Anonymous ID: 19a3ef June 13, 2023, 8:01 p.m. No.19004138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ms Lesko:

Thank you, Doctor Wollensky in an April 26th hearing with American Federation of Teachers, Randy Weingarten, we learned that she has your direct phone number. This is particularly interesting because of some of the nearly verbatim language and additions to the CDC school guidance that you took from the American Federation of Teachers. Doctor Wolinsky, do you maintain an official government and personal cell phone?


Lesko: Have you ever exchanged text messages with Miss Weingartner? Were these texts on your official or personal phones?


I, I, I would have to go back and check it. Maybe both.


Lesko: Were these texts in furtherance of official business or about the business of the CDC? Have you ever, have you ever deleted any text messages to or from Miss Weingarten?

Anonymous ID: 19a3ef June 13, 2023, 8:06 p.m. No.19004173   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ms Lesko:

You had said earlier that the CDC S goal is is to get out the most accurate information and the most timely in the most recent data or something to that effect. I just looked at the CD C's website. It's titled Use Masks To Slow the Spread of COVID-19.


It specifically says masking is a critical public health tool and it is important to remember that any mask is better than no mask, wear the most protective mask and you you can that fits well and that you will wear consistently wearing a high quality mask along with vaccination, self testing and physical distancing helps protect you and others by reducing the chance of spreading COVID-19. Doctor Wolinsky, why aren't you and your staff wearing masks?

Anonymous ID: 19a3ef June 13, 2023, 8:16 p.m. No.19004245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4289

Dr Jackson:

Well director, I, I, I think that there's a, there was a lot of things that went wrong during the, during the pandemic, but I hope that, you know that you're gonna reflect back on your decisions as well in the statements that you made in the course of this pandemic as a CDC director.


Because I think they drastically altered how the American public views our public health officials.


I think it's safe to say that your resignation later this month is gonna be an important step in returning America's trust to an organization that you did great damage to in my, in my, in my opinion, during your tenure with that, I yell back, Mr Chair.