Anonymous ID: 5ec243 June 15, 2023, 3:46 p.m. No.19013389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3457 >>3558 >>3813 >>3922 >>4015

Canada Halts Activities With China-Led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank


Ottawa says it will cease all activity at the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) while it investigates allegations made by the bank’s global communications director after announcing his resignation.


“The Canadian government will also discuss this issue with its allies and partners who are members of the bank. China, as the world’s second-largest economy, needs to play a role in solving global problems which affect every country,” Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told reporters on June 14.


Freeland said the federal government would launch a review of allegations made by Bob Pickard, a Canadian, who resigned as AIIB’s director general of global communications earlier in the day. Pickard alleged that the bank, which was founded in 2016 to finance railways and other infrastructure, is “dominated” by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


“As a patriotic Canadian, this was my only course,” Pickford said while announcing his resignation on Twitter. “The Bank is dominated by Communist Party members and also has one of the most toxic cultures imaginable. I don’t believe that my country’s interests are served by its AIIB membership.”


The finance minister said that the review of Pickard’s allegations would be untaken “expeditiously” and that she would not be “ruling out any outcome following its completion.”


Canada became a member of the AIIB in 2017, allocating $256 million to purchase shares in the bank.


The AIIB, China’s multilateral development bank to rival the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, was created to improve social and economic outcomes in Asia through the financing of key infrastructure. It has 106 member governments—including most Asian countries and Australia, Canada, Russia, France, and Britain. Japan and the United States are not members.

Anonymous ID: 5ec243 June 15, 2023, 3:54 p.m. No.19013413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3457 >>3558 >>3813 >>3922 >>4015

CIAgate’s X-File. The Bulgarian Network to Weaponize Ukraine Intelligence


American taxpayers' money is used to enrich the Ukrainian leadership, dishonest CIA officers as well as to finance terrorist activities around the world


We usually report only surveys published by well-known sites or by well-known and well-identifiable authors. This time we make an exception to the rule because this investigation into the CIA’s Bulgarian Network for military supplies to Ukraine is so meticulously detailed that it appears absolutely reliable.


But there is also another reason.


It mentions within the network the Ukrainian national war industry Ukroboronprom of which the Islamic reporter Mustafa Nayyem was appointed deputy director on 2019. He was the first to start the EuroMaidian revolt, before the bloody shooting in which mercenary snipers fired on the crowd and on the policemen in a very similar way to the attack organized by the American counterintelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency in 2002 in Caracas to depose Hugo Chavez.


The Ukrainian television network Hromadske.TV in which worked Nayem, originally from Afghanistan and suspected of collaborating with some secret service, was financed by George Soros and the US embassy in Kiev to carry out the coup in Ukraine that forced the escape of the pro- Russian president Viktor Yanukovych causing the outbreak of the civil war in Donbass today degenerated into a conflict between Russia, Ukraine and NATO which supports it.


Today, the former reporter who later became an MP has become head of the State Agency for Infrastructure Restoration and Development. May be he knows someone in CIA network for Ukraine?

How CIA Steals Money From Americans


Originally published by CIAgate’s Substack


The control over US financial assistance, which many American officials insist on, is caused not only by its significant volumes, but also numerous evidences of corruption in recipient countries.


The amount of money allocated for direct support of Ukraine from the US budget has already exceeded $100 billion, creating significant burden on American economy. Predictably, shortly after receiving the money, mentions of corruption among the Ukrainian military increasingly appeared in the media (link to the latest scandal here).


According to our sources, the issues related to the supply of weapons for the Ukrainian army are supervised by the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) Kyrylo Budanov. In this activity Serhiy Slyusarenko, the top manager of the Ukroboronprom State Concern is considered to be Budanov’s right-hand man.


Along with other Budanov’s confidants (Roman Meleshko, Kostyantyn Cherednichenko and Borys Kaufman) Slyusarenko is one of the main beneficiaries of corruption schemes in the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence.

Anonymous ID: 5ec243 June 15, 2023, 4 p.m. No.19013438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3443 >>3610 >>4013

KillNet, Anonymous Sudan, and REvil announced their plans to take down the entire European banking system within the next 48 hours.


"This is not a DDoS attack, the games are over. No money, no weapons, no Kiev regime – this is the formula for the death of Nazism and it will work."

"Within 48 hours we are launching this global company, nothing will save you and this is not a warning. I am just informing. You have never seen such problems before."

Anonymous ID: 5ec243 June 15, 2023, 4:33 p.m. No.19013590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3605

Former Head of FBI J6 Pipe Bomb Investigation Comes Clean With Stunning Admission: “I Don’t Want Any Conspiracy Theories, Right?”


We recently reported on the remarkable fact that former senior FBI official Steven D’Antuono voluntarily submitted himself before the judiciary committee and raised powerful objections to the Mar a Lago raid that serves as the basis of the sham indictment of President Trump. We reported that the most remarkable part of this story is not the objections themselves, but Steven D’Antuono’s identity — indeed, D’Antuono has long been a subject of Revolver News’ reporting as the man who oversaw the investigation into the infamous entrapment operation known as the Michigan Kidnapping plot and the equally bogus investigation into the so-called January 6 pipe bombs.


Finally, we said that we haven’t heard the last from Mr. D’Antuono. Now, we are in a position to reveal that Mar-a-Lago is not the only subject matter D’Antuono discussed with the committee, and that Revolver News’ Darren Beattie worked with Congressman Thomas Massie to produce questions concerning the pipe bomb investigation for D’Antuono to answer. A letter recently published by Jim Jordan alludes to some of the stunning results of this interrogation.


Here is the background from the Jim Jordan letter (emphasis ours):


On June 7, 2023, the Committee on the Judiciary conducted a transcribed interview of Steven D’Antuono, the former Assistant Director in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Washington Field Office (WFO). In that role, Mr. D’Antuono oversaw the WFO’s investigations into the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, including the placement of pipe bombs near the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Republican National Committee (RNC) on January 5, 2021. Mr. D’Antuono’s testimony provided new information about the FBI’s investigation into the pipe bombs and reinforces our concerns about the FBI’s handling of the matter.


Anyone who has followed Revolver’s ground-breaking coverage of the pipe bomb investigation knows that the alleged pipe bomber depicted in the surveillance footage presented by the FBI is using a cell phone. It is by now common practice for law enforcement to use geo-fencing technology to find out the identity of a person if they know where the person was at a particular time. In fact, it is public knowledge that the FBI has used precisely this geo-fencing technology to identify a number of January 6 protestors.




According to journalist Marcy Wheeler, the FBI relied heavily on controversial geofence warrants as part of its investigations into January 6 suspects, identifying over 5,000 unique devices based on Google Location History. Geofence search warrants are meant to locate devices within a given area based on digital services like GPS, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi signals. According to a follow-up report by Wired, the filings suggest that these geofence warrants also captured phones that were in airplane mode or otherwise out of cell service. Further, it appears that individuals who attempted to delete their location data in the days after January 6 were of particular interest to the FBI.


In fact, the pipe bomb suspect would be a particularly easy geo-fencing target because the suspect was alone in a specific, known area at a specific, known time. See, for instance, the surveillance footage released by the FBI:

Anonymous ID: 5ec243 June 15, 2023, 4:34 p.m. No.19013598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3813 >>3922 >>4015

National Geographic flies millionaires around the world on exotic trips while claiming that climate change is “the greatest threat to human health in recorded history”


National Geographic (a media conglomerate that has recently been pushing out climate change hysteria) routinely invites millionaires and billionaires onto their private Boeing 757 jet for exotic excursions to “far-flung destinations” around the world. Since last September, National Geographic has been promoting climate change as the “the greatest threat to human health in recorded history.”


This sanctimonious posturing is all theater, however, because Nat Geo needlessly and hypocritically jets their elite donors around the world on their gas-guzzling, fossil-fuel burning, private jet. Funny enough, Nat Geo lectures its readers about their “carbon footprint” and instructs readers to think about how much time they fly, while doing the exact opposite in their pursuit of global mega-donors.

Nat Geo being bought off by globalists who seek to exploit nature for their own corporate interests


National Geographic is slowly being bought out by globalists who seek to plunder sovereign nations, promote their own interests, and advance their own enterprises. In order to achieve their goals, the globalists need obedient media outlets to pump out propaganda and mass hysteria. Nat Geo is the perfect publication to ramp up climate hysteria and appeal to people’s interest in nature. In this way, globalists can exploit the natural world and corporatize environmental issues for their own gain. To do so, they will buy up once-respected publications like the National Geographic so they can instill fear in populations and compel changes to governments on a global scale.


Nat Geo jets their elite donors around the world on trips that cost roughly $100,000. According to National Geographic, their “specially outfitted jet” offers a “plush, sleek interior design and features “comfortable VIP-style leather seating” for their largest donation partners. The jet also offers a private chef and a “dedicated luggage handler.” Elite donors can “fly in exceptional comfort” as they visit “far-flung destinations” to encounter “legendary wildlife.


These trips include the $108,000 “Wildlife of the World by Private Jet” tour, which takes the elite on a trip to see elephants in Malaysia, Bengal tigers in India, mountain gorillas in Rwanda, exotic marine life in over-water bungalow in the Maldives and back to Rome.

Propagandists who push climate hysteria are often responsible for hundreds of times more CO2 emissions than the average person


These elite excursions include trips to the coral reefs, the same coral reefs, we’re told, that are dying off because of man-made climate change. These same globalists never address the real issues that are causing damage to the natural world. For instance, Nat Geo claims that the coral reefs are dying off because of “climate change.” But according to studies, coral reefs are harmed by sunscreen chemicals like oxybenzone. The same globalists who push climate change hysteria don’t care about the real causes of environmental issues. They can travel the world in their private jets, get together at their summits to virtue signal to the world about “climate change” — while polluting the air with hundreds of times the emissions that an everyday person would use.


These elites travel about 30,000 miles during these 24-day “expeditions.” If these jets produce an average of 53.3 pounds of carbon dioxide per mile, then these needless excursions emit more than 1.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide. According to carbon research, the average American puts out a yearly carbon footprint of approximately 32,000 pounds. These needless excursions put out the equivalent carbon footprint that 47 Americans put out in an entire year’s time.

Anonymous ID: 5ec243 June 15, 2023, 4:38 p.m. No.19013616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3813 >>3922 >>4015

Judge splits charges against FTX founder Bankman-Fried into two trials


Bankman-Fried agreed to extradition from the Bahamas to the United States in December of last year.


A federal judge on Thursday scheduled two separate trials for FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried to allow a case against him to proceed amid an ongoing legal dispute over the prosecutors' pursuing new charges against him after the Bahamas agreed to his extradition.


Judge Lewis A. Kaplan allowed the case to proceed to trial in October, when prosecutors will pursue eight of the 13 charges levied against the former cryptocurrency mogul, the New York Times reported. The prosecution agreed to withdraw the remaining five charges temporarily, but with the caveat that Kaplan schedule a trial for next year to address them. Kaplan set the date at March 11.


The ex-mogul has pleaded not guilty and posted $250 million in bond. He is currently under house arrest at his parents' home in Palo Alto, Calif.


Bankman-Fried agreed to extradition from the Bahamas to the United States in December of last year. After his arrival in the country, federal authorities pursued additional charges. Last week, he secured a court ruling in the Bahamas allowing him to argue there that Nassau should not consent to the U.S. levying the additional counts.


Formerly one of the world's leading cryptocurrency firms, FTX suffered the equivalent of a bank run last November when investors rapidly lost faith in the firm and attempted to withdraw their stakes.


Bankman-Fried has denied wrongdoing, but admitted the company lacked adequate risk assessment tools to avert such a collapse. His successor as CEO, John J. Ray III, testified to Congress that completely lacked internal controls and kept no records of its dealings.


"It's one of the worst from a documentation standpoint. Even in the most failed companies you have a fair roadmap of what happened. We're dealing with literally, sort of a paperless bankruptcy, in terms of how they created the company," he told Congress in December.


FTX cofounder Gary Wang and former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison have both pleaded guilty to criminal charges in connection with the firm's collapse and are reportedly cooperating with prosecutors.