Anonymous ID: 38120d June 14, 2023, 12:21 p.m. No.19007491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7502 >>7550 >>7570 >>7628 >>7647

Killer of Heather Kullorn, also Identification of Racine WI Jane Doe


This guy lived next door to where Heather Kullorn went missing. He was a biker and a rockabilly musician. Oh, also a known and registered pedophile. They've never found her body.


Racine WI Jane Doe was found with scrapes all over her like she had been dragged, and dressed in a rockabilly western style T shirt. Likely, Heather had accepted a ride on this pedo's motorcycle and fallen off, and he, freaking out, killed her and drove her body to Racine, WI. Here are there photos and some relevant links.





Someone call in and report this.


God Bless.

Anonymous ID: 38120d June 14, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.19007550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7570 >>7647



Heather Kullorn went missing on Yale Ave, Richmond Heights, MO, next to one of the addresses listed as one of Chad McFarland's.


Some of this other addresses are relatively near Racine WI as shown in the picture. This gives a link between why he may have driven her body so far north, knowing both that nobody around there would be able to identify her, and that it would not look suspicious for him to be driving up to that area. He would have familiarity with the highways and gas stations.


I also find it interesting that they tried unsucessfully to say that the Racine Jane Doe found was a disabled woman named Peggy. The local police may be complicit pedos and should be DUG ON HARD.


Come on anons, a good dig.



Anonymous ID: 38120d June 14, 2023, 12:47 p.m. No.19007628   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If the good guys can show a DNA test of Racine Jane Doe and relatives of Heather Kullorn compared, there is a lot more I can help with. I have to read the news article as a "pop your head up so it can get chopped off" type of thing, far too risky, but I will post all my info here instead as we are anons, and we do open source.