Anonymous ID: 991320 June 16, 2023, 8:05 a.m. No.19016595   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6768 >>6926 >>7027 >>7084 >>7132

SCotUS Today

Next Thursday was added as an order day, as Monday is now Juneteenth.


Justice Jackson unanimous

Lora v US

The question before the court is whether a bar on concurrent sentences in 18 U.S.C. 924(c) extends to a sentence imposed under a different subsection, Section 924(j). The Court holds that it does not.


Justice Kagan, 8-1, Thomas dissents.

US ex rel. Polansky v. Executive Health Resources

The question in this case is whether and when the government has the power to dismiss a whistleblower lawsuit filed under the False Claims Act when it initially declined to take over the case.

Yes, as long as the government intervened at some point int he case.

Anonymous ID: 991320 June 16, 2023, 8:33 a.m. No.19016739   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6758 >>6858 >>7097



You cannot uproot a series of corrupt Agencies, decades entrenched, by virtue of catering to their strengths or arenas of power. But rather your plans must be as impenetrable as the darkest storm, and set to usurp the very conditions upon which their existence relies.

Anonymous ID: 991320 June 16, 2023, 8:56 a.m. No.19016890   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


p. 207

O'Brien smiled slightly. โ€˜You are a flaw in the pattern, Winston. You are a stain that must be

wiped out. Did I not tell you just now that we are different from the persecutors of the past? We

are not content with negative obedience, nor even with the most abject submission. When finally

you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will. We do not destroy the heretic because he

resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner

mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him; we bring him over to our

side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we

kill him. It is intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world,

however secret and powerless it may be. Even in the instant of death we cannot permit any

deviation. In the old days the heretic walked to the stake still a heretic, proclaiming his heresy,

exulting in it. Even the victim of the Russian purges could carry rebellion locked up in his skull

as he walked down the passage waiting for the bullet. But we make the brain perfect before we

blow it out. The command of the old despotisms was โ€œThou shalt notโ€. The command of the

totalitarians was โ€œThou shaltโ€. Our command is โ€œThou artโ€. No one whom we bring to this place

ever stands out against us. Everyone is washed clean. Even those three miserable traitors in

whose innocence you once believed โ€” Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford โ€” in the end we broke

them down. I took part in their interrogation myself. I saw them gradually worn down,

whimpering, grovelling, weeping โ€” and in the end it was not with pain or fear, only with

penitence. By the time we had finished with them they were only the shells of men. There was

nothing left in them except sorrow for what they had done, and love of Big Brother. It was

touching to see how they loved him. They begged to be shot quickly, so that they could die while

their minds were still clean.โ€™

His voice had grown almost dreamy. The exaltation, the lunatic enthusiasm, was still in his face.

He is not pretending, thought Winston, he is not a hypocrite, he believes every word he says.

What most oppressed him was the consciousness of his own intellectual inferiority. He watched

the heavy yet graceful form strolling to and fro, in and out of the range of his vision. O'Brien was

a being in all ways larger than himself. There was no idea that he had ever had, or could have,

that O'Brien had not long ago known, examined, and rejected. His mind contained Winston's

mind. But in that case how could it be true that O'Brien was mad? It must be he, Winston, who

was mad. O'Brien halted and looked down at him. His voice had grown stern again.

Anonymous ID: 991320 June 16, 2023, 9:27 a.m. No.19017040   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7059 >>7082


Proffered the concept this morning that Q also uses P meaning President.

Biden is pResident, holds the chair and apparently a Satan worshipper.



The "Chair" serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

P = C.



But your tired old meme takes a different tack.

How 'bout you scurry back to your own lonely board go divisionfag in a corner by yourself.

Anonymous ID: 991320 June 16, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.19017078   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


He'll walk on the Florida stuff, but be convicted on the Jan 6th nonsense, since that is in a DC court.


The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?



Then, we win.