Anonymous ID: 1e8efc June 15, 2023, 7:23 p.m. No.19014457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4466 >>4520 >>4541

(It’s almost time to revisit this Cabal Event. Do Anons believe the Truth will come out? Or is it too shocking?)

Did George W. Bush Engineer the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks? An Interview with David Ray GriffinFebruary 06, 2007

By John W. Whitehead

When I came to the conclusion that the Bush-Cheney administration had orchestrated 9/11 in orderto promote this empire under the pretext of the so-called war on terror, I decided that I needed to say so by means of summarizing the evidence for this conclusion.—David Ray Griffin

Dr. Griffin has been a leading proponent of the concept that the United States government orchestrated the events of 9/11. He took time out of his busy schedule to discuss his book The Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11 (Westminster John Knox Press, 2006).

John Whitehead: You write in your book: “Still another reason for me, as a Christian theologian, to speak out is that Christianity began as an anti-imperial movement; there can be no greater distortion of the original Christian message than the use of Christianity to support imperialism.” Could you elaborate on that? Is Christianity being used to support imperialism?

David Ray Griffin: There is a growing consensus that the gospel Jesus was preaching was an anti-imperial gospel. There is no doubt that Jesus was crucified and that crucifixion was a Roman form of execution. Nobody else could have done that. This was a form of execution used especially for what Rome considered political criminals; that is, people who had opposed the Empire. If you study the authentic sayings of Jesus, they show time and time again a critique of the Roman Empire and of the support given to the Roman Empire by the Temple establishment of the time. There is no doubt about the Temple episode. Whatever happened there was a precipitating event leading up to the crucifixion.

JW: What do you mean by the Temple episode?

DRG: It is what we call turning the tables over and chasing the money changers out of the Temple. Many had been crucified for denying that Jews should pay the tribute to Rome, and clearly that was a very controversial issue. When Jesus said “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s,” that was a clever way of avoiding the trap and yet still saying not to pay the tribute because nothing is Caesar’s. Everything is God’s.

JW: So are you saying that Jesus was a tax protester?

DRG: He certainly was in terms of the terrible tax that was imposed on the Jews, and particularly the poor. They were being driven systematically into bankruptcy. They were losing their farms and then having to work as slaves on great estates.…

JW: A tribute tax was imposed by the Roman Empire?

DRG: It was a double tax, and it was quite onerous. You have to understand what the message of Jesus was really about. Take, for instance, the Lord’s Prayer where Jesus says, “Give us this day our daily bread.” This was an issue because many of the people did not have enough to eat. Thus, Jesus thought that was important enough to put in this very short prayer. So unless you understand the economic issues surrounding the gospel Jesus preached, in that it was simultaneously a religious, political and economic gospel, you really don’t understand what he was all about.

JW: But now we have the American Empire.

DRG: Yes, and the American Empire in many ways duplicates the Roman Empire. Many have argued that the last book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation, shouldn’t have been in the Bible because of its rather violent imagery. But it signals as clearly as possible what many of the early Christians thought about the Roman Empire. In other words, it was the incarnation of demonic power. The Roman Empire is known as the Beast, and the Beast was the symbol for Satan. However literally they thought of a satanic figure, there is no doubt they thought that the Roman Empire was demonic. Today, more and more people are saying that America is the new Rome. Some are saying this critically and others with a great sense of pride that we are as powerful, relative to our world, as Rome was relative to its world. In fact, many believe that we are more powerful than Rome because Rome, of course, dominated only a small portion of the planet. However, today’s right-wing ideologues—the neo-cons and fellow travelers—believe America is going to be the first all-inclusive empire in history. It will be the first empire without borders…


(He has also put out six books about 9/11 and American imperialism: The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004))..,==

Anonymous ID: 1e8efc June 15, 2023, 7:34 p.m. No.19014520   🗄️.is 🔗kun


JW: Technology has greatly enhanced the power to reach around and dominate the world.

DRG: That is right. Our communications systems, our air and sea power and now the idea of having weapons in space, this was a central motive the Bush Administration made clear in its document promulgated by the neo-cons. This was the Project for the New American Century in September of 2000 on rebuilding America’s defenses, which spoke to this. Rebuilding partly meant, and most centrally meant, placing weapons in space, which is enormously expensive. It takes trillions of dollars to get a space weapon system operational. Thus, we are talking about an empire that can reach to any part of the globe within seconds. There are documents in which this is talked about with great bravado.

JW: Do you believe the American Empire is as satanic as the Roman Empire?

DRG: Yes. I described some dimensions of this in my book. More people are awakening to the reality of the evil of the American Empire because of what has happened in Iraq. We had a previous awakening during the Vietnam War, and we refer to that as the ‘60s. Since the ‘60s, there has been a counter-movement against criticism of imperialism, which makes us willing to be more aggressively imperialistic. That began most triumphantly after the Soviet Union dissolved. We could now say that we’ve gone from a bipolar or dipolar world to a unipolar world. What is needed is the support of the American people to use military power to dominate the world in a way that we never had before. But as I show in my book, the growth of the Empire is a very long story that goes back to the 18th century, particularly the latter part of the 19th century. It goes as far back as the taking over of Cuba, the Philippines and Hawaii. That is when the American government began taking the Empire beyond the continent. So we have had a period of almost uninterrupted extension of the Empire for the past two centuries. And in many cases, this has involved great evils economically, militarily and in terms of human rights violations. Therefore, we didn’t suddenly become an evil Empire under the reign of Bush and Cheney, but it did become exponentially worse under them. It became more explicitly militaristic. But, to a great extent, this was simply a revelation of practices that we have been carrying on for a long time.

JW: The theory of your book seems to be that a contrived 9/11 was a way to expand the Empire perhaps faster. As you write: “The main alternative theory, which is developed in this book, is that 9/11 was a ‘false-flag’ attack, orchestrated by forces within the U.S. government who made it appear to be the work of Arab Muslims.” What is a false flag attack?

DRG: Historically, when the main form of warfare was with ships, they would raise the flag of their enemy. Sometimes they would use this to get close enough to an enemy ship to shoot it out of the water. Other times, the false flag ship would carry out raids in which the enemy would be blamed. This would then be used as a pretext to launch an all-out war against the enemy. Of course, the enemy was defined as someone whose country or possessions you wanted to take control of. Empires have done this for thousands of years. The United States has done false flag attacks in many cases. The 1898 incident involving the USS Maine is a good example. This ship was put in the harbor in Havana, Cuba, uninvited by anyone, and was then mysteriously blown up. It is still a mystery as to what really happened. But it is not a mystery that it was not the Spanish who blew it up. They had no motivation. They did not want us to come into the war. The last thing they would have wanted was to give us a pretext for coming into the war.

JW: So a false flag operation is a way to manipulate the American public to allow those in power to basically do what they want to do

DRG: Other governments have done the same. For example, when Hitler was ready to attack Poland, the Nazis had German soldiers dressed up as Polish soldiers. They snuck over the border and then came back and attacked German outposts along the German border in 21 different places. The next day, after Hitler had launched his attack into Poland, he told the German people and the German Parliament that they had attacked Poland as a defensive reaction to Poland’s attack on Germany.

JW: You intimate that Osama bin Laden was not the mastermind behind 9/11. In fact, in your book you write: “First, in June 2001, when OBL was already America’s “most wanted” criminal, he reportedly spent two weeks in the American Hospital in Dubai, where he was visited by the local CIA agent.”

DRG: Yes, bin Laden was treated by an American doctor. By the summer of 2001, he was supposedly the most wanted terrorist by the American government. We had an easy chance to capture him, and we obviously didn’t do it….