NYT pushing inexperience of Judge Cannon to rile up the masses against her. So desperate for you to read their story, they give a gift link to avoid paywall. LOL
NYT pushing inexperience of Judge Cannon to rile up the masses against her. So desperate for you to read their story, they give a gift link to avoid paywall. LOL
Halfway through Pride Month and the left has failed to mobilize their street fighters. School is ending and they lose their access to rally students. Celebs losing interest in carrying on their fake "I'm non binary" charade. Polls show majority against child mutilation. Bud Light and Target debacle has shown the strength in We The People
The loss of BLM appears to be bigger than we knew . They are powerless to gather mobs like they did before.
DJT indictments are being over used and the shock value has worn off. No large crowds gathered for Antifa to hide in and cause destruction.
False Flags get called out as Fed Op right away. Public has turned against DOJ and FBI.
Hispanics call out Hispanic TV as Commies.
Biden Crime Family label name has stuck with the public and become commonly used.
Fed halts rate increases as an attempt to not harm Biden's economy any more than it has.
LQQK around anons. This is theREALState of our Union
Happy Flag Day!
NYT writes an article scrutinizing Judge Cannon's experience less than an hour ago no tweets she is under scrutiny for inexperience.
Smell that anons?