photoshop much, garbage?
sven hassel, try it.
from my dick to your mouth,
Dear God…………please tell me, what I did wrong to have this mutant that make rules on me?!
Please tell me.
I'm only years,
What the fuck I did wrong so I have biden and mutants like this?
Please answer me.
If I did nothing wrong, you must be satan, and give hell yo people that do not deserve it. b/c you're just evil.
you think little.
put a fucking bus there.
or a boeing 747
two, why one, put 2 fucking cruise ships. like queen elizsabeth, reptoid.
I'm not in a good mode.
I am half drunk, and very angry.
I do not know why……yet……….
so please……….
shut your mouth, b/c I do not want to commit other sins.
nite frogs
wish me nice dreams.