Imajun muh shawk
Private businesses colluding to collectively deny people their rights is one of the biggest legal battles of the current era. We see it with 1A on social media, now 2A among various groups.
Shitlibs on FB are responding to this with "yeah, so?" We need some compelling arguments why open borders are bad, because shitlibs are depicting open borders as a gay hippie "Imagine"-by-John-Lennon-style utopia.
I like this. Ask open border supporters if they lock their doors at night or when out of the house, or if they'd be willing to house squatters, homeless, burglars, etc.
It's less about arguing with shitlibs and more how open and closed borders are presented to normies.
"Dirty on the outside, dirty on the inside" also applies to shitlibs.
Shitlibs don't work and they say anyone who HAS lost their job to an illegal deserved to lose it.
Is that also why the owner started a GoFundMe? Impending legal bills?