Anonymous ID: 949be1 June 16, 2023, 4:10 a.m. No.19015916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Channeled Message

Using Telepathy to Communicate with ETs | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are beyond the point where we need to have language to communicate. We don’t need to use words and sentences to convey an idea, a thought or a feeling, and yet we do communicate with others all the time by sending energy, by vibrating at a frequency where we know the other, or the collective, will be able to understand us. We know that you have words in your language that attempt to convey a particular meaning, and sometimes you even need to look words up in a dictionary to understand what someone else meant by something they said or wrote.


You do understand that communication issues run rampant there on planet Earth, and you also know that at times there is a need for you to speak up, to communicate, and yet you are often left with the very inadequate words that you have to convey meaning, an experience, a thought, a feeling, to someone else or to a group of people. It is, therefore, to your benefit to consider how you can communicate with other people using your energy, using vibration. It is time for you to start to consider yourselves to be telepathic and to have the potential of experiencing telepathy all the time.


And it is time for you to do that because that is going to happen in the future. That is the way you are going to communicate with one another and with extra-terrestrials as well. Therefore, acknowledge the limitations that you have in communicating right now with words, and seek to go beyond that experience in all the ways that you can. Use body language and your eyes, as well as touch and movement to communicate what you want to, and you will find that there are others who will want to do the same with you.


And as you start to engage in this way with one another, you will get better at being able to receive from the higher realms and higher-frequency beings and collectives such as ourselves. We are conveying so much more right now than Daniel here is able to interpret and transmit to all of you, and that is why those of you who are willing to watch the video presentation of this transmission are going to get more out of it. You who are sensitive and who are open to us are always getting more out of these transmissions, and we just want to nudge all of you in the direction of having better relationships with each other through exploring other ways that you can communicate what it is that you want to express to another or to a group of individuals. We know you can do it, and we know that we have planted a seed right now that will help you to get there.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Anonymous ID: 949be1 June 16, 2023, 4:12 a.m. No.19015918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6163

Sananda: Will the World End?


Unimaginable discharges

Beloved people,


will the world end or will it come to the end?


You watch the events of the day and you can see everything coming to a head, everything moving in ONE direction, towards an incredible discharge.


This is how it will happen that the diseases that have afflicted this humanity will be cast out.


The healing will be as radical as the events that precede it.


Evil will be rooted out and lies, hatred and discord will be removed from human hearts. All people will have the opportunity to turn back and renounce their false gods in the day that is near.


The present time surpasses in depravity all that has come before. Never before has this earth been so desecrated and never before have people been so abused and duped. Verily, the end times have come.


How to prepare?

In many places you are encouraged to prepare or be prepared. But how will you prepare for the unimaginable or anticipate the unexpected?


This is an impossibility – and so I guide you: Be prepared with GOD!


GOD is the only instance that can and will lead you safely through this time.


Being prepared by stocking up on groceries, water supplies or fuel makes sense and is reassuring – but that’s the smallest part, the part that won’t matter in the end.


In the end it will depend on how much you open yourself to the light and how much you are willing to shed your old life – like a worn coat.


In the end, the transformation of the world occurs through a single creative impulse from the Creator – and you can only prepare for this with GOD.


Don’t be afraid, there’s no reason for that. When fears arise, observe them, accept them, let them rise – like a mist rises before it is dissipated in the light of the sun.


Stay firmly anchored in your heart and listen to eternity, because the GREAT ONE that is GOD accompanies and guides you at every turn.




**Channel: Jahn J Kassl


**Translation to English by