Anonymous ID: b9aace June 14, 2023, 1:34 p.m. No.19007895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

14 Jun, 2023 15:45

US knew Ukraine planned to destroy Kakhovka dam – Moscow

Kiev coordinates all targets for the HIMARS rocket launchers with Washington, a top Russian diplomat has said


Washington was perfectly aware of Kiev’s plan to destroy the Kakhovka dam since US-supplied HIMARS multiple rocket launchers were used in the attack, high-ranking Russian diplomat Konstantin Gavrilov said on Wednesday.


HIMARS launchers are “high-precision systems that make use of the US GPS navigation system for targeting,” Gavrilov, who heads Russia’s delegation at the Vienna talks on military security and arms control, said.Any targets picked out by Kiev for these systems are “coordinated with the Americans,” he added.


According to the official, Ukrainian forces struck the Kakhovka dam with more than 300 HIMARS missiles over the summer and autumn of 2022. “The Americans knew about it. Yet, they did nothing to prevent the catastrophe,” Gavrilov said.


On Wednesday, Russian officials also presented their estimates of the damage caused by the destruction of the dam. The losses amounted to over 1.2 billion rubles ($14 million), according to the Russian Emergencies Ministry. More than 7,000 people have been evacuated from the risk zone, the ministry added.


The dam collapsed last week, leading to both banks of the Dnieper River being flooded and multiple deaths. Moscow and Kiev have since traded accusations over who is to blame for the disaster.


Officials in Kiev claimed that Russia blew up the dam to supposedly stop the Ukrainian counteroffensive in the area. However, this idea was dismissed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said the local terrain was already extremely unfavorable for an attack even before the incident. He also said thatRussia would have had no interest in destroying the dam, as it would spell “severe consequences for those territories that we control and which are Russian.”


Last week,Ukraine slammed Türkiye for suggesting a UN-backed three-party investigation into the incident. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said at that time that he was “sick and tired” of calls to probe events that occurred during the conflict.


The Ukrainian envoy to the UN, Sergey Kislitsa, claimed that launching such a probe would be “impossible.” Russian officials said they were not surprised by Kiev’s reaction to the Turkish proposal. Moscow’s ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, alsoaccused Washington of attempts to “whitewash” Kiev by shifting the blame onto Russia.


The envoy stated thatUkraine’s “patrons” in Washington “never criticize Kiev,” but instead approve of all of its actions.

Anonymous ID: b9aace June 14, 2023, 1:42 p.m. No.19007930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8500

14 Jun, 2023 15:22

Trump election victory ‘can bring peace’ – Hungary

Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto believes that only Donald Trump can end the conflict in Ukraine


The return of Donald Trump to the White House would herald a “peaceful future,”Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said. Szijjarto and Prime Minister Viktor Orban both believe that Trump's victory in the 2024 US presidential elections would be key to resolving the conflict in Ukraine.


If President Trump had wonthe last presidential election here in the US,this war would not have broken out,” Szijjarto told Newsmax, an American conservative broadcaster, on Tuesday.


“During the term of President Trump, there were no Russian attacks against anyone,”Szijjarto explained, adding that Hungary looks “at his possible return to the White House as a hope for a peaceful future.”


While mainstream Republicans have lined up to support US President Joe Biden’s policy of indefinite military aid to Ukraine, Trump and a small number of his supporters in Congress have accused Biden of instigating a global war by continuing to rule out peace talks while progressively heavier weapons keep flowing to Kiev.


Trump maintains that the conflict never would have started if he were president, and that he could “have that war settled in one day” if elected in 2024.


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has also claimed that the conflict would not be happening if Trump were still in power. “I’m sure if President Trump were president today there’d be no war afflicting Europe and Ukraine,”Orban said in Budapest last month. “Come back, Mr. President, make America great again and bring us peace.”


Orban has made no secret of his support for Trump. On the eve of Trump’s appearance before a New York court to face campaign finance charges last month, Orban took to Twitter to urge the embattled Republican to“keep on fighting,” adding “we are with you.”Years earlier, theHungarian premier was the first foreign leader to endorse Trump’s successful 2016 campaign, and backed Trump’s re-election bid in 2020.


Szijjarto struck a similar tone on Tuesday. With Trump arraigned in Florida and charged with mishandling classified documents that afternoon, Szijjarto declared thatHungarians were “cross[ing] our fingers for him.”


“Under his leadership we had the best political relationship between the US and Hungary,” he told Newsmax.“He is a true friend, and as a true friend he can count on us in any kind of situation.”


(I love these patriots, no wonder EU hates them so much.)

Anonymous ID: b9aace June 14, 2023, 1:49 p.m. No.19007955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8003 >>8500

14 Jun, 2023 13:51

EU ready to punish Kosovo

Pristina will face “financial and political consequences” if tensions with Serb protesters are not resolved, a spokesman for the bloc has said


Kosovo will soon face “consequences” if its prime minister, Albin Kurti, does not backtrack on his aggressive treatment of the province’s Serb minority, European Commission foreign policy spokesman Peter Stano told reporters on Wednesday.


Among the “financial and political consequences” that Pristina could face are the suspension of high-level visits from EU officials, the withholding of EU funds, and the freezing of the bloc’s visa liberalization process with Kosovo, Stano said at a briefing in Brussels.


Stano emphasized that such measures are “not sanctions” in the traditional sense,but rather “reversible and temporary measures”designed to force Kurti into compliance. (Pussies, you are dealing with Kosovo, they love death!)


Around half of theUN’s 193 member states do not recognize Kosovo, and the breakaway province countson support from the US, EU, and occupying NATOforces to maintain its legitimacy. However, Kurti has faced progressively harsher condemnation from American and European officials in recent weeks, ever sincehe sent his ethnic Albanian security forces to crush Serb protestsin the northern reaches of the province.


The protests began when local mayors in four majority Serb towns in northern Kosovo resigned last year after the authorities in Pristina announced plans to force residents to switch their Serbian identity documents for Kosovo-issued ones. The Serb population of these four towns boycotted elections in April in which four ethnic Albanian mayors won with a turnout of less than 4% and no opposition.


Violence broke out when Kurti’s forces, backed byNATO troops, installed these mayors in their officeslast month. Around 50 Serb demonstrators and 25 NATO peacekeepers were injured in the town of Zvecan in a riot reportedly instigated by ethnic Albanian officers.


While the EU initially declared the elections legitimate,it has since demanded that Kurti call a fresh voteand withdraw his forces from majority-Serb towns. Stano told reporters on Wednesday that Kurti has thus far ignored these demands.


Kurti’s refusal to de-escalatehas also threatened Kosovo’s relations with Albania. Kurti was scheduled to meet with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Kosovo on Wednesday, but the meeting was canceled by Rama on Tuesday. Due to the “hourly worsening of Kosovo’s relations with the entire Euro-Atlantic community, this meeting cannot be held in the anticipated format,” Rama said in a statement.


(How many of 100s of 1000s of deaths around the are the Clinton’s responsible for?)

Anonymous ID: b9aace June 14, 2023, 1:59 p.m. No.19008000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8002

Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Trump went harder than ever before in this speech tonight. You can hear the fire in his voice. The focus in his eyes.They've pushed him to a whole new level. This is beyond 2016. This is something else entirely


9:47 PM · Jun 13, 2023


PDJT has unleashed the power and force of Freedom

Anonymous ID: b9aace June 14, 2023, 2:03 p.m. No.19008016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8027

Kek, fired for being white. Who ever thought that would backfire?

Anonymous ID: b9aace June 14, 2023, 2:18 p.m. No.19008072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8111

Jack Poso 🇺🇸



I would just like to be clear something up real quick and say thatI do not apologize for what I said about Mike Pence on the show today and his punishment closet


3:22 PM · Jun 14, 2023



Duh. i’m so dense I went looking for his show, couldn’t find it! Kek

Anonymous ID: b9aace June 14, 2023, 2:53 p.m. No.19008256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Harari says its a great ideas without us and override us, it has created a religion by AI. This is just a such great idea


Joe Allen: The First Church Of Artificial Intelligence—ChatGBT


10:03 minutes

Anonymous ID: b9aace June 14, 2023, 3:43 p.m. No.19008509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8593

Clueless Hillary Insults Trump Supporters Again but Hilariously Steps in It Herself

By Nick Arama | 6:15 PM on June 14, 2023


Hillary Clinton has done so many despicable things over the years including pushing the Russia collusion to smear Donald Trump and causing such division in the country. She was more interested in her power and winning than in what could happen to the country as a result. The failure to hold her accountable is one of those big, flashing signs of the uneven application of justice that has plagued this country.


However, with the indictment of former President Donald Trump, Clinton seemed to think that was the signal to crawl out of her hole. Not only did she attack Trump, but she attacked his supporters. Clinton, who stuck a fork in her campaign when she labeled millions of Americans “deplorable,” went there again, during an interview on “Pod Save America,” saying that she couldn’t believe that Americans would not abandon Trump. She suggested that millions of Americans had a “psychology” that she didn’t understand. You can say that again.


Clinton, speaking Tuesday, said that what Republicans “refuse to admit” is “this is on a track about him, not about anyone else, no matter how they try to confuse people and how much they try to raise extraneous issues.”


“And it’s going to be fascinating I guess, in a bizarre and sad way to watch them spin themselves up,” she said. “If you watched any of the news programs this weekend,their efforts to defend this man are truly beyond anything that I ever thought possible in our country.”


She also suggested that theindictment offered an opportunity for the Republican Party to make a break with Trump— who is leading 2024 Republican primary polling — but that they had not taken that opportunity.


It is so profoundly disturbing how this could have been the break, this could have been the opportunity to say ‘thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us, we really appreciate it, but this is kind of serious and so we’re not going to continue to defend you,’” she said.


“But no, they’re all in again… the psychology of this is so hard for me to fully grasp,” she added.


Um, Hillary? Your team was behind the Steele Dossier. Your guys fed information to the FBI to target your political opponent. You created a whole private server that avoided normal government review. You deleted 30,000 emails; your team destroyed phones.


Not to mention, she didn’t have the power to determine classification, as a president would. I’m kind of thinking that she’s the last person who should be talking about this matter—or anyone else’s psychology.


CNN and former FBI official Andrew McCabe can try to spin on her behalf , as he and CNN did the other day, but it didn’t go well.


==We are so fortunate that Hillary lost. Once again she has no understanding of Americans••. Indeed, that failure to understand people is one of the reasons she lost.


But she wasn’t done there. She also had some comments about Joe Biden. Her comments about him are always funny, since they seem to be sort of left-handed compliments. “Biden is in a very strong position to run a campaign that doesn’t have to talk about him,” she said.


Superficially complimentary, but if you look at it a little deeper, why wouldn’t they want to talk about him, if he were that strong? It’s because they can’t put him out there without all the gaffes and problems coming out. Plus, his policies are awful and they don’t want to talk about them. Their whole campaign is going to be to hide him as much as they can while screaming, “MAGA, MEGA, MAGA,” turning to the east and clicking their heels, hoping Trump goes away.


But there was something that was quietly hilarious about the interview. I’m not sure if Hillary or the “Pod Save America” guy even got what it would look like to people. But see if you notice it when you listen to these two videos of her comments.


Notice the “Crooked” right over her head, like a label?Who thought of that genius move? That’s the nickname that Trump graced her with, too, so it adds another layer of humor to it all. Now, the reason is that “Pod Save America” is part of “Crooked Media” but the placement was certainly priceless.


(I wonder if Hilary likes the label “Crooked”)