Anonymous ID: 142f6b June 14, 2023, 7 a.m. No.19005948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5958 >>5975 >>6055

Good morning anons. Yesterday I was here almost all day waiting for the arraignment of POTUS.

I was then here during his speech last night.

I am more convinced now than ever before of Q and the plan to retake this nation.

So comfy.

Enjoying the movie.

Although I would like to hear from Q, the fact Q isn't here with "See, I told you so's" help prove legitimacy. A larp wouldn't be able to resist.

Anonymous ID: 142f6b June 14, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.19005989   🗄️.is 🔗kun


those who stand for DC instead of the people just don't understand their days are numbered. we are learning who they are and voting them out of office.

Anonymous ID: 142f6b June 14, 2023, 7:54 a.m. No.19006183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6231

From Sundance's article…


At a certain point you do end up shaking your head at the professionally republican candidates who think they can defeat our President. It really is absurd when you think about it, and then realize those candidates are not stupid people – they too understand they cannot defeat President Trump, yet there they are.


It makes you realize the scope of elitist perspectives and financial corruption in Republican political circles when you think about a corporate system demanding someone else, and yet the overwhelming majority of the voting base say, nope – Trump is our guy. Yet the corporate party will not stop trying to destroy him.


Sundance is right, it is really amazing to see the candidates running against Trump. Vivek is the exception…he is only running to get noticed and a position in the new admin.

All others are there only because they have been told to be.

If the R party had just been patient, Desantis could have been their guy in 4 years. But too much money would have been lost and many of them will be in jail.

Desantis had much support in FL from both parties. That is now gone and he has no chance of ever being president.