Anonymous ID: 04304f June 13, 2023, 3:05 p.m. No.19001791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1807 >>1813 >>1827 >>1945 >>2085 >>2167 >>2186 >>2275 >>2326 >>2352

BREAKING!!! Apologies to the new majority of the Qresearch board. Oldanon's mission during the war of late October 2017 - mid December 2020 was to study the enemy TV media. We won that war, [they] lost. Nothing left but the crying (plenty of tantrums too, [they] never lost before). Well msnbc had a female reporter in the court room today. She was sitting in the media section in the rear corner behind the defendant's side.


The msnbc host had 5 persons on her panel (one of which was Andrew Weissmann) with the TV screen split into 6 parts. The woman in the Miami courtroom had just come out and got on the screen when Weissmann was giving his bullshit. Then it went to the on site reporter. She was shaken to her core. She said when it was over the Secret Service immediately stood up and formed a wedge around Trump and his employee who has been indicted too. They then formed a single file line. Trump walked slowly and halfway out he turned his head and''stared down'' all the media whores. She was shaken, she said: I've never been in a room with Trump before and he gave us all this terrible stare.


It was great to hear her discomfort anons. I can tell you that.

Anonymous ID: 04304f June 13, 2023, 3:41 p.m. No.19002035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2123 >>2275 >>2326 >>2352



Oh man. I got to tell you another. msnbc (just after Bash's show) had an attorney on who represented Trump until a month or so ago. He destroyed both Andrew Weissmann and Ari Melbar. I tell you anons, it was glorious to see.


Trump's ex-attorney was in Jack Smith's Grand Jury room for 45 minutes. He said he witnessed many prosecutor misconducts while i the room. Said every time a witness refused to answer based on Attorney-Client privilege the prosecutor would turn to the jury and say: So you refuse to answer. Another question the same witness answer. The prosecutor turning to the jurors: You refuse to answer. Do you know if Trump had nothing to hide he would wave the privilege.


They went to break. Came back and Weissmann who is the smartest prosecutor (in his mind) ever said to the rest of the panel and basically called the Trump attorney a liar. He said to the Trump attorney: You do know that ONLY prosecution attorneys are allowed in the Grand Jury room.

The Trump attorney said they needed some information and nobody could provide it but me. The prosecutors argued against it but in the end they invited me in. Then he spoke directly to Weissmann: When the prosecutor turned and said to the jury: You know Trump can waive the privilege but yet you refuse to answer. If you (Andrew) did that in a courtroom the judge would immediately call a 'mistrial The msnbc host got him off shortly thereafter. It was glorious to see anons.

Anonymous ID: 04304f June 13, 2023, 4:08 p.m. No.19002185   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I am not sure about Tucker. Most everything he said was true except Trump's weakness and love of flattery. Tucker: Ask anyone, who flattered Trump the most, who said your handsome, viral, etc.? Pompeo.


That's total bullshit. Trump played in, and won, in the biggest real estate game in the world! Manhattan. It's probably the first thing

Trump learned: why is this guy flattering me?

Anonymous ID: 04304f June 13, 2023, 4:26 p.m. No.19002299   🗄️.is 🔗kun


<He gave his one and only son.


Anon's calling bullshit on this. It's He gave his only begotten son. For how else could the saved become 'sons of God'. To the anon who wrote this post: Great post. It''s only a technical point.