It was also Titan, who provided their disinfection systems to Post Offices in October 2001, after anthrax was discovered in mailings to members of Congress and journalists.
The Titan Corporation Awarded Contract From FAA Air Traffic Service With Potential Value of $2.5 Million
AUGUST 14, 1997
48 TRW ("Logicon TASC team")
TRW Space & Electronics, provides
engineering and management leadership for the Northrop Grumman-developed
Tactical High Energy Laser/Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator.
Space-Based Laser Integrated Flight Experiment (SBL-IFX) .
Team SBL-IFX, is a joint-venture comprising TRW, Lockheed Martin and Boeing
49 Veridian ("Logicon TASC team")
ERIM International was sold to Veridian Corp. of Washington, D.C. in 1999, which was later bought by General Dynamics in 2003…
…ERIM played key-roles in the development and implementation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR)…
Veridian Corporation, an American aerospace and defense company, acquired by General Dynamics in 2003.
passenger list of AA77
John D. Yamnicky Sr., a retired naval aviator for Veridian*
50 Verizon ("Logicon TASC team")
see also
Verizon Connected Solutions Overview for DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CUSTOMERS
51 Washington Group/Raytheon ("Digital Network Intelligence Enterprise Team")
official passenger list of AA11…
David P. Kovalcin, senior mechanical engineer at Raytheon in Tewksbury
Peter Gay, vice president of operations Raytheon in Andover, Mass.,
Kenneth E. Waldie, senior quality control engineer at Raytheon
Raytheon Company had an office on the 91st floor of
WTC2, above the impact area…
Flight 77:
Stanley Hall was director of program management for
Raytheon Electronics Warfare.
One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of
electronic warfare."
Herb Homer United Flight 175
served as a US official coordinating government work by Raytheon Co. in Burlington.
Raytheon-Homer died twice
Herbert Homer (ex-Raytheon), was originally reported, as missing at the Pentagon wing, which was officially hit by Flight77…
52 Windemere ("Logicon TASC team")
"…5 employees linked to the Trailblazer Project (also co-named "Soldier Benefits Tool") got killed in the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11:
Gerald Fisher, Terence Lynch, Ernest Willcher (all BoozAllen),Scott Powell and Edmond Young (BTG Inc.)
The findings had been presented during 2004 at globalfreepress, but had been widely ignored by the 9/11 "Truth" Movement.
see also
Decoding History: 9/11 "EuroSpace Outside Job"
Other suspects :
May 2000 Dozens of private military companies receive a contract on Future Combat System, to be established in different teams; here alphabetically listed:
53 Aurora Flight Sciences [Team FoCus Vision (Consortium,), led by General Dynamics]
54 Battelle Institute [Team Gladiator (Consortium)], also [Team FoCus Vision (Consortium,), led by General Dynamics]
Boeing [The Boeing Team]
55 Carnegie Mellon [Team Gladiator (Consortium)]
CSC/Nichols Research [Team Gladiator (Consortium)]
56 General Dynamics Land Systems Inc. [Team FoCus Vision (Consortium,), led by General Dynamics]
57 Honeywell [Team FoCus Vision (Consortium,), led by General Dynamics]
58 IITRI/AB Technologies[Team Gladiator (Consortium)]
59 ITT Industries [Team Full Spectrum/SAIC]
60 Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW), Germany [The Boeing Team]