Long guns including the AR make up a very small percentage of gun deaths. You are more likely to be killed by a knife, shovel or someone's bare fucking hands. Just got here. Someone use an AR to kill some people?
FNC bowing to the the tranny, faggot movement. Read Matt Walsh's thread on this. Unfuckingbelievable. Keep it up FNC. You are going down the same road as Bud Lite you fucking morons.
Wonder how many other ways there are to depoplate the world?
You're the faggot, faggot.
Comcast promoting the LGBTQJNUTBDBIUIO propaganda. Despise comcast.
Errant fingers. Thanks for having my back anon!!! kek
We all grew up knowing a fucking hump like Biden. Moar cool, moar hip, moar with it blah, blah, blah. Always tries to make himself out to be a 1000x's better, funnier, hipper JACK!!!!
Prize winning economist. Bet he can't balance his own fucking checkbook this faggot.
They all do. 160 years running now.