Anonymous ID: efe16c June 13, 2023, 6:15 p.m. No.19003177   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel conducts strikes near Damascus – Syrian media


News agency SANA said that one soldier was wounded in the attack


A soldier was wounded in an Israeli missile strike on the Damascus countryside, Syria’s state-run news agency SANA reported in the early hours of Wednesday, citing a military source.


According to the report, the missiles were fired from the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights at several targets to the southwest of the Syrian capital. The country’s air defenses responded to the threat, SANA said.


Israel has not commented on the matter so far. The IDF stated in the past that it had carried out air raids against Iranian-linked groups, which it said were using Syrian territory to attack Israel.

Anonymous ID: efe16c June 13, 2023, 6:18 p.m. No.19003223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3819

Israel's girl attacks Trump


Nikki Haley to Fox News: Trump was 'incredibly reckless with our national security'


These comments come after Haley complained of "prosecutorial overreach" and "double standards" in the American justice system just last week, which was ostensibly a reference to the aforementioned Trump case.


GOP candidate for president and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R) appeared to go after former President Donald Trump, saying on Monday that if the charges filed against him by the Department of Justice are true, his conduct was "incredibly reckless" and endangered US national security, in addition to bringing danger for military servicemen.


These comments come after Haley complained of "prosecutorial overreach" and "double standards" in the American justice system just last week, which was ostensibly a reference to the aforementioned Trump case.

Anonymous ID: efe16c June 13, 2023, 6:21 p.m. No.19003265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3469 >>3743 >>3882 >>3925

Rampant money-laundering, foreign buyers, put squeeze on renters, first home buyers


As the debate over the housing crisis ramps up in Parliament, the impact of money laundering driving up property prices has been largely ignored. Behind the scenes, work is being done for Australia to catch up to global standards, but for renters and first home buyers locked out of the market, the damage is done.


Money laundering is a global menace that threatens the integrity of financial systems, and its consequences extend far beyond the realms of finance. One sector that is being significantly affected by it, is the Australian property market.


In recent years, Australia has experienced a massive surge in illicit funds flowing into its real estate sector. In 2021, Transparency International Australia provided a list of 10 publicly-reported examples showing money laundering in the property market, from Sudan, China, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Russia.


The examples described money-laundering in property by Sudanese generals, Malaysian bankers, PNG’s political elite, and Chinese high-rollers. And just as recently as February this year, the AFP conducted a money-laundering bust uncovering millions of dollars worth of Sydney homes – 20 addresses in total – and cryptocurrency and luxury items.


ANZ CoreLogic’s Housing Affordability Report for 2023 revealed it takes an average of 14 years for a person living in the Greater Sydney Area to save for a house deposit; and a person living in Greater Sydney is spending almost 34 per cent of their income on paying rent, and almost 63 per cent on servicing a new mortgage.


Situations like these are prime examples of how money laundering exacerbates the existing challenges that are already present in the property market, including the ongoing rental crisis.


Here’s how it really impacts us and its connection to the rental crisis in Australia.

Anonymous ID: efe16c June 13, 2023, 6:38 p.m. No.19003430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3436 >>3461 >>3469 >>3478 >>3544 >>3743 >>3882 >>3925

REPORT: COVID ‘Patient Zero’ Was Wuhan Lab Scientist Conducting Gain-Of-Function Research


The first three patients to come down with COVID-19 more than three-and-a-half years ago were lab researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), according to a new report from journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag.


The report, published Tuesday on Shellenberger’s “Public” Substack, claims Wuhan lab researchers Ben Hu, Yu Ping and Yan Zhu are “patients zero” for COVID-19, citing anonymous U.S. government officials involved in investigating the origins of COVID-19. The Directorate of National Intelligence is expected to release formerly classified material on the origins of COVID-19 later in June, potentially including the names of the three scientists, according to Public and Racket News, Taibbi’s Substack project.


Hu is considered the protégé of Shi Zhengli, China’s “batwoman” scientist infamous for her gain-of-function research on bat-based viruses, Dr. Alina Chan told Public. He allegedly led the gain-of-function research team at the WIV in the lead-up to the COVID-19 pandemic, doing dangerous work on SARS-like coronaviruses, according to Public.


It was already known that some scientists working in Wuhan had become ill with COVID-like symptoms in November 2019, and that the Chinese Communist Party worked to conceal information about their health from the outside world. But Public is the first to report the supposed identities of those scientists and claim they were the first known cases of COVID-19.


A 2017 video cited by Public allegedly shows Hu at the WIV watching another researcher handle lab specimens, with neither of them wearing protective gear. It also appears to show WIV scientists searching for virus samples in the wild with relatively little protective equipment.


Hu co-authored a number of coronavirus research papers, including a 2017 paper with Peter Daszak, the founder of EcoHealth Alliance. EcoHealth is a U.S.-based nonprofit that funneled American taxpayer-funded grants to the WIV for dangerous research.


In an article published Saturday, the Times of London quoted an anonymous State Department official who reportedly said “It has become increasingly clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in the creation, promulgation and cover-up of the Covid-19 pandemic.”


The three scientists were engaged in “gain-of-function” research on SARS-like coronaviruses when they fell ill