BLM = Bureau of Land Management.
MM hmm. Coyotes make big money pretending to be families.
third eye. in reptiles there is a third 'eye' on top of their head that detects light. some like to call it the pineal gland. hence the term reptilians….
A parietal eye, also known as a third eye or pineal eye, is a part of the epithalamus present in some animal species. The eye is photoreceptive and is associated with the pineal gland, regulating circadian rhythmicity and hormone production for thermoregulation.
Parietal eye - Wikipedia
CIA (Vatican) and Mossad created the Iran we know today……………
This tweet is a psyop….watch closely.
CIA can't all be bad
actually yes…thats what it's called according to biologists all over the world. this is not a conspiracy
imean its literally human trafficking….