Anonymous ID: 157f6d June 13, 2023, 6:06 p.m. No.19003075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3091


it was going in that direction and then . . . around 2007 suddenly 'you must have Facebook, you must have Twitter' you won't get a job without Linked in . . . '

private websites were effectively delisted.

and corporations gave up doing web work and left it all to other corporations which did a very bad job.

and website design is locked in amber (what we see)

but it could be much better, unfortunately Tech is a dictatorship.

Anonymous ID: 157f6d June 13, 2023, 6:09 p.m. No.19003103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this type of shill larps as a superior being.

but the idea of thinking that one is a superior being is inferior thinking.

and thus the larp is a fallacy.

how could this be a real person?

My guess it is not, it's a larp designed to trigger a response.