Anonymous ID: 2eeb63 June 13, 2023, 11:47 a.m. No.19000428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0476 >>0493 >>0515 >>0572 >>0593


Fly your flag anon. Its a show of that we haven't been beaten and we are still here. The more that fly the more others see it and know. Woke people aren't flying the flag. So if all you see out there is flags that celebrate unnatural sex and sin then think how normal people feel out numbered.

Flying the flag shows where you stand and support for the patriots and does not show approval for the Biden farce. There is a reason why flying the flag high at a fort or place being defended that is surrounded and being attacked at all sides. There is a reason for not letting it fall or touch the ground. It was important to show you will not give in, not give up, not decide to continue your life on your knees. Fly it in peace…but also fly when at war