"inspection findings and violations"
People have moved beyond Yelp Reviews
I am not saying do this, I just saw it when looking for something else regarding Red Hen
"inspection findings and violations"
People have moved beyond Yelp Reviews
I am not saying do this, I just saw it when looking for something else regarding Red Hen
Debunked several breads ago
Red Hen has been closed since Saturday
Anon mentioned a few breads ago they will probably just have a GoFundMe for Red Hen employees
Red Hen Interior Photo from their website
It looks like if there were any ADA wheelchair access, it would be through the kitchen
Unknown RN if there is wheelchair access
Raise it up!
[Q says "hi"]
Threats like that are unacceptable
That is false
Take your lies else where you ignorant pussy hat wearing buffoon
I can do this all day, but won't
Hit a nerve didn't I?
Means the Red Hen is almost certainly NOT in compliance with Federal ADA requirements