden announced his reelection campaign and credible allegations of bribery were revealed against Joe and Hunter Biden, prompting impeachment talk.


Emily’s List is reported to have said the group plans to spend “tens of millions” of dollars supporting Harris.


In addition to the usual posts documenting appearances, the Biden White House social media accounts have fluffed Harris with flattering photos and statements:


Two days ago the White House posted a photo of Joe and Jill Biden with Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff captioned “Dream team.”


The White House trying to give Harris that ‘Commander-in-Chief’ vibe, “This weekend, @VP made history as the first woman to deliver a commencement address at West Point.”


Emily’s List is promoting their campaign for Harris, vowing, “Not a single lie about VP @KamalaHarris will go unanswered. We are all in to defend and advocate for @KamalaHarris’ leadership as Vice President of the United States of America.”


Politico reported Monday on Emily’s List’s effort promoting Harris (excerpt):


…EMILY’s List, the political action committee whose aim is to elect female candidates supportive of abortion rights, says it will be spending “tens of millions of dollars” to defend and prop up the vice president during the 2024 election.


…Laphonza Butler, the president of EMILY’s List, told POLITICO that the effort is not to redefine but to “remind” voters of the politician that electrified enough of the party as a freshman Senator to have the juice to run for president.


“We’re going to tell the story about who she is, what she’s done, support her at every turn and really push back against the massive misinformation and disinformation that’s been directed towards her since she’s been elected,” said Butler, a longtime Harris ally.


At this point, the PAC is at the beginning of planning the exact scope of the investment, but Butler confirmed it will be in the range of tens of millions of dollars. When asked what the organization would spend the money on, Butler said she would not “take anything off the table at this point.” The group, she added, would target certain types of voters on various platforms.


Last month both Biden and Harris spoke at Emily’s List’s annual gala in Washington, D.C.


The Los Angeles Times keeps track of Harris’ polls numbers, comparing her approval to Biden as president and vice president and other recent vice presidents. Harris is immensely unpopular, even less popular than Biden.


The Times has Biden at 44 percent approval and Harris at 41 percent approval. Harris’ net favorability compared to the four previous vice presidents in their third year in office is stark: Pence, -9.1; Biden -13.3; Cheney -35.9; Gore -39.2


A month ago Democrat strategists expressed concern it may be too late to salvage Harris’ perception by voters (USA Today excerpt):


Republican attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris are taking hold, and the White House is running out of time to reframe the narrative, Democrats say.


At a meeting two days after President Joe Biden announced his 2024 reelection bid, a group of Democratic strategists told the White House as much during a briefing for television pundits on the pair’s agenda.


For more than two years, Republicans had been trying to paint Harris as incompetent. And yet, the strategists found, the White House was still developing its strategy for how to combat the ruthless assault against the first Black and Asian American woman to hold the vice presidency.


…But some Harris allies fear it’s too late. The vice president’s poll numbers have been below 50% since the duo’s first year in office, and several Democrats, who requested anonymity to speak candidly, expressed concern that they may be beyond repair.


Should Biden be impeached and removed from office, Harris would become president and the favorite for the 2024 Democrat presidential nomination.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.19000327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0343

Amazon Sells Penis-Themed Neon Signs Listed as “For Kids”


In a recent, rather scandalous, development, Amazon has come under fire for listing penis-themed neon signs on its website, oddly categorized as “for kids.”


A product on the site labeled “Lick Penis Neon Sign” displays an image of a tongue licking a penis, accompanied by marketing images of young women licking lollipops and staring provocatively into the camera, Daily Caller reported.


There is also an option for a “Flying Penis Neon Sign” that is also advertised as “for kids” and features a picture of a happy little kid next to the sign.


The listings raised eyebrows not only because of its explicit content but also because of its inappropriate categorization as a child-friendly product.


Products are ” suitable for children’s room decoration,” according to the description.


According to Daily Caller, “The listings are under the “Cowboy Frog,” brand, which appears to be Chinese and sells a multitude of neon signs ranging from signs of cowboy frogs to signs of open lighters. The listing also contained a sign featuring a vulva, although it was not explicitly advertised for kids.”


The listings were discovered by Haley Kennington who was looking for some LED signs for her kids.


“I was looking for some LED signs for my kids rooms for fun last night and… “Lick Penis Neon Sign for Wall Decor Led Neon Light for Kids Room” came up in the search. There’s absolutely no excuse for this,” wrote Haley Kennington.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:31 a.m. No.19000337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0344 >>0350 >>0369

White House Set To Approve Depleted Uranium Munitions For Ukraine


The Biden administration is set to transfer depleted uranium shells to Ukraine for the first time since the Russian invasion began The Wall Street Journal reports Tuesday.


Internal administration debate over the controversial munitions has been ongoing for several months, but an admin official quoted in WSJ says at this point there are "no major obstacles" to sending it, which will be used to equip M1 Abrams tanks provided by Washington.


This came at the request of the Ukrainians themselves: "The Pentagon has urged that the Abrams tanks the U.S. is providing Ukraine be armed with depleted-uranium rounds, which are regularly used by the U.S. Army and are highly effective against Russian tanks," WSJ writes.


Already the UK has been providing armor piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium for its Challenger 2 main battle tanks. This was first announced by Britain's defense ministry in late March.


The condemnation from the Kremlin in response to London was swift, with a Russian foreign ministry statement at the time saying it was tantamount to using a "dirty bomb" - given the highly dangerous remnant health effects on the battlefield.


While the UK defense ministry asserted that "Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armored vehicles," Moscow responded "These shells not only kill, but infect the environment and cause oncology in people living on these lands."


There have been ongoing attempts over the years of international watchdogs to get depleted uranium shells banned by international treaty. EU parliament, for example, has long pushed for a ban.


A defense analyst cited in the fresh WSJ report describes why they are so sought after by Ukrainian forces:


"The projectile hits like a freight train," said Scott Boston, a defense analyst at the Rand Corporation and former Army artillery officer. "It is very long and very dense. So it puts a great deal of kinetic energy on a specific point on an enemy armor array."


But, as the report also notes, "The proposal has been debated at the White House, where some officials have expressed concern that sending the rounds might open Washington to criticism that it was providing a weapon that may carry health and environmental risks."


It is the "chemical toxicity" of the metals used which poses the biggest danger, also as upon explosion it is turned into toxic dust which is dispersed on the battlefield and can have a permanent presence.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.19000373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cop Punches Pro-Trump Populist Politician at Protest.


A police officer in Brussels, Belgium struck the chairman of a major national populist party in the face while he was attempting to exercise his right to protest.


Tom Van Grieken, chairman of the Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) party, was attending a healthcare protest in the European Union capital which was disrupted by law enforcement.


Video footage of the incident shows a face-off with the police in which an officer strikes the politician from behind one of his colleagues, then wags a finger at him.


Van Grieken, who has praised Donald Trump as the first U.S. President in decades not to embark on new wars, has filed a complaint.


“We are simply denied the democratic right to participate in a demonstration,” he said. “Two weeks ago, the Brussels socialist mayor Philippe Close wanted to ban our demonstration, today he drums up police officers to violently deny us access to a demonstration.”


Another Vlaams Belang party member named as Ellen Samyn was also knocked to the ground during the incident.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.19000389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0442 >>0465 >>0580 >>0625 >>0671 >>0680 >>0800

Vivek Ramaswamy Announces FOIA Request to Expose Biden Communication in Trump Indictment Case


GOP Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy announces a Freedom of Information Act request at 10:30 a.m. ET on June 13 to uncover communications between the White House, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and special council Jack Smith relating to the indictment of the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19000415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0469

Biden Health Secretary Defends Forcing 2-Year-Olds To Be Masked During COVID-19 Pandemic


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra defended a policy overseen by his department that required 2-year-olds to wear masks through the COVID-19 pandemic during a Tuesday House Committee on Education and the Workforce hearing.


Republican California Rep. Kevin Kiley asked Becerra what the benefits were of a mask mandate on 2-year-olds put in place by Head Start, a national government run program to provide toddlers of low-income families school readiness. Becerra defended the decision, saying that taking necessary precautions was essential to saving lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.


“Mr. Secretary, did forcing 2-year-olds to wear masks save lives?” Kiley asked.


“Making sure people were masked when it was appropriate was essential to making sure we were able to get out of this pandemic,” Becerra responded.


Until several months into 2022, Head Start, which is under the Department of Health and Human Services, required not only staff of the program, but children as young as 2-years-old to wear a mask at all times, even if outside. In May 2023, Becerra removed the regulatory vaccine requirement and weekly testing requirement for all Head Start staff, according to a press release.


“Right now, can you point to any evidence that there was a public health benefit to forcing young children to wear masks?” Kiley asked Becerra at the hearing.


“Well the fact that today we are not losing lives the way we lost them when we first got into this pandemic,” Becerra responded before Kiley cut his answer short, asking if lives were saved because 2-year-olds were required to wear masks.


“That’s your interpretation,” Becerra responded. “What I’m saying to you is that using good policies that give us the precautions to keep our families from contracting COVID are helping save lives.”

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19000425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Starving the Russians Out: Ukraine Continues Campaign of Blowing up Railroad Tracks Supplying Occupied Areas


Pro-Ukrainian saboteurs again knocked out a major rail link at the weekend, continuing a campaign of attacks that appear intent on isolating Russian-occupied Crimea from resupply.


A railway bridge in the village of Yakymivka, through which a railway connecting Russian-occupied Melitopol to Ruissian-occupied Crimea runs, was said to be destroyed in what is claimed to be a series of sabotage attacks against Russian-held railways over the weekend. Per a report from Ukraine’s state media organisation Ukrinform, the bridge was blown up on Sunday, and the line “served as part of the enemy arms supply artery from the temporarily occupied Crimea to the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region”.


Railway traffic was suspended while repairs took place. It is not the first time that attempts to cut off Crimea from resupply by rail appear to have taken place.


As is so often the case where attacks against Russian infrastructure are concerned — many of the weapons supplied to Ukraine from the West come with strict controls on them not being used outside Ukraine’s borders — the attack was attributed to “local partisans”.


Also impacting Russian-held railways in the region was an alleged drone bomb strike which derailed a goods train on Saturday, then on Sunday tracks blown up in front of an approaching freight train. On Monday, it is claimed a railway locomotive was blown up in its depot by “partisans”, the second such attack in as many months, according to Euromaidan.


Ukrainian saboteurs have been targeting Russian railway links because, in part, they are a crucial part of the Russian war plan. Because Russia is so large and its road network comparatively underdeveloped, the Russian army relies on the use of rail freight to move men, weapons, and supplies quickly to where they are needed. This includes to occupied Ukraine.


While this was initially seen as an anachronism and weakness early in the war, U.S. military leaders have observed the system broadly works well and Russia has been using railways to support its war machine in Ukraine. It even has a series of armoured trains it claims it has used to ferret out would-be saboteurs, yet those claims have fallen flat as the attacks continue.


The armoured trains are not the only measure taken by Moscow to prevent sabotage in occupied areas. Per Kyiv, one of the first things Russia does in new territory is install a network of CCTV cameras to “fight the Ukrainian underground”. The Ukrainian government said: “The enemy installed video surveillance cameras between Melitopol and Henichesk, fearing underground operations during the Ukrainian counteroffensive. The route further leads to the temporarily occupied Crimea… Previously, the Russians significantly increased the number of cameras in Melitopol , where partisans are active”.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:49 a.m. No.19000438   🗄️.is 🔗kun

University of California to Hire Illegal Immigrants for Campus Jobs


“The new policy directs a ‘working group’ to come up with implementation plans by the end of 2023.”


The University of California Board of Regents recently voted to move forward with plans to hire illegal immigrant students for campus jobs, despite federal law seeming to prohibit it.


The new policy directs a “working group” to come up with implementation plans by the end of 2023.


The change comes after scholars with the UCLA Center for Law and Immigration Policy, Hiroshi Motmura and Ahilan Arulanaltham, published a letter that argued the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 does not apply to states.


Arulanaltham told The College Fix via email that he hopes to be involved in implementation of the new “Equitable Student Employment Opportunities” policy.


“The UC Regents have yet to set up their task force to pursue implementation (at least so far as know), but we are hopeful they will consult with UC students directly impacted by this proposal and me and my colleagues at the Center for Immigration Law and Policy to the extent possible,” the law professor told The Fix.


The law center’s “legal analysis has been publicly endorsed by 29 of the most respected immigration and constitutional law professors from around the country, including the Deans of the UC Berkeley and UC Davis law schools,” Arulanaltham said.


The Fix had asked what specific court cases led to the conclusion that the immigration act of 1986 did not apply to the states. The law made it “unlawful for a person or other entity” to hire someone who is “unauthorized to work” in the country.


Arulanaltham explained that the legal analysis covered a variety of Supreme Court cases to conclude “that state entities like the University of California are not bound by the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act.”

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:51 a.m. No.19000457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0473 >>0504

Video: Defense contractor Lockheed Martin sponsors Pride Month events


Lockheed Martin, an American aerospace, arms, defense, technology and information security corporation, recently sponsored a Pride Month parade in the nation’s capital and a Pride Month festival in Texas.


Charlie Kirk, founder and CEO of Turning Point USA, shared a video of Lockheed Martin’s sponsorship of the Washington, D.C., Pride March, claiming the event is more evidence of “woke” military contractors.


“Lockheed Martin, enriched by Washington’s love affair with bombing far off lands, sponsors a Pride March in DC,” Kirk said. “The woke Military Industrial Complex strikes again.”


The Lockheed Martin Corporation, which is headquartered near Washington, D.C., in North Bethesda, Maryland, has received pushback for its sponsorship of the LGBTQ event.


“Lockheed Martin want you to know that despite arming Saudi Arabia with missiles and other military equipment, they are BIG supporters of LGBT rights,” Ben Kew, a Red State journalist, tweeted. “Isn’t that just lovely?”

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19000488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0513 >>0540

Nets Spend 291 Minutes On Trump Indictment, 0 Seconds On Biden Burisma Bribery


On Thursday June 8, two massive political stories broke, but ONLY one of them got covered by the broadcast networks.


On June 8, former President Donald Trump was indicted by the Special Counsel in the classified documents case. That very same day it was reported that President Joe Biden had allegedly received $5 million dollars from an executive of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, the same company in which his son Hunter was involved.


Guess which one was exhaustively covered and which one was completely covered up by the networks?


Over four days (June 8-June 12) the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) broadcast networks predictably crammed their evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows with a total of 291 minutes of coverage dedicated to the Trump indictment.


But how much did the Biden/Burisma alleged bribery scheme receive?


Zero seconds.


The double-standard is breathtaking.


George Stephanopoulos’s introduction, on the June 9 edition of ABC’s Good Morning America, was representative of the tone of network coverage of the Trump indictment. The moderator of ABC’s This Week, co-anchor of Good Morning America and former Bill Clinton hack, shamelessly greeted his audience this way:


The idea that no person is above the law is a bedrock principle of American justice. And it’s being tested never before now that Donald Trump is the first former president in American history to face criminal charges from the federal government. It’s in the latest in a litany of firsts for a former President; Impeached not once, but twice. Last month, found liable for sexual abuse in a civil trial, indicted in state court for paying hush money to a porn star. His company convicted of tax fraud. And Trump still faces two more possible indictments for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Another first? That former president, defeated for reelection once, is for now, at least the front runner for his party’s nomination. Our team is covering all the angles of this astonishing legal and political story.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.19000497   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukraine’s first lady to visit Israel next week at invitation of president’s wife


Herzog’s office confirms trip by Olena Zelenska; will discuss trauma care with Israeli counterpart, is expected to visit Ukrainian soldiers receiving care in country


President Isaac Herzog’s office officially acknowledged Tuesday that Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska will visit Israel next week at the invitation of her Israeli counterpart, Michal Herzog, to discuss trauma care and rehabilitation.


Diplomatic sources told The Times of Israel earlier this week that a visit was expected but that the dates needed to be finalized.


Zelenska and Herzog will conduct a joint visit on Monday to the Safra Children’s Hospital at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, and will hold meetings with the Israel Trauma Coalition and NATAL, an Israeli nonprofit that specializes in war and terror-related trauma. Officials from the Foreign Ministry and European Union will participate in the talks as well.


Zelenska, wife of Ukraine’s wartime leader President Volodymyr Zelensky, will also have a personal schedule that will likely include a visit to wounded Ukrainian soldiers undergoing rehabilitation in Israel. Wounded Ukrainian soldiers began arriving in Israel for treatment last September, and 11 have returned home thus far.


Israel’s first lady first invited Zelenska in April.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 11:59 a.m. No.19000507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ron Johnson: FBI, DOJ Interfering in 2024 Presidential Election as They Had in 2016, 2020


During an appearance on this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) called the Justice Department’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump interference in the 2024 presidential election.


The Wisconsin Republican noted the trend of the DoJ’s involvement in the past two presidential elections, adding this was a continuation of 2016 and 2020.


“Well, when you consider the exoneration of Hillary Clinton, when you consider the fraudulent and corrupt investigation on Russian collusion, which was a complete lie, and the FBI knew it was, you put all these things together, the FBI, Department of Justice interfered in the 2016 election, in the 2020 election,” he said. “And here we go again. They’re going to be interfering in the 2024 election. They already have. What a mess. Obviously, President Trump’s going to have an ability to defend himself. But will he be able to defend himself quickly? Or is this going to drag on and on and on?”


“So it’s hard not to be suspicious of what the Department of Justice is doing once again,” Johnson continued. “As you mentioned, the investigation of Hunter Biden has been dragging on for years. They’re able to wrap up this investigation very rapidly. In addition, they announced it pretty much the same day when the details of the FBI human — confidential human source is going to be revealed by members of Congress. And I won’t steal the congresswomen’s thunder here. But it’s all suspicious. And it’s just a horrible mess.”

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.19000538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0580 >>0625 >>0671 >>0680 >>0800

Gaetz grills DOJ over Trump prosecutor's donations to Biden, alleged misconduct


Gaetz demands full list of staffers for special counsel Jack Smith after Trump indictment


Rep. Matt Gaetz, R- Fla., sent a letter Tuesday to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding information on the office of special counsel Jack Smith, revealing that one of the prosecutors on his team investigating Trump for his alleged mishandling of classified documents previously contributed to President Biden's 2020 campaign and faced misconduct allegations in 2009.


Trump is in Miami where he is scheduled to appear at 3PM ET before a federal court after being indicted on 37 counts stemming from Smith’s investigation, including willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice and false statements.


Gaetz is demanding that the names of all the people working on the case in Smith’s office be made public.


The congressman claimed in his letter that Smith’s past work "is both highly irregular and of extraordinary public concern," specifically "how his office is structured," and is giving Garland until July 7 to cough up "all staff rosters, phone lists, or similar records, within the custody or control of the Department of Justice, depicting all employees hired by or detailed to the office of Special Counsel Jack Smith."


Gaetz said it is "beyond debate" that such information should be available to the public, and that "this simple staff list cannot be withheld from Congress or the public on the basis of attenuated and entirely fantastic privacy concerns."


Gaetz pointed out that one of Smith’s deputies who has been named, Karen Gilbert, resigned in 2009 from her position as head of the narcotics section of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida after alleged misconduct, which prompted an apology at the time from the DOJ.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.19000551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0580 >>0625 >>0671 >>0680 >>0800

Vivek Ramaswamy says GOP donors have been telling all candidates to stay away from Trump indictment


Ramaswamy says he refuses to "abide by being a disciple of the donor class."



Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on Tuesday called for Republican presidential candidates to declare independence from the donor class in the GOP and vow to pardon former President Trump.


"I challenge every US Presidential candidate to join me in standing for TRUTH," Ramaswamy wrote on Twitter. "Commit to pardon Donald Trump for these federal charges on Day 1, or explain why you won’t. No one should hide. Not Biden. Not DeSantis. Not Haley. Not Pence. Not RFK. Not Scott. Not anyone. Principles over politics."


Ramaswamy made a speech in Miami, Florida, where Trump was arraigned in federal court on Tuesday. During his speech, he announced that his campaign sent a letter to every other presidential campaign, asking them to promise to pardon Trump if elected.


"It's going to be difficult for those other candidates to sign this letter," Ramaswamy stated. "The reason it's going to be difficult for them is the same reason it's difficult for me. The donor class has been calling every Republican candidate and telling us to stay away from this. Not to touch it from a ten foot pole."


Ramaswamy said that he refuses to listen to the donor class and called for his fellow candidates to do the same.


"I refuse to abide by being a disciple of the donor class," he said. "I think we need to declare independence from our donor class in the Republican Party. That is why I challenge every one of the other candidates to actually act on their convictions."


The former president is facing 37 counts as part of Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation into alleged mishandling of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago property.


Trump has continued to argue that he was protected under the Presidential Records Act to continue to negotiate with the National Archives about which documents he could keep.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 12:09 p.m. No.19000575   🗄️.is 🔗kun

November 6, 2016


FBI Notes Reveal Hillary’s Housekeeper Handled Sensitive and Classified Materials


Had access to secure room, printed intelligence briefings and other documents


According to FBI notes and memos, Hillary Clinton had her housekeeper print out sensitive materials, including material that was marked “confidential” and “secret” or “top secret.” The housekeeper, Marina Santos, does not have the security clearance to handle classified information.


Fox News reports:


As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government emails and documents — including ones containing classified information — from her house in Washington, D.C., e-mails and FBI memos show. But the housekeeper lacked the security clearance to handle such material.


In fact, Marina Santos was called on so frequently to receive e-mails that she may hold the secrets to E-mailgate — if only the FBI and Congress would subpoena her and the equipment she used.


Clinton entrusted far more than the care of her D.C. residence, known as Whitehaven, to Santos. She expected the Filipino immigrant to handle state secrets, further opening the Democratic presidential nominee to criticism that she played fast and loose with national security.


Clinton would first receive highly sensitive emails from top aides at the State Department and then request that they, in turn, forward the messages and any attached documents to Santos to print out for her at the home.


The New York Post provides details about the emails regarding Santos printing out sensitive and classified materials.


Among other things, Clinton requested Santos print out drafts of her speeches, confidential memos and “call sheets” — background information and talking points prepared for the secretary of state in advance of a phone call with a foreign head of state.


“Pls ask Marina to print for me in am,” Clinton e-mailed top aide Huma Abedin regarding a redacted 2011 message marked sensitive but unclassified.


In a classified 2012 e-mail dealing with the new president of Malawi, another Clinton aide, Monica Hanley, advised Clinton, “We can ask Marina to print this.”


“Revisions to the Iran points” was the subject line of a classified April 2012 e-mail to Clinton from Hanley. In it, the text reads, “Marina is trying to print for you.”


Both classified e-mails were marked “confidential,” the tier below “secret” or “top secret.”


In order to access and handle classified and other sensitive State documents at Hillary’s request, Santos had access to Hillary’s SCIF, a (supposedly) secure room installed by security agents for Hillary’s use at her residence. Without clearance, Santos should not have been permitted to even enter the room, let alone handle its contents.


Notably, among the classified documents Santos “periodically” printed out were top secret presidential daily intelligence briefings prepared by the CIA and FBI.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.19000587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tulsi Gabbard: Democrats Are “Normalizing Pedophilia”


Former Democratic Hawaii Rep Tulsi Gabbard said the Democrats are hellbent on “normalizing pedophilia.”


In the wake of the ongoing culture war, transgender and LGBTQ ideology is being pushed onto children as young as five years old – this is an ongoing propaganda war to indoctrinate the next generation with a warped view of sex.


Gabbard also concurs with this notion, saying Democrats were “undermining families, stripping away parental rights, sexualizing our kids, mutilating/poisoning kids with ‘gender-affirming care,’ and normalizing pedophilia and infanticide.”

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19000606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hunter Biden Email About Ukraine Suggests First Son Was Privy to Dad Joe's Classified Documents


A recent investigation is raising questions about potential links between the alleged mishandling of classified documents by President Joe Biden and allegations that he and his son took $5 million in bribes from Ukraine, has learned.


In the latest development to come shortly after President Biden was accused of receiving $5 million in bribes from an executive from the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, an email found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop found that the first son may have been privy to classified information during his father’s time as vice president.


Biden special counsel Robert Hur is now being urged to look into the matter, according to the New York Post, with a specific focus on the "uncharacteristically sophisticated" email sent by Hunter to business partner Devon Archer on April 13, 2014 – just one week before then-Vice President Biden visited Ukraine.


The email allegedly listed 22 points about Ukraine's political situation at the time, and it reportedly provided a detailed analysis of a then-upcoming election.


The email also reportedly anticipated Russia's “destabilization campaign” against Ukraine that ultimately materialized in February 2022 when Vladimir Putin first invaded the neighboring nation.


Meanwhile, an artificial intelligence analysis of the email organized by the nonprofit research group Marco Polo found that the April 2014 email was written by an individual with a much higher IQ than other emails discovered on Hunter's laptop – creating speculation about the involvement of then-Vice President Biden's files in Hunter's apparent intelligence.


The investigation will be crucial in determining if there is any overlap with classified documents found in President Biden's Delaware home or various offices, the Post reported, particularly after it was revealed Hunter was living at the Biden family home in Delaware while classified documents were allegedly being improperly stored in the garage.

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.19000639   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MHRA approves Bill Gates’ untried and untested South Korean covid vaccine


SKYCovion covid vaccine has just got regulatory approval from the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”). SKYCovion was developed in South Korea with significant funding from Bill Gates. It combines a part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein with an “adjuvant.” The self-assembled nanoparticle vaccine is adjuvanted with GSK’s AS03 adjuvant technology.


This vaccine appears to be targeted at underdeveloped countries. The MHRA states that: the duration of protection is unknown and no protection is anticipated after the first dose. Additionally, the safety and efficacy of the vaccine for immunocompromised people have not been assessed, there is no experience with the vaccine in pregnant women and it is unknown whether the vaccine is excreted in breastmilk.


So far, and unsurprisingly, SKYCovion has not been approved by any other Western country. So, Professor Norman Fenton is submitting a Freedom of Information request to MHRA Chief Executive June Raine to ask a few questions.


The New SKYCovion Vaccine: More Questions for MHRA to Answer


By Professor Norman Fenton


This is quite an alarming developing story that not enough people are paying attention to. With thanks to Debi Evans for this information.


In the segment starting at 47 mins on UK Column News 31 May 2023, Debi Evans discusses the new SKYCovion covid vaccine that has just got regulatory approval from the MHRA “after meeting the MHRA’s required safety, quality and effectiveness standards”. This is a so-called “preventative” vaccine that was made in South Korea with the help of Bill Gates.


Unlike the mRNA vaccines, this is a nanoparticle vaccine that is stored at 2-8C so no freezing or special equipment is needed. It is also cheap and easy to scale up:

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 12:18 p.m. No.19000649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MSNBC runs hit segment on parents, says their efforts to protect children from LGBT grooming and pedophilia constitute “hate”


“Deadline: White House,” one of the top-rated shows on the failing cable news channel MSNBC, ran a hit segment this week against parents and their allies who want to protect innocent children from LGBT grooming and pedophilia in public school classrooms all across the country.


The segment hinged upon the release of a new report from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that claims parental groups that aim to protect children are “hate groups” along the same lines as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), an organization that, quite frankly, barely even exists anymore in modern-day America.


Host Nicolle Wallace cherry-picked the most incendiary points from the report while huffing her way through calling parents who are concerned about public school curriculum “reactionaries” who are joining “anti-student inclusion groups.” This powerfully manipulative rhetoric, by the way, aims to paint parents who want to protect children as being anti-inclusive, also known as exclusive.

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If excluding pedophiles and groomers from the classroom, public libraries, and the local grill and bar chain’s drag queen shows is somehow a bad thing, then sign us all up for that, Ms. Wallace! Then again, MSNBC‘s viewership tends to support LGBT perversion and everything that comes along with it, so she certainly knows her audience.


(Related: Children whose parents take them to LGBT pride events could catch monkeypox from one of the prideful perverts in attendance, the CDC has warned.)

MSNBC compares parents concerned about LGBT grooming and pedophilia to January 6 “insurrection rioters”


Anyway, the segment went on to compare concerned parents to the January 6 “rioters” who “insurrected” the Capitol building in what appears to have been an FBI-directed false flag event. Wallace further blasted concerned parents opposed to biological men invading women’s sports as “target[ing],” “malign[ing],” and “threaten[ing] kids.”

Anonymous ID: 2e2f56 June 13, 2023, 12:30 p.m. No.19000733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0742

A box of 200 mosquitoes did the vaccinating in this malaria trial. That's not a joke!


One Seattle morning, Carolina Reid sat in a room with nine other volunteers, each waiting to take part in a clinical trial for a new, experimental malaria vaccine.


Reid's turn came. She put her arm over a cardboard box filled with 200 mosquitoes and covered with a mesh that keeps them in but still lets them bite. "Literally a Chinese food takeout container" is how she remembers it. A scientist then covered her arm with a black cloth, because mosquitoes like to bite at night.


Then the feeding frenzy began.


"My whole forearm swelled and blistered," says Reid. "My family was laughing, asking like, 'why are you subjecting yourself to this?'" And she didn't just do it once. She did it five times.