Anonymous ID: d8c4ab June 14, 2023, 3:18 p.m. No.19008392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8418 >>8451 >>8500

Here are 20 RINO's working against the American people. They voted AGAINST the House resolution to censure & fine Adam Schiff for his role in spying on President Trump.


Here are their contact details, which are publicly available via their own official gov sites:


Rep. Kelly Armstrong, ND: 202-225-2611

Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, OR: 202-225-5711

Rep. Juan Ciscomani, AZ: 202-225-2542

Rep. Tom Cole, OK: 202-225-6165

Rep. Warren Davidson, OH: 202-225-6205

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, PA: 202-225-4276

Rep. Kay Granger, TX: 202-225-5071

Rep. Garret Neal Graves, LA: 202-225-3901

Rep. Tom Kean, NJ: 202-225-5361

Rep. Kevin Patrick Kiley, CA: 202-225-2523

Rep. Young Oak Kim, CA: 202-225-4111

Rep. Mike Lawler, NY: 202-225-6506

Rep. Thomas Massie, KY: 202-225-3465

Rep. Tom McClintock, CA: 202-225-2511

Rep. Marc Molinaro, NY: 202-225-5441

Rep. Jay Obernolte, CA: 202-225-5861

Rep. Mike Simpson, ID: 202-225-5531

Rep. Mike Turner, OH: 202-225-6465

Rep. David Valadao, CA: 202-225-4695

Rep. Steve Womack, AR: 202-225-4301




via @defenderoftherepublic22

Anonymous ID: d8c4ab June 14, 2023, 3:25 p.m. No.19008423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8454

‘Back Up Plan For Jack Smith’ – Corrupt Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Floats More Serious Federal Charges Against Trump in New Jersey


Corrupt prosecutor Andrew Weissmann on Wednesday floated additional and more serious federal charges against Trump in New Jersey.


Special Counsel Jack Smith last week indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami.


News of the Florida grand jury was leaked to the media just days before Trump was hit with 37 federal charges in Miami.

Up until last week it was reported Jack Smith only had a grand jury in DC hearing evidence in the classified documents case.

Anonymous ID: d8c4ab June 14, 2023, 3:29 p.m. No.19008448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8500

GOP flips Maine House seat in special June election


Former Maine House member and Waldoboro Selectman Abden Simmons defeated a Democrat Tuesday to win election in the House District 45 race.


Simmons defeated former Rep. Wendy Pieh of Bremen 52-48%, according to the Bangor Daily News. The district covers Waldoboro, Bremen, Friendship and Washington.


Maine House Republicans hailed the victory as a sign that “things are happening in the State of Maine.”


“House Republicans have taken a new direction that focuses on common sense policies that put citizens, workers and families first,” House Minority Leader Billy Bob Faulkingham (R-Winter Harbor) said in a statement.


The win also means the addition of one seat in the GOP column at the State House. Although it doesn’t change the balance of power — Democrats still hold an 81-seat House majority — it gives the Republicans a boost following a surprisingly poor showing last November.


The special election was held Tuesday because former Rep. Clinton Collamore (D-Waldoboro) resigned from the seat earlier this year after facing accusations that he forged signatures to qualify for state campaign funds. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.


After the election results are certified and Simmons is sworn-in, he will join the Legislature as it works to wrap up business by the end of the month.