China is about to go tits up. The world's currencies are about to collapse, there is nothing but corruption behind their value.
You are being fed complete bullshit by the media, I suggest you turn it off. That includes DJT himself. He's just as big of an actor on this stage as Biden is, remember, you know nothing. Act as if you know nothing and we'll get along just fine.
The only thing you should be worried about is yourself and your family. We are quickly approaching judgment day. Have you had the talk with your wife and kids? God is returning, that's a fact that isn't up for dispute, he's already here watching.
The seals are already being broken, the first was about five years ago. I should know, it was me who caused it. We are going to go through some shit, be prepared mentally. Prepare for the worst, if you don't know what I am talking about, read revelations.
You have DNA, shut up and let it talk to you. It remembers the past. You are a survivor of epic events of the past. It will kick in.
Forget everything you've learned, maybe Lucifer is the good guy, you know nothing. Even the bible was written by men, 60 years after JC died…think about that.
God is real, just not at all who you imagined.