Living all fat on that fixed income that sounded like a good retirement 30 years ago
…living on generic corn flakes and shit
-that's the life.
No wonder you're jealous.
Make a note for a programmer to have a peek into why you can't figure that one out, bot.
The military is being disassembled. It should have never existed as we know it. The only reason for a standing military of this magnitude is conquest …which is what they have been used for.
It will work out in the end.
Oh well wont you be surprised on that day when you get a package suddenly delivered that is postmarked "Afghanistan" and you pop it open to find out they have finally shipped your freedom home to you!
Good plan
…because it is actually just a bill for $80B and they hope you're dumb enough to think it is actually your debt.
Anon who suggests P = Pеспубликанцы made my brain say that would make good sense because we were advised to learn Russian, but also Pеспубликанцы = Republican Party. and that suddenly makes sense to me.
P = Republican Party because Bush family is Republican and also likely one leg of the triangle in their own right, so it follows:
Republican Party = Chair. The Chair serves the Master. The Master = the triangle as a whole.
Republican Party serves the Bush family as one leg of the triangle and thus the triangle as a whole.
Democrats are just useful idiots working for whichever leg spawned Soros.
I'm referencing the one triangle Q described.
The triangles, IMO, are virtually endless, spanning between secret socirties, churches, corporations, government, and any other organization of influence, and overlap like scales of a fish, to create backchannels between them, and to provide a massive body of people under oaths to recruit upward, with a history to show how well they carry those oaths out.