GutFeelingAnon reporting for duty…
I can’t seem to shake off this gut feeling that the entire indictment scheme has some kind of twist to it. I was on the fence over this until I noticed that Jack Smith’s middle name was Luman, which is quite close to “Lumen” meaning light.
Considering that Trump’s indictment is for documents regarding classification, and it seems he both 1) can apply any form of classification as POTUS, and 2) even if it isn’t that way, he already declassified them publicly as his tweets are legally presidential statements and thus the indictment is, frankly, bogus.
But Jack really gets my goat over his name. Maybe @Jack wasn’t Dorsey but Smith and this indictment is mere theater to force the opening (seal) of the entire RussiaGate operation. Dark to Light->Luman
Considering the judge is a Trump appointee and he's being charged in Florida, this all seems very…planned and well executed. id even go so far as to claim that DeSantis' campaign is a sham just to muddy the presidential waters on behalf of Trump, but that's just mere theory.