Anonymous ID: 3361b0 June 16, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.19017504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7538 >>7734

>>19017116 (pb)

'order ab chao' - order from chaos


the eye could be the 'eye of set/satan' (god of chaos) i.e. the worst interpretation of reality = 'the (((inbred))) viewpoint' as how the worst other than inbred jew is the P(edo) child rapist viewpoint of reality.


the 'inbred viewpoint' is to deny that inbreeding equals heritable genetic diseases indicating that the eternal soul is lost and with no soul to protect eternally there is nothing preventing someone inbred from always being as evil as possible i.e. satanic = to pretend that nothing really matters i.e. the 'order from chaos' or kill themselves as the inbred judas.


that it is enclosed in a pyramid/triangle is to say that the satanic viewpoint of inbred people is separate from the universe of Jesus, however as it exists 'simultaneously' is 'brings light' (lucifer) to the fact that some are already in the hell to eternally avoid. That it is surrounded by angels could mean that 'angels' can figure out how to trap satan outside of their universe as well by never promoting bad behaviour as you only need time to think.


satanic/set i.e. inbreeding viewpoint trapped in geometric triangle polygon ~ how P(edo) fits in saturn cube


the 'never become P(edo)' Christogram is to indicate the same, that Christ is separate/isolated from P(edo) child rapist also existing 'simultaneously' and this is established by eternally avoiding child rape, symbolized by its encapsulation in a circle.


that un-encapsulated version (the unestablished version) of 'never become P(edo)' forms the saturn cube which forms the star of remphan (called 'star of (((david)))') is to understand that until you establish to eternally avoid P(edo) to avoid hell it will be of use for satan/saturn.

Anonymous ID: 3361b0 June 16, 2023, 12:49 p.m. No.19017868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7874 >>7879



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