Anonymous ID: 4cbcac June 14, 2023, 7:06 a.m. No.19005973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6276 >>6289

COVID JABS in moms cause CORE DYSREGULATION in babies


Gene Transfer Technology- You are the Experiment


Scientists have long known that the gene-transfer technologies used in both the Pfizer and J & J COVID-19 vaccines were associated with systemic inflammation and the potential for viral DNA to get inserted into the DNA of body cells as well as reproductive cells. Insertion of the viral DNA coding for the spike protein into reproductive cells, such as eggs and sperm, would then be transmitted to your offspring.


While we were repeatedly told that there was no chance these vaccines could alter our DNA, a study from the winter of 2022 showed that the Pfizer vaccine caused human liver cells to copy the vaccine mRNA into DNA and insert it into the person’s DNA. This was not a surprise. Molecular biologists knew that this was likely. Further, they knew that insertion of viral DNA into the DNA of a person’s immune cells would increase their risks for leukemia. However, most stayed silent as large segments of our population were injected with this experimental gene-transfer technology.[1]‍




“In 1999 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger died when an experimental gene treatment designed to treat his metabolic liver disease sent his immune system into overdrive. A few years later, in 2003, researchers reported that several people treated for immunodeficiency developed leukemias, an unfortunate result of the virus randomly inserting its cargo into cancer-promoting regions of the genome.”[2]‍


WAIT! WHAT??? Gene transfer technologies, such as those used with the COVID-19 vaccines are known to cause severe inflammatory responses and lead to cancer in some people??


YES. In fact, the Mayo Clinic lists the risks associated with gene therapy as follows:[3]‍


  • Unwanted immune system reaction. Your body's immune system may see the newly introduced vaccine particles or the protein they produce as intruders and attack them. This may cause inflammation and, in severe cases, organ failure.

  • Targeting the wrong cells. Because this technology can affect more than one type of cell, it's possible that healthy cells may be damaged, causing other illness or diseases, such as cancer.

  • Infection caused by the virus. It's possible that once introduced into the body, the adenoviral vectors (such as J & J and Astra-Zeneca) may recover their original ability to cause disease.

  • Possibility of causing a tumor. If the new genes get inserted in the wrong spot in your DNA, there is a chance that the insertion might lead to tumor formation.


In a recent meeting with AFLDS National State Leaders, Dr. Dana Granberg-Nill asked Dr. Christina Parks about the effects of the spike proteins in the COVID jabs.


“When I think of the injuries caused by the spike proteins, I think it is inflammation-driven. Whether it’s the heart, whether it’s the nerves, whether it’s the skin, that that spike protein is causing an inflammation and sometimes and autoimmune response. Have you seen anything along the lines of soft tissue injuries or even bone fractures that are out of proportion to injury in kids?”


Dr. Parks agreed with Dr. Granberg-Nill that there is inflammation but points out there are many more mechanisms than inflammation at work. “When anything gets dysregulated, it causes inflammation,” Parks comments, “The adrenal and T-cell effects are somewhat driven by inflammation but they’re somewhat driven by some really core level dysregulations, not just inflammation. There’s evidence that it may bind major tumor suppressors. It allows huge DNA damage and possibly the formation of cancer cells.”


Parks recognized an earlier study on infants this highlights core dysregulation. “Remember we have that data in infants where when the mother had COVID or was vaccinated, when they were vaccinated it was way worse, but they had literally NO STEM CELLS, almost NONE. So, that’s not just inflammation. That’s a core dysregulation.