Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.1901715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1725 >>1732 >>1764 >>1776

Nine countries agree to the formation of a European defense force


A start towards a multilateral security arrangement totally independent of America

Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 1:49 p.m. No.1901721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1736 >>1818 >>1900 >>1983 >>2494

Founder of Virtual Reality warns we should all DELETE all social media accounts to avoid “mass human behavioral engineering”


Does social media actually bring people closer together, or is it all an illusion with a much darker purpose? Jaron Lanier, one of the founding fathers of virtual reality, believes social media is a toxic space, serving only to leave people feeling sadder, angrier and more alone. In his new book, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Lanier outlines a few of the most concerning aspects of social media.


It’s not a secret that the youth of today spend more time glued to their cellphones, browsing Facebook and Twitter, texting and taking selfies, than they spend in the “real world.”


You might argue that social media is a “virtual reality” in its own right: It’s a space where users can craft and control the image their friends see. A Facebook profile (or Twitter, Instagram or what have you) is, essentially, an avatar. Conversely, by choosing what you’re allowed to see, Facebook and the like can influence your perceptions and behavior. So who better to divulge the dangers of this new world than an expert in virtual reality?

Social media is an addiction by design


In an article for The Guardian, Lanier noted that Facebook is designed to take up as much of your time and attention as possible. Social media was created to be addictive — and through this addiction, this constant need for access, behavioral engineering becomes not only possible, but perhaps, inevitable.


In a statement to Channel 4 News, Lanier reportedly explained that social media sites get people “hooked through a scheme of rewards and punishment, and the rewards are when you’re retweeted and the punishment is when you’re treated badly by others online, and then within that we’ll very gradually start to leverage that, to change them.”


“It’s this very kind of stealthy manipulation of the population,” he contended.


Psychologists have also spoken out about how “Facebook likes” and such are manipulating the human psyche via positive reinforcement. “Likes” and “shares” hit the reward center in you brain, similar to drugs.


Lanier further described the intricacies of social media’s effects on humans in his book:


The algorithm is trying to capture the perfect parameters for manipulating a brain, while the brain, in order to seek out deeper meaning, is changing in response to the algorithm’s experiments…Because the stimuli from the algorithm doesn’t mean anything, because they genuinely are random, the brain isn’t responding to anything real, but to a fiction. That process – of becoming hooked on an elusive mirage – is addiction.”


In addition to keeping you on the hamster wheel, social media sites are engineered to elicit emotions from you. These corporate giants don’t just make you sad and anxious by accident– they are doing it on purpose.

Social media a tool for social engineering


Lanier argues throughout the book that social media has become a behavior modifier — and there is plenty of evidence to support his claims. Look no further than the well-documented links between social media and anxiety for proof. As explains, there are a number of ways in which your Facebook or Twitter accounts can contribute to an increase in anxiety. Further, social media is reportedly more addictive than cigarettes, and a much harder habit to quit.


In an interview, Lanier explained that many of the negative emotions people experience at the hands of social media are by design. “We can addict you by squirting out bits of positive and negative emotions for you over time…If you do what we want, we give you some positive feedback. If you don’t do what we want, we make you feel bad,” he stated.


Lanier added that negative emotions, like fear, anxiety or sadness, are actually cheaper and easier for social media networks to stir up — and society as a whole has become a bit darker and more paranoid because of that.


Among other concerns, Lanier’s book outlines how social media is making people less empathetic, more unhappy and generally reducing the meaning and quality of human interactions. Learn more about the woes of modern technology at

Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.1901738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1755 >>2192

Four Presidents Conspired To Give $100 Billion to Israel Secret

Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.1901763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1894 >>2007

Europe Votes To Forever Change The Internet As We Know It



Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.1901772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1788 >>1815 >>2357

Tom Steyer: To Win Midterms, Democrats Must Promise to Impeach Trump

Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.1901813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1844 >>1900 >>1938

QAnon: The Script – Alice In Wonderland


Q referred many times in the beginning to Alice & Wonderland. Why Alice & Wonderland, instead of Alice In Wonderland. Well, Alice in Wonderland was written in 1865 by Lewis Carroll and he used Alice Liddle as his inspiration for Alice the character. Many suggest Carroll was a pedophile, and Wonderland = the world of the pedophile. I would suggest that was true. In chapter 6, Carroll turns a little boy into a pig. Carroll was fond of young girls, and didn’t like the threat of young boys.



Now, for the interpretation. Alice in Wonderland is a script, followed by Q team to give us researchers a general timeline of events that have taken place, and are planned to take place this year. There are 12 chapters in AiW.


Each chapter represents a month in the Q script. Here is the outline.


Part 1/2

Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.1901859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US, UK Financing 54 Militia Groups in Syria Despite Trump Vow to ‘Get Out’


Despite US President Donald Trump vowing “I want to get out” of Syria to “bring our troops back home” a few months ago, a new report indicates the US military and a cohort of allies including Israel, Britain, France, Jordan and “some Persian Gulf states” are still supporting some 54 militia groups in Syria.


The US, Russia and United Nations all designate al-Nusra Front, also known as al-Qaeda in Syria, a terrorist organization. But for some reason, the terror group's fighters appear "to be deeply entrenched alongside these US-backed militias in key, strategic towns and villages scattered throughout" the southern part of Syria, The American Conservative reported Sunday.


"US media and think tanks obfuscate this fact by referring to all opposition fighters as ‘rebels' or ‘moderates,'" the report notes.


The terror group has operated under other names, including Tahrir al-Sham, yet has not changed its pro-al-Qaeda orientation.


According to the report, the Nusra Front is "openly fighting" with the so-called "Southern Front." The Southern Front is "a group of 54 opposition militias funded and commanded by a US-led war room based in Amman, Jordan, called the Military Operations Center (MOC)" the article revealed.


The MOC provides intelligence, financing, weapons, individual salaries and training to each and every one of the 54 militias. While acknowledging the specifics about the US-led war room in Jordan are sparse, the American Conservative cites sources within Syria to support the assertion that the US is not alone in its support for violent militias in Syria. One detail in the report states that MOC was established in February 2014.


The US-aligned Free Syrian Army is reportedly in cahoots with the Nusra Front, whereby the the Nusra Front will operate alongside the FSA. "They offer their services and cooperate with us, they are better armed than we are, they have suicide bombers and know how to make car bombs," an FSA fighter told The National in 2014.


Even more interesting, the FSA relies on the Nusra Front to carry out offensives under the guise of being FSA combatants, which are more well-received in the international community. "In many battles al-Nusra takes part, but we don't tell the operations room [MOC, that is] about it and sometimes we'll even say that al-Nusra fighters are really from the FSA to enable them to move more easily across borders," one FSA commander told The National.



Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.1902167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2301

SARA CARTER: Chairman Nunes Does Not Expect Rosenstein to Comply as Deadline to Turn Over Russia Docs Looms


As previously reported, Rep. Devin Nunes sent a new letter to the DOJ on Sunday. Nunes is giving the Rosenstein and the DOJ until Monday at 5 PM to turn over the rest of the documents on the illegal spying on the Trump campaign.

Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.1902197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2237

Judicial Watch Files House Ethics Complaint Against Maxine Waters For Inciting Violence Against Trump Officials


The corrupt and useless Rep. Maxine Waters went on MSNBC this weekend and declared war on Republicans.>>1902190

Anonymous ID: d017bd June 25, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.1902206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2232 >>2480

Trump Aides Urged To Arm Themselves As Democrats Step Up Threatening Rhetoric


As the simmering outrage among liberals over President Trump's "zero tolerance" border policy continues unabated - despite Trump's decision to sign an executive order to stop the separations of minors from their parents - several Republican lawyers are urging members of the Trump Administration to arm themselves to defend against any unhinged individuals who might be looking to do them harm - particularly in the wake of calls by a certain Democratic politician for protesters to "attack" White House employees.