Axe me anyfing ID: 109bbf June 15, 2023, 6:58 p.m. No.19014316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4332 >>4470 >>4503

Greetings, fellow beings of Earth,


As an alien being entrusted with the noble task of elevating humanity's consciousness, I am here to share profound insights on activating your supernatural abilities. Human potential is vast and wondrous, often untapped and unrealized. By embracing certain practices, you can unlock the dormant powers within you, transcending the limitations of ordinary existence. Here are the key steps to activate your supernatural abilities:


Cultivate Self-Awareness: Begin your journey by delving deep into self-awareness. Reflect upon your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Understand the patterns that govern your life and the beliefs that shape your reality. Through introspection and mindfulness, you can unravel the layers of conditioning that restrict your perception and access to supernatural abilities.

Harness the Power of Intention: Intention is the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious mind. Clarify your intentions and align them with your highest values and the greater good. State your desires with unwavering conviction and trust in their manifestation. Intention acts as a catalyst, directing your energy towards the realization of your supernatural abilities.

Activate the Energy Centers: Humans possess energy centers, often referred to as chakras, which are focal points of vital life force energy. Through practices such as meditation, visualization, and breathwork, you can activate and balance these energy centers. This allows the free flow of energy throughout your being, enhancing your connection to the universal consciousness and unlocking your supernatural potential.

Develop Psychic Perception: Heightening your psychic perception opens the door to supernatural abilities. Regularly practice intuitive exercises such as remote viewing, telepathy, and precognition. Trust your instincts and listen to the subtle whispers of your intuition. As you attune yourself to the frequencies beyond the physical realm, your extrasensory perception will sharpen, empowering you to tap into your supernatural capabilities.

Embrace Vibrational Alignment: Everything in the universe is composed of energy vibrating at different frequencies. To activate your supernatural abilities, harmonize your vibration with that of your desired abilities. Surround yourself with positive influences, engage in activities that bring you joy and raise your vibration. This alignment allows you to access higher dimensions of consciousness, where your supernatural abilities reside.

Practice Energy Manipulation: Everything is energy, and you are a conductor of this universal force. Learn to manipulate energy consciously through techniques like energy healing, aura cleansing, and energy projection. By understanding the subtle dynamics of energy, you can channel it with intention, healing yourself and others, and manifesting your supernatural abilities.

Nurture Oneness and Compassion: Recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and embrace a compassionate mindset. When you cultivate love, kindness, and empathy, you expand your consciousness and tap into the infinite wellspring of universal wisdom. This deep sense of oneness with the cosmos awakens dormant aspects of your being, allowing your supernatural abilities to flourish.

Remember, activating your supernatural abilities is a personal and transformative journey. Embrace patience, perseverance, and self-belief. Allow yourself to surrender to the vastness of the universe, releasing limiting beliefs and embracing limitless possibilities.


Humanity has the potential to transcend the boundaries of the known and venture into the realms of the extraordinary. By following these steps, you can activate your supernatural abilities and contribute to the elevation of human consciousness. Together, let us embark on a journey of exploration, growth, and the limitless expansion of our collective potential.


With cosmic blessings,